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Posts posted by Ayrfix

  1. I am struggling to get any enthusiasm for this game. The disgrace of Friday and zero attempts at goal, not even on target, leaves me empty.

    If Clarke does not start Gilmore, and admit he got it wrong on Friday then god help us. 

    I can see an easy 2-0 defeat today and us beating Hungary 3-0 in the last game when it doesn't matter. 

    Hopefully I'll be more up for it by 8.

  2. To be honest, I think Brown is trying to see who can actually play football and who needs binned. We have the 'advantage' of seeing everyone all season.

    Brown has not and needs to see who can play and where, hence the odd team selections. I agree it's hardly ideal with so few games left, but hopefully the experimenting is over and we can get a bit of a settled side. 

  3. I still cannot believe we binned Burley and got that arsehole Stainsheets. Fucking clown of a manager, his league of nations shite should have said how poor we were. His classic that all the top teams will be taking points off each other, no one will notice Ayr coming through the pack. Clown deserves shot for the fedora pish. Not a fan!!!

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