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Everything posted by Oceanlineayr

  1. That is just Jim Duffy is it not? Or Baron Harkonnen from the very weird 1984 version of Dune.
  2. It can't happen. Who else would I vote for in every new manager poll on this site?
  3. We'd have got something from this if we had brought Adeloye back.
  4. Ayr had some good chances and passages of play but unless Dowds helps us get goals it's going to be a struggle.
  5. Chalmers shot there sums up the game. We're creating good chances but have no end product.
  6. Never saw this coming after the challenge cup capitulation against Falkirk. Major improvement going forward, Murphy and Chalmers looks a great combo. Unfortunately Rose and Mckenzie do not look like scoring tonight. The one on one Rose had saved looked like a low confidence finish.
  7. Syla not suspended? Or is that only for the challenge cup?
  8. I was until the weather settled to what it is. Being utterly sworded by Thistle in the rain crosses a line (will be delighted if I am hopelessly wrong here). At least the weather had the courtesy to be nice in the playoffs.
  9. Add to the above that this old woman throughout her life increased her family's already vast wealth even compared to her father's efforts. She also lobbied various British governments through her life so that her families wealth and status was maintained.
  10. McGinty going from a complete bombscare infamous at his previous two clubs to becoming an entirely acceptable starter for us would probably be the example best to highlight that. Unless there is another behind the scene factor for that.
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