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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. That should signal to the fans that the season has effectively ended and attendance at any further games is unnecessary. I said yesterday that based on the game having no manager has no material effect so he should be dispensed with. Put him on gardening leave if we're not renewing.
  2. The stadium advertising is a completely false impression. So much "free" advertising for businesses who haven't renewed or no longer exist. It's clearly a hard sell and gotten harder.
  3. I don't think he's finished but he can't do it all on his own. I expected more but this team has given him absolutely nothing. The fact he's now on corners says it all.
  4. Griffith's is not the problem here. His attitude has been spot on but ultimately we aren't stumping up a wedge for that. Any player - regardless of wage - that should be the minimum.
  5. On past record they have to. Sheerins dismissal came after the culmination of poor performances and eventual capitulation at Firhill. If anything Rennies is more clear cut as he's not arrested that slide, has a worse (worsening) record and now can't even get the players up for a home game which pre-match he said had to be the catalyst for TFS becoming a fortress and then we were subjected to yesterday's performance. Any other outcome and the BoD just look caught in the headlights and nothing they do can rectify our situation.
  6. The merry-go-round about who did what and who is culpable is becoming tedious. I agree with @Back Post Misses that Holt was likely involved as he was SD at the time and this would have been in his remit. There are many questions we could ask about oversight of whether he was fulfilling his role properly e.g. one player identified rumour and the "adminstrative error" to put it kindly. However, the bottom line is whatever the method used to identify suitable players, whether outsourced, in-house or dial-a-player isn't working. Perhaps the new scout will improve us but Rennie shouldn't be the beneficiary as he clearly can't see the deficiencies as per the Falkirk Herald article. Bemoaning losing a barely improved CB pairing over yesterdays when it's blatantly obvious the issues lie further forward and glossing over the fact that not one of his midfield are capable of doing the job they're selected for. Tonights statement cannot come soon enough!
  7. As I posted earlier the BOD can be in no doubt that Rennie *and* Miller can't be the guys to take us forward and should be dispensed with immediately. They only need to ask how the players can train so well during the week - according to the head coach - and yet that translates to worsening performances when it matters. Something doesn't add up and we also need to get to the root of why we always struggle AT HOME! Why does every other team enjoy our surface except us it seems.
  8. A thought crossed my mind towards the end that I might throw my ST on the pitch at the end in disgust. Then I realised it's got my name on and they'd probably just mail it back to me
  9. As per Sheerin I expect the announcement tomorrow evening.
  10. Not entirely unbelievable. He was sporting director at that stage.
  11. Can't argue with that assessment but I also can't say Griffith's attitude hasn't been spot on. I wanted and expected more from him but in this team the world's best would suffer.
  12. Ironic that Sheerins points are what's keeping us up.
  13. He has to walk tonight. His position is untenable and so there is nothing to gain in keeping him now. There is no discernible difference between having a manager and not now for the remainder of the season.
  14. I'm sure we do. In Morrisons case this was an existing player who had started the season well and I assume had been re-assured by medical professionals that the injury and recovery was straightforward. We did what any club would do and looked to tie down an asset on a longer deal to protect ourselves from other clubs and also to potentially reassure CM that he was integral to the side - at that point. Speculating here but having him return sooner than he was ready (through his or managements fault) may have complicated his recovery and now he and we are suffering when needed most.
  15. I've got no axe to grind with old/new boards but fans don't care about accounting practices and software packages. They want to see results on the park and in tangible things. I've recently interacted with the club and my experience has been no different than on any occasion under Laing and KK, Dean's and JS or the new incumbents. If it's improving then its glacial not gradual!
  16. I was in favour a few weeks ago but the arguments for retaining him are becoming lesser by the week. Probably mentioned elsewhere but Queens Park have operated with their SD, who has never managed in Britain, for almost as long as we've had Rennie and Coyle won't start until June yet they will finish miles ahead of us in reality. Rennie has completely failed the task set and we should just cut out losses now.
  17. That all may be very true but on the face of it absolutely nothing has changed. From the pitch to the day-to-day running of the club I doubt any fan could point to one single area of improvement. plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
  18. After this I want to see MR take no prisoners! The inconsistency has killed us and the cool headed approach is no longer going to cut it. Time to call out those who are letting him down. He's got nothing to lose now
  19. Next one is Saturday 2nd April @ 1730 in Behind the Goals - After the Montrose game.
  20. I'll back @Back Post Misses up on this one. Can imagine Sheerin signing more Michael Ruth types than the players Rennie did. Rennie has bobbled along, middle of the road - some good, some bad - but Sheerin had us nosediving and didn't have any answers as he said in his post-mathc interviews.
  21. I don't necessarily think that was Raiths case - They finished 2nd, 3rd and 1st in the years they were down so at least were competitive. Something we haven't been for 2 seasons.
  22. I would assume a part-time approach is similar to an international setup where the focus is on shape, set-plays and drills rather than fitness due to limited time with those players. As "professionals" being, and remaining, physically fit outside training is the #1 criteria unless you choose not to.
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