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Everything posted by eliphas

  1. One up top can work with the right right support running from midfield and out wide. We've not really managed both this season with one up.
  2. Ok, so I'm now convinced we finish top 6. All over the place.
  3. I dunno. Kettlewell can't have seen Butcher's last go at midfield and though it was a good idea to do it again. Surely.
  4. So we are looking at the below for tomorrow then eh? Kelly Mcginn SOD Mugabi Butcher Gent Davor Paton Spittal Bair Obika The bench is a different story but I'd expect we will see Monty off it. Probably Maguire too. That really should be enough to win. So I'm not particularly worried about that weekend. He says. But we need a good few lads in next week.
  5. In the old Comms teams days we'd be announcing him leaving with an arrival post at the same time /not long after + some Alan Burrows reply guys comments before that saying 'When we've got anything to report we will. We've multiple irons in the fire'
  6. It's annoying and all that but I'm finding it hard to get too pissed off about it. It's the risk of the loan market.
  7. 100% forgot about Jimmy Scott. Photo on the horse please if someone gets a minute.
  8. Aye, I very much think the flip side is that Jake Hastie got a great 4 year deal on very good money from Rangers. We'll never know but I think he was as likely to fall to his current level if he stayed at us than if he made the move he did. Money in the bank, very well set up and still earning ok money I'll bet. The fact he was advised by a part time agent who is a fire man by trade is another story for another time.
  9. I dislike us signing former Celtic players as well if that helps any? It's 100% irrational....but based on 40 years of living in the west of Scotland wishing both arse cheeks and all those associated would just leave us alone. That said, as I said before, I'm entirely fickle and will applaud Halliday when he does well for us. Also Tommy Coyne and Willie Falconer were my favourite players. So there ye go. Fickle.
  10. Generic *** is bad enough for me tbh. I do think he will do fine for us though, and I'm fickle, so I will 100% cheer him.
  11. I genuinely don't think I've enjoyed football since before the pandemic.
  12. I really hoped Wilson was the next one off the conveyer belt. Especially as Hammell name checked him and Max together more than once. Looks like he's started the last few off the bench for Stirling. So, that's not a great sign perhaps
  13. Aye, to be honest, if Penney is not fussed and the Furlong deal isn't moving then I'd take Montgomery to challenge Gent. I don't particularly like loaning from clubs in the same league but....you can only do what you can do I guess. He can play up the pitch a bit as well if memory serves?
  14. Mika leaving would be....annoying. Maybe they saw the last couple of games and noticed he was getting told to play wide and on the fucking wing and thought...aye that's not what we wanted.
  15. The insurance does exist, wether we have it or not though I dunno. Pretty costly endeavour probably.
  16. Aye, if the Burns tweet is accurate, meaning Penney still has doubts about living/moving up here to play fitba then i wouldn't bother either. Kind of answers my question from my previous post about it
  17. Hold on a minute - is this video thing actually just a massive diversion because we've not signed any players?
  18. Shame about Slattery - don't want to hear about anyone getting a long term injury. Interesting dilemma for the club and him if it's a 9-12 month job. Would I have been hugely bothered if he left end of season? Not particularly. Would I have been happy had he stayed? Yes. Would he have been looking to move on? Probably. We could offer him a new deal to see him through the injury but it would defintley have to be a deal to 2026 you'd think to see sole of that good will 'paid back' to the club. He does well on return maybe he moves in that summer. If not, we have a decent player for a season
  19. This is true. Albeit I've enjoyed the info this week on the two videos we don't need, and I'm sure wouldn't get, that every week. Unless we get a a CEO who fancies the sound of his/her own voice...
  20. I guess for me it rounded out quite a few of the things that have been mentioned on here, the aims of the video, some of the results 24 hours in, gave a bit more detail on the thinking behind it, a bit more to say it's not just a video and that's it etc. Few wee nuggets about CEO folk begging interviewed Appreciate this is where the articles today have came from. But I only just skimmed them really due to work. Sitting down and watching that for me was quite a good update and info dump. Dunno I just found it informative and he seemed to be pretty switched on a d a good talker. Never heard him speak before I don't think
  21. Haha, fair enough. I guess that proves the point of differing audiences and why it's difficult to land stuff. You and I agree on a lot of football stuff I'd say but we are miles apart I think on what we both put value on Comms and media wise (which is fine)....and I'm not even an old dithering board member. I'm not counting 40 odd as old and I don't care who says it.
  22. Very good video I thought. Well spoken, clearly knowledgeable and well thought out responses. Some wanky questions from the journalists looking for a headline as well Could all of that been signposted a bit more and put out in Comms pre video - possibly. But overall good
  23. Agreed. But a bit of a hybrid of the two would be a welcome step for me certainly. Engaging with fans via multiple methods, visible and not so visible, would be good I think. Including online message boards like this that do have a lot of informative posters and obviously smart a coherent minds. Obviously just ignore the St Mirren fans like.
  24. Jay, great post. Know your posts from SO days, although I stopped posting there years ago also. Good to see your views.
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