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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. Since your so fond of downplaying last nights match how about we agree that playing at home, you narrowly defeated a newly promoted side and leave it at that .
  2. Confirms he hasn't watched the highlights and is misremembering what actually happened if they were there
  3. The whole budget debate is rather tedious Football is littered with examples of spending a lot to achieve not very much - I'm not dismissing it's a factor but it's not always the deciding one. It's arguable that spending it wisely has a bigger effect on outcomes to state the blindingly obvious!
  4. I never thought we'd be accused of being "hammer throwers" - Quite pleasing to see we've rattled a few of them . I get the impression some opposing fans think we're here to make up the numbers
  5. Benefit of the doubt that Hendo's positioning made Sneddon hesitant and neither of them took control. If you were being harsh then Adams wasn't central enough hence the mismatch which ended up with Spencer and Dowds competing for the ball. It's going to happen and best it happens now than the league.
  6. Not a legal statute as such but is in the SPFL articles of association.
  7. I'll caveat this post by saying I haven't tried any of the Pie Sports pies yet so can't comment on the quality but in respect to all the other staples sold I'm not sure they can improve the quality of a Mars bar, tea or soft-drink syrup so much that it justifies the price hike to the extent they have. I'm not in favour of an organised boycott but people can choose not to buy it.
  8. There will be a % grass stipulation which is how the poorer surfaces will be allowed to remain playable even though they will look horrendous in comparison. It will be anything but the lush, green carpets the "grass only" brigade have in their minds.
  9. The real test of the surfaces will be in the winter months. However, anecdotally, it's been apparent that the wet summer we've had has made it difficult for groundsman in Scotland - whether that is more so than usual remains to be seen. The 12 will be under heavy scrutiny to see how the teams 6th - 12th fair in relation to playing surfaces.
  10. P&B would cease to exist if we all agreed about everything! Credit to Ross and John that they're honesty and candour means they've become faces that fans can attribute contrary views to. I'm sure it'll be addressed on this week's podcast and has provided some grist for the mill on here. Such is life, you can't please all of the people, all of the time.
  11. I read the OP comment as in regard to FTV. The FSS survey says ...
  12. This is the gripe I have with the perception that we've not given McGlynn - or any other incumbent - enough budget. Vast sums of money are spent by clubs, at all levels, every season and there are finite barometers of success and although the team with the biggest budget usually prevails there will be those who have the 2nd largest who end up abysmal.
  13. Looking back it's mental it even got that far down the road. A salutary lesson and one we shouldn't forget in pursuit of the seemingly never-ending funding football consumes.
  14. Is there evidence that Dunfermline budgeted for higher than 6th?
  15. I think we agree mostly but this just doesn't make any sense. Where are these supposed investors waiting to throw cash at us?
  16. Benefit-of-the-doubt that Super Simon isn't trolling as such. Read his reply in the RR thread and the impression I get is he isn't a McGlynn fan and would have dismissed him after failing to go up at the 1st attempt - ignoring all of the factors that in hindsight suggest he made a decent fist of it - a SC semi, 2nd place, LC group win - considering our title rivals, where we were the season before, what he inherited before ultimately failure. On the other hand, last season is to be dismissed because of all the factors they think contributed to our success trump the others - poorer teams, McGlynn not being challenged and evidently better players because the Championship is superior or the manager is a dinosaur. I don't think there is ever pleasing some fans - They berate rewarding success and stability by demanding a raft of new faces or belittling actual achievements because managers and players can't be seen to evolve or grow - they're frozen in aspic and can never improve but only regress.
  17. How do you know this isn't what has been done?
  18. Indeed but then we'd have a really thin squad if this superstar were to get injured! McGlynn hasn't resigned any of these guys because of sentiment and he has the right to be trusted, at the moment, that it was the correct call.
  19. How long before someone hires the community pitch for Saturday's 3pm...
  20. If you tolerate this, your children's (U12 tickets) will be next.
  21. Regarding the new food and beverage supplier - As they say, fans can show their displeasure by not buying. That will soon prompt a rethink. They are only charging what they think the fans will pay after all.
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