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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. Again your talking about the DG situation and that's not what some are criticising. That's a sideshow imo and I agree doesn't need a statement. Whenever there is silence the void will be filled by speculation and that's exactly what is happening.
  2. That's conflating two different things with what some posters are actually asking. "Skeletons" doesn't preclude small improvements to the running of the club which, by now, should be rippling through. As it is it there is no discernible difference from before and after the AGM.
  3. Anyone proof reading these? Hoping COVID isn't still a thing come July!
  4. Isn't that what we employed a DoF for? The club "employs" a lot of staff yet there appears to be a heavily centralised management structure in place. Who ultimately sets the direction and who is the public face of the club - Jamie Swinney, Chairman X, Rawlins duo? Let's be honest, the new board weren't taken by surprise by their appointment as they'd lobbied for their inclusion previously. I dare say they didn't base their position on a wing-and-a-prayer so must've had a plan or vision ahead of taking the roles. I understand there has been compromise but what have they managed to effect so far based on their aims?
  5. I think our media team might be avid readers of this forum
  6. There's putting a value on a product and then there's plucking a number out your ar*e! Alloa have gone for the latter. Have they done this to discourage home fans from buying PPV?
  7. We're definitely behind other clubs with smaller resources. With so much of our lives having been led at a distance theses last few years, the club could engage better using the platforms they have. We appear to have two media officers yet the output is very formulaic. Credit where it's due you can set your watch by what we get but club shop opening times, match highlights and how to watch are the bare minimum of fan engagement in my view.
  8. This is the downfall of possession based football. It makes sense to retain the ball and stretch the opposition by either making them disjointed or tiring them out so that spaces open up for the attackers to exploit. However, when your attackers don't have the quality - more often than not - or you find a team who are organised and deny the space the tactic isn't worth sh*t. I'd rather very short, quick phases of play to outnumber teams when attacking than high retention with no threat as we have now. Would also help if our midfield were able to win 2nd balls instead of relying on Keena or Ruth winning it far from goal.
  9. File this beside Ray McKinnon's phone book - Months of compiling stats and producing profiles of players and we manage to pull one out who worked with the DoF at his last gig. Are they related?
  10. Don't know too much about the AT-S but the one thing he does have going for him, from what I can see, is height. Agree I think he'll play left of a back three and doubt we'll see much more of Lemon this season. Dixon - when fit - will probably go back to LB and McCann to be used further forward. Hopefully AT-S can organise a defence and help Hall and McKay regain some form. Also agree with other posters that there are other, more pressing, areas of the squad to address but he's free and available so seems like an easy position to fill.
  11. I thought Hall was best of the three. That's not saying much tho ... Lemon doesn't appear to have the physicality required and I've already made my feelings clear on McKay. I'm more interested in central defenders being able to head and clear than play out. We seem to have forgotten that fundamental of the game!
  12. Having watched the highlights McKay had an absolute shocker. It was his swing-and-miss attempt before Clyde's missed chance from yards out and he's left for dead when Lemon had to clear off-the-line. He leads with the arm for the penalty and then his complete misreading of the aerial ball for Clyde's winner. Sheerin and now Rennie being let down by their experienced players. Sort the defence out and I think the rest would start to gel. As it is we've never had a solid platform so our lack of goals has been brought into sharp focus.
  13. That was painful. We're not going to get a tune out of much of this dross. Entire squad looks like it lacks any belief and will be interesting to hear Rennie's thoughts. That resembled a Sheerin performance so the honeymoon is well and truly over!
  14. You should have received an email but I had to contact their support address as I don't seem to get emails from Falkirk even though I've opted in. Credit where it's due - they were very prompt to reply
  15. I'll take from your responses that you think it unreasonable that the administrators and operators of these platforms and systems within the club couldn't do anymore. On past experience we shouldn't really have expected any better as anyone who has dealt with the administrative side of the club knows it often leaves a lot to be desired.
  16. How about the club invest in in this area and stop relying on the goodwill of volunteers for a lot of skilled work that should be paid. Falkirk are a £M+ organisation and events company they'd have you believe so they could start acting like one
  17. I think Jamie Swinney made mention of "family bubbles/parents and kids/carers" - That is a straightforward query of ticket types and I'd hope the necessary referential integrity is in place to give a number of season ticket holders who fall into those categories mentioned. From there it then becomes how you want to slice those datasets. As everyone is saying, 500 isn't a huge amount and 380 is smaller still so it can't be unreasonable to select a subset. Once you add in contacting those who are in your 1st cut - discounting those who don't answer or forego there ticket once notified - you can then quickly cover off that number because you will have factored in that a parent(s) + U12(s) are so many from one set and so on. If the data isn't accurate or doesn't support what I've outlined above you then resort to asking fans to queue in miserable weather, to enter an enclosed space where a more transmissible virus thrives to get a ticket on a first served basis increasing exposure for everyone. The governments criteria is unfathomable and we can criticise them for that but equally the club is open to criticism for it's implementation of a system to adhere to them.
  18. I'd venture one of the main issues which has prevented a reasonable outcome is a lack of data or understanding of what data the club holds about season ticket holders. It would seem other clubs using a similar provider haven't had an issue using a ballot. That indicates the platform can accommodate such a thing but ultimately requires good data practices (data quality) or good configuration (data capture). As a data geek I'd have hoped that the club was using all sources available to them (TicketHour, FalkirkTV, hospitality, Junior bairns etc) to influence decision making so when these issues are flung up it's not a shot-in-the-dark.
  19. Anyone know if this is likely to be the case for ST bought at the beginning of the season or had similar info? I've not had any correspondence from the club with updated info since yesterdays announcement.
  20. Unfortunately I think we're caught between a rock and a hard place with this now. Arbroath won't want to lose him and he's already said he's keen to stay there - I can't see him coming back and starting - so on face of it, it suits all parties for Arbroath to keep him. However, our lack of goals makes it seem like we're shunning a player in-form but can he be motivated similarly if he returned? Bit of a clusterf**k for the management team to decide on.
  21. He can't do that on his own though, so by association the new board & Rennie are also going to "piss it up a wall". It does seem like a flimsy excuse not to invest.
  22. Having been heavily sceptical since the announcement I'll admit I'm warming to Rennie. Having listened and watched some of the content online he's participated in he appears to talk-the-talk and any viewer couldn't help but be enthused and impressed by him. I still think he has a job on his hands and from outside looking in I'd also suggest the board have competing agendas to resolve before we see green shoots of recovery. If - and it's still a big IF in my view - he can follow through on the approach and ideas he clearly believes in then we'll be in a better place than now.
  23. Indeed, I am! Reason being because if we are to do another volte face it's yet more cash spaffed in pursuit of competing agendas.
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