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Kevin James Left Knee

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Everything posted by Kevin James Left Knee

  1. 1500 not 2500. Some people claim the latter but they are just trying to stir things up.
  2. McGlynn listing a good number of injuries that the team already has for this friendly. Fek.
  3. This, only smaller, and, in blue, if you are a Bairn.
  4. Seem to be two strikers training/trialing with us just now but the budget has almost gone - it will be one more signing and loans unless a player or two can be moved on. This isn't secret - its been said a few times in public now.
  5. If you listen to the Price of Football podcast they had a Hummel representative on and it was clear they are the best amongst the strip providers. Their policy is to create custom designs to every one of their clubs which is fantastic but costs more. And they claim they don.t use any slave labour - that all their factories are socially audited. The other interesting thing is that they claim that even in a replica strip the material costs come to half of the price.
  6. Not for me. I have no dislike for the guy but his "work" for the club was overstated and turned into myth more than the reality imho
  7. This Board is much more leak proof than before. So far I have been impressed - I have gotten to know a couple of them since their election and they tell me nothing that is important to keep secret. It is how it should be even if it is frustrating not to hear the gossip. In the past people liked to show off or even leak to manipulate opinion (we all know the worst person for that) so it is is good to see they are more serious. It may be in the future we need to criticise the Board but so far not on this issue.
  8. The FSS Newsletter has now been sent to all - if it is not in your email account (check spam) by tomorrow let me know,.
  9. This was based on the public statements at the Directors' Meeting not "secret info" or security breaches from the Board.
  10. There was a new FSS and Directors Report Newsletter sent out last night. Only half of the members were emailed and the other half will be sent today (there's a technical reason for this) so everyone should get it by later today. If you are a member and you do NOT receive it then please PM me (after you check your junk file) and I will try to sort it out for you. We hope a new mailing system will sort the problem with many people not getting the mailing as it is blocked as spam by your isp. The newsletter will be posted publicly on the FSS website later this week.
  11. For a long time one of the Directors was a (turncoat) SNP councillor - he padded his own nest well (I hated him with a vengence, I have rarely seen a more self-interested politician) and after coming off the council remained on the Board despite no longer being a council nominee. Such links are priceless when it comes to favours and income.
  12. How could they do that - the railway line was a huge issue and the cost of buying land around the stadium was prohibitive. One idea to turn the pitch by 30 degrees and build around it was costed and it was astonishing. Never mind where was the money coming from - our only major source of funding was selling the place. I loved it and I miss it but redevelopment was never an option and we were also facing the corruption that was the Goldies (and others - a certain Lord Provost threatened me with evicting my parents from their council house if I kept being a thorn in the side of the council - luckily my folks had bought it only months before so his threats meant nothing but what shame a Labour man threatening that. I have been and still am Labour through and through ( Ieven worked for them for 15 years full time) but the Falkirk Labour group at that time was rancid and I am pleased I was able to f**k them over in the by-elections by placing certain stories in the press and helping Dennis Canavan when he stood against them (I didn't even agree with his politics completely but a decent moral man).
  13. The only stat in football that is overwhelmingly true is the total salary spend on players by clubs. The correlation between that and success is incredible and is true in EVERY league. You might find outliers but that will always return to the true.
  14. What's the point of arguing over Telfer - he's gone. It was stated at the Directors meeting that we were likely to only sign 5 or 6 players which would mean we won't see many more come in on contracts. I hope the next is the striker we really need. The rest will be made up of loan players and the squad will be c. 24 to 25. So I wouldn't expect many more in as the budget will be close to spent.
  15. Amateurs - where I live now I was once seriously offered a murder contract (on someone who had shagged my g/f while I was in hospital intensive care on life support) for £300. I turned it down not wanting to spend the rest of my life inside, the person concerned then offered me a lesser option of getting him stabbed "with a junkies' needle" for £50.
  16. We have sent out more than 5 email newsletters in that period. There is an issue with spam filters that have stopped some people getting them and as a result we have moved from mailchimp to a new email processor which seems to have improved things about 30% but some people still don't get them. Unfortunately it is your ISP that is preventing them from arriving. We always put the mailing up on the website after 3 days (to give some exclusivity to members) so you can get it there. So I'm sorry if you are not receiving them - please PM me with your email address and I will try to sort something out for you.
  17. Nope I would suggest anything but - the people involved, myself included, are all still very much up for it. And we welcome others to get involved - it's not a closed shop. I used to be heavily involved in the original Back the Bairns from when we were in liquidation and I know our support will stand up no matter how grim things might get.
  18. There's a letter from FSS in the season ticket pack, there have been 2 newsletters to members since the end of season, another is planned for the Crunchie game, leaflets were put out at both DIrectors' meetings last week, the website is continually updated with news stories although it was slightly slow this week because of the webmistress on holiday, there will be other recruitment drives at the start of the season. The numbers of people joining has gone up recently but in tens not hundreds which is what we need. And, in my own personal opinion, people will join in larger numbers once they see things happening that are positive on the pitch - it is the same as ticket/season ticket sales a winning team causes enthusiasm. When the news is only bad then people are discouraged and stay away/don't sign up. I hope that we will have a new optimism under McGlynn and the signings which will come in the next few weeks will have a positive effect on everyone. I also think transparency makes a huge difference and I think that is the one thing we've managed to change so far.
  19. Huge drop in income from away sides, lower income from SPFL income due to final positions, no cup run (albeit not in any budget), keeping season ticket prices the same, dropping numebrs of season ticket holders - but we lost similar amounts in past years but avoided consequences due to player add-ons and Rawlins investment.
  20. This is important - the less we use the current pitch the longer we get out of it - it will have to be replaced but that would be much better in 3 or 4 years than in 2. If we keep ring fencing gig money then by 3 years we might find this much more affordable. And yes we have money worries but at least we are facing up to them. FSS is giving the club 5 grand a month at the moment and hopes to increase that - it is not a huge amount but it helps a lot.
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