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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. On a serious note, I concur. McCann the exception to the rule.
  2. Former Championship POTY and top-scorer is about as marquee as we could get - so far.
  3. This. It's the small moments where for someone of his experience I expected he'd exhibit the quality and nous. For the "marquee" signing of the summer - so far - I'm just slightly underwhelmed.
  4. Doubtful. Maybe my expectations were higher and I'm being harsh but at the moment I'm still to be won over by him.
  5. For me, the jury is very much out on McKenna at the moment. Whether it's the switch to full-time or playing catch-up in pre-season he hasn't impressed me.
  6. Shanley was unlucky with a couple of headers - one of which was a great save by Jamieson in all honesty. However, his shooting left a lot to be desired. Everything powderpuff and down Jamieson's throat.
  7. I'll hazard a guess: Football! I am cynically now of the opinion that no amount of revenue ever satisfies the costs clubs incur. I don't doubt we'd have done the same if we'd had access to the funds. "Sustainability" is the buzzword clubs have co-opted to mean the transfer of wealthy owners cash onto the ordinary fan through mass commercialisation of everything. ... Park life!
  8. On a completely different vein I see ICT have accepted an offer for a majority stake from a "sports venture capitalist". The Mark Campbell episode immediately springs to mind . Must now be the most at risk club in the SPFL .
  9. You can definitely infer that and it probably was meant to be taken that way but the preceding part of the interview suggests the context could be that the BoD are possibly setting unrealistic expectations It's unclear and perhaps that's why it's caused such a kerfuffle.
  10. Willing to give benefit-of-the-doubt that he's badly worded the answer: It may have been better to say - my emphasis: That would have taken any ambiguity out of the situation. As it is you can speculate that there is a stooshie brewing or that it's a storm in a tea cup. Grist for this week's mill I suppose!
  11. Maybe getting long in the tooth but I increasingly find that when X is offered as a solution to a players deficiencies then 9/10 times that player isn't going to improve - Ola and Allan being the most recent examples. Those that are going to kick-on usually do it in relatively short order instead of waiting for the stars to align. I like Alfie but I just can't see him dislodging others.
  12. Aye, nae chance! Ageyman looked good at the beginning of last season but as the squad quality has risen, he has struggled to command a starting berth. He's too inconsistent for me and not would be very similar to Allan if played centrally.
  13. McGlynns comments have left a sour taste - it's an odd thing to have said. Will listen with interest to FD podcast with Jamie Swinney but it's another reminder that football has a cost control problem rather than a revenue one. It's inevitable, to me, that the fabled 3rd-leg would still not be enough to satisfy the seemingly insatiable demand for cash.
  14. It's petty and futile. Blane admits he only wants Falkirk to win so suspect when we're not he doesn't go - thus harming "us". Does that mean Blane also avoids cup games etc where gates are split - absolutely non-sensical drivel.
  15. Anyone know if their scorers were giving it big licks again p***k
  16. I've got a signed away one which I used to joke was the worst Falkirk team in history until Hartley and MacKinnon knocked it out the park
  17. ... May also have been down to Jason Lee, Keiran MacAnespie and James Sharp wearing it that also ruined it for me!
  18. Likewise. Seemed like a downgrade after the McCall seasons one but everything about it now - sponsor, colour and minimalist design would make me buy it nowadays.
  19. With the passing of time, I can finally admit that TFG did some cracking tops back in the day. A guy had the solid navy one on up in Buckie - possibly match-worn - and it still looked mint by today's efforts.
  20. Midfielder on paper but self-admittedly someone who wants to get goals. My point still stands.
  21. Oliver out of Hanley and McKenna was the only one to really impress overall. Shanley looks overweight and is possibly snatching at chances. He definitely looked better when he signed than he does now which is surprising. McKenna admittedly is playing catch-up but as the new striker he should've been taking the chance he got yesterday and getting off the mark rather than tee-ing up Nesbitt for a hat-trick! I thought that was poor decision making but he gets the benefit-of-the-doubt. Oliver might not score a lot but he is a very clever player with his movement and link-up.
  22. Ultimately he's not our main striker and it hasn't been a case of a demonstrably being overlooked in favour of an underperformer. It's not worked, he's gone to Clyde as the best solution and we all move on as it's best for all parties. Hopefully we can bring someone else in now.
  23. At least he's never offered his own fans a square go, as far as I know.
  24. Some cracking long range efforts in there Young Owen doesn't cover himself in glory tho
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