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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. If option A of switching FTV is unworkable then why don't we move all of the main stand patrons to the East side ... Solutions not problems, folks
  2. North West - More like John West with that bait
  3. You don't stop looking for improvements and striving for better just because everything appears to be rosy. You can innovate to keep ahead and avoid resting on your laurels - as we've seen with other developments. It doesn't need to be viewed as criticism.
  4. Out-of-interest, was the multi-camera setup implemented on the live stream on Friday @Bairn in Exile? Our highlights appear to suggest it wasn't but that could just be a lack of time between editing and publishing.
  5. Obviously not but potentially that could be a fix going forward.
  6. The reason is because they can only blanket ban postcodes (EH) and not specific ones (EH1 ). So, unfortunately if you have an Edinburgh postcode but are a Falkirk fan it will need to be done in-person. It is with the ticket provider developers I had overheard but unlikely to be resolved soon.
  7. Have to agree with others and perhaps not made clear in my earlier post but I don't think singling out U1876 is helpful. A minor problem but any reminder should be directed at ALL and not just the Ultras. Regarding Friday night, I too am in the KM and most I heard was "Hate the Fifers, clap your hands" but not to say much worse wasn't sung.
  8. I think it's a mixture of everything required. SLO, JS on the QT if they have influence and a catch-all statement from the club this week just as a reminder that misbehaviour and/or tragedy chanting is unacceptable. We think and hope we'll be better than them on the park but let's definitely be better than them off the park.
  9. This has aged much better than I ever could have hoped!
  10. I'm a fair man - McKenna impressed me in the period he was on. Much more to my liking. On Donaldson's injury - taking it as a positive that he managed to walk over to the KM and do the FD armband giveaway himself and he didn't look like he was hobbling.
  11. Laughable the cards the ref dished out when compared to some of the tackles the QP #8 steamed into. Looked like Spencer made that same point to the ref with regard to the one he got given. Onto the game and gaps appearing everywhere for both teams. Felt we shaded it overall.
  12. McPake tried to sign, New players for Dunferm-line, Nobody wanted to come to the Pars, Made a tit of signing a goalie, Now he's sat on his arse!
  13. Decent until it became passive aggressive at the end
  14. Our greatest achievement was paying players on time irrespective of what league we were in. Would recommend
  15. I can almost forgive QP for a shitty support - it must be hard visiting a different ground - home and away - every week
  16. Wish he'd done a disappearing act sooner and took Hartley et al with him!
  17. I Oh...you! might be more appropriate based on the news
  18. Hamilton have been affected by crowd strike for quite some time ...
  19. "You can't appreciate the sun until you've stood in the rain" /
  20. I am hanging a lot of optimism on the fact we have, at the moment, one of the unquantifiable factors that make teams successful - Momentum. Hoping that can be sustained over the league campaign as much as possible and see where we shake out.
  21. Aye that's where I found myself and certainly in regards to my current view on McKenna but the sway towards all the ex-Rovers boys being muck and the subtext that Ian Murray is a tactical genius in comparison to someone like McGlynn had me miffed. I can concede that I and McGuigan probably have our blinkers on!
  22. Feel like allowing some form of standing should be explored. The experience of Edinburgh City and what they've been allowed to get away with could allow some extra capacity without too much permanent infrastructure being required.
  23. Just listened to The Terrace podcast lower-league preview and the Falkirk section was a roller-coaster! Began nodding along in agreement and ended up settling on the pair of them are talking sh*te Overall, I think their final prediction is about right but the preamble to get to that conclusion was a mix of pre-conceived BS and 3rd-hand knowledge. I couldn't do the full 7+ hours
  24. Played silly buggers by insisting on physical, paper tickets a week in advance of the fixture IIRC. That put the onus on our own staff to facilitate sales on Accies behalf despite them having the means themselves via their use of Fanbase. It was trying to inconvenience - some say suppress - the Falkirk support for the sake of it rather than any operational problem. Glad it backfired for them.
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