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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. So we prospectively have the farce of Sheerin and Holt giving the football operations update and being binned the day after once the new board get their feet in? It's nonsensical. Even factoring in the "new broom" view the new board have less to gain than the old board doing it as they're stock can't get any lower with the fan base so attach them to that and take credit for the new appointment.
  2. Have just realised what's going on! Holt has been going through his list of managerial replacements and is now trying to land the 14th best candidate I genuinely don't understand this thinking. It's not the case he's the old boards man so they're leaving it to the new one to do the deed. This decision should be unanimous that both agree he can't continue in post. What arguments could the current incumbents make for him continuing after yesterday and when you take the last few months into consideration? If anything it's spite of the current office holders leaving the incoming ones to fix their mess and another giant F.U. against all their detractors.
  3. Honest tae f**k how have we not announced his departure yet! Any board member having watched this team for a number of weeks (months!) allied to the embarrassing performance yesterday could quickly assess that Sheerin can't turn this around and acted immediately. In saying that, strong leadership is what is required and we definitely don't have that! Act now and sort out the details later.
  4. Sadly any manager coming in faces an uphill struggle. January recruitment is key as the squad isn't good enough and unbalanced. However, Holt is the elephant-in-the-room. I suspect even the new BOD members will agree with avoiding the cycle of binning teams every year so we're stuck with him in order to provide the "stability" they crave. What a horrendous mess we have found ourselves in.
  5. More dithering from the BOD. Regardless of changes to come this week the unanimous decision should be to have dispensed with Sheerin already. Incredible to think any current or future member would be in disagreement that his times up. All hope is lost under Sheerin - reflected on the pitch and soon to be in the stands if he's allowed to continue. A paltry attendance by the fans for the Cove game should be used to signal that enough is enough should he remain in place preparing the team this week.
  6. I see what you did there It must do scouts pan in looking at all these plain players rising through the game. Players of old are toast!
  7. Please tell me this is a parody account Gary Holt "Sporting Director"
  8. I've had dealings with one of the characters mentioned in previous posts not connected to his capacity at Falkirk - I found a wholly unimpressive attitude. How he holds the positions he has beggars belief.
  9. Not shocked at Dave Mac's treatment but taken a-back that Falkirk's media dept. have plans The whole situation presented is shambolic
  10. It looks like a pretty bobbly pitch and his 1st touch takes him too close to the keeper. Credit to him for being aware of his team mate and laying it back.
  11. Particularly candid comments from Jamie MacDonald about the 2015 Scottish Cup Final when he played with us.
  12. From what I read here - Some want a change of ownership Some want the ownership to change the board Most want Holt out Most want "better" players Some want a different playing style Some want a different formation We all want out League 1 pronto! Some want all of the above
  13. Aye it does come across a bit like that but reading today some brilliant takes on here like McGuffie being horrendous and then seconds later he's scored but still gets pelters. We've got to have some balance instead of it always, always being shit or not good enough. No one will care come May how rancid Clyde were if it's 3pts towards promotion
  14. Jeez! I know it's not been great from our perspective considering budget vs. points return but perhaps another reading of the league is that every team, on their day, is capable of beating one another and it's pretty competitive. Let's remember we won today before ripping the team selection, individuals or performance.
  15. Indeed. I meant that the content at least takes account of trends and doesn't seem formulaic like ours - Match info, 50/50, interviews on repeat. I'd like to see player profiles, behind-the-scenes stuff and less video content actually - save on mobile bandwidth! With our much discussed player turnover there has to be a bond cultivated with this group beyond what we see on a match day. Appreciate it's interns/work experience behind it but even clubs like Stenny are ahead using similar resources.
  16. Shots fired! Putting this down as another SM team besting any content I've seen from ours lately.
  17. Nice mock-up! I've put too much thought into this already but my idea was to make it kit like with the Falkirk badge and S T A T E M E N T as the 'sponsor' - with "that's a " smaller above it. On the reverse there would be the text "not a question" following the shape of the question mark and resembling a shirt number. Print that and you can take my money now
  18. Hear me out on this but I think the Club retail dept. should be all over this by now. Turn what has been a negative into a positive and churn out a limited run of t-shirts with the, now iconic, line alongside the branding. "Falkirk FC That's a statement, not a question - Since 1876" It's gone viral enough we'd surely have a market for them as shown by the reach its had.
  19. Ayr, Raith and Partick didn't do that to any degree more than we have. Arbroath the exception but they have Dick Campbell who could probably make me a baller! If anything, the obvious factor might be management - McCall (2), McGlynn and Campbell - but then we had experience in Ray, who contributed so much to where we find ourselves now.
  20. Yeah. Noticeably less engagement than when he was at Stenny, so far. Comparing what he did there to what he's doing now is unfair.
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