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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. 8 hours ago, tree house tam said:

    Hate to be that guy but I'm not so sure the schooling is 'unmatchable' if you don't know Inverness is a city M8.

    Yeah, I get what you mean. It still feels like a nice large town of sorts to me. I really like the size of it, not top big, not too small. There are some alright schools. I certainly know a couple of much tougher schools say in Aberdeen for example. I know schools get a lot of flak here, but I returned to a couple when I was doing supply teaching and I was really impressed with how much they have improved since the 1980s!!!

    Even with restaurants & pubs, there are some nice ones. You've got beautiful 'world class' areas to live.  For example, I heard a year or so ago Terry Butcher still owned a stunning house overlooking Loch Ness. If I was a fairly well paid footballer, that is exactly what I'd be doing! I would be having the time of my life. Sadly, I never had any football skills. For those that do, doesn't take much imagination to create a fantastic life here. Dundee for example still can be visited, a pain to train it to, Edinburgh & Glasgow not too far away. Personally I just don't get why footballers get 'homesick' here.

  2. 15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    OH well, that's five to five.  Anything happening today or just more interminable limbo?

    It is unbelievably frustrating the total lack of communication, like WTF!

    Ridiculous, I'm ashamed that this is happening to a Highland team and I'm not even a supporter of the club, but feel like one at the moment. Hope that something positive happens for the sake of the Highland area, Inverness deserves a decent football team. City is big enough. Feel for the players, fans and anyone connected with ICT. Astonished by the silence right now.

  3. I don't remember much as I lived abroad when Rangers went down to league 2, how different is ICT's situation. If the worst happened, could at least an 'Inverness United' or whatever be formed and at least have a place in League 2. Not ideal I know, but at least it would be something. 

    Wouldn't be suprised either to see the home crowds go up if that happened and would be hoping that they return to the Championship asap.

  4. Losing Murray would be huge, yet I think we could find someone if it came to that. Would take a lot of extremely clever scouting & dealing to attract someone with similar calibre. It's the attitude he has on the team which spreads too. Superb player to have and who knows when he retires may make a great coach/manager too if he wanted to go that way. Opportunities at County for a player that tries so hard on the pitch and gives 100%. County LEGEND even if he leaves, wish him all the best.

    For his children, can only speak from my own experiences that growing up in the Highlands was an amazing experience! Don't care what city it is, unmatchable really. Hope he reads this to be honest. Also Dingwall Primary / Academy or a fair few of the Inverness schools are quite decent these days. Better than any city schools IMO. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    Are there any other P&B County fans following Scotland & heading out to Germany?

    Two of us are heading to Munich next week.

    No, didn't get tickets. I would have loved to have gone, going to India instead. Look forward to watching the games from there. A decent 2nd prize to put it that way...

  6. 5 hours ago, tree house tam said:

    If a player doesn't fancy it because he can't go out and drink without being noticed maybe he's not the player you should be attracting anyway.

    This island has a bad relationship with alcohol.

    Scotland is terrible for alcohol issues for sure! Some players use other drugs, Coke as well as alcohol. Not mentioning names, but there is a list of a good few football careers, from really talented players spoilt by alcohol or drugs. Usually Coke cause it doesn't stay in the system long meaning they can pass drug tests, or get masking agents to clean the system out. 

    Alcohol is the worst, in my opinion a terrible drug to get addicted to. So many other drugs out there that are far less harmful! The fact that alcohol is so built into our culture is really sad I reckon.

  7. I should maybe add regarding Turner leaving, I wonder if it's the 'close knit' community type feel you have up here that puts some players off. I guess in Glasgow & Edinburgh players who are County's level can go out to pubs, clubs and party without being noticed. For example Livi players, Partrick etc not going to get noticed while blazing drunk. In the Highlands is just not possible, lots of people would spot them, gossip spreads like wildfire. People are bored with nothing to talk about other than other peoples lives. Here players are famous in a way!

    Yet for anyone really serious these days about being a successful footballer, you have to wonder why they can't shelve the nightlife until summer or international breaks. These days you have to be a great athlete as well as a footballer.

  8. 8 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    Good news. Pleased to see Mr Adams back in management and I'll monitor with interest.

    After what happened any ill feeling has gone now for me, I genuinely think he may have been going through personal issues when he was with County this time. Whether relationship family stuff or depression, who knows. It certainly was a spectacular implosion and not nice for the fans at the time.

    This time at Morecambe he won't be given the same leeway. Yet I think he may do very well at Moorecambe. No idea why I think that, don't like what I have seen or heard of his personality at all. Yet Jim McLean, maybe even Alex Ferguson weren't particularly 'friendly' people in the height of their careers. Not sure it works as well these days, but he has ability when happy...

  9. Wish Kyle Turner all the best, he did show glimpses of real skill from what I saw. There is a decent player there but probably championship really is his level. He still has a good few years of football left though. Hope I am proved wrong.

    Whether it was a lack of game time, or a lack of chemistry he just didn't appear to blend that well with the rest of the team. Obviously his partner wasn't that settled here and that would have effected how he settled in. Still, I just don't get it, Glasgow, Edinburgh, or scenic Paisley isn't exactly that far away! WTF

    With decent scouts, County can definately get better. A classy winger with a positive attitude (similar to Dhanda, Murray, Jackson Irvine etc.)

    County are starting to look like a club that, with the right attitude, a player can transform their career and make a huge career defining step like Ross Stewart, Dhanda, Boyce etc. Good players at the crossroads of their career can do the same. Really it is the players&agents that should be contacting Ross County not the other way around!

  10. 6 hours ago, PB1994 said:

    We won games because we just had better players rather than any sort or tactical or coaching “masterclass” if you want to go with Gardiners words. We had no plan, no style of play, no nothing really. Just go out and see what happens and hope we have that bit of extra quality. For the most part we did.

    That explains a lot under Dodds, from the outside looking in could never understand the inconsistency of the results. One week a poor defeat, the next a great result against a difficult team. Kept thinking ICT surely turned a corner now, but never did.

    Also remember the many low scoring draws and Ferguson appearing to be happy with them in the interviews. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Jacky1990 said:

    Whats the deal with Dodds involvement?

    Is he culpable here for assembling a shite squad and being an arsehole. Or something worse?

    While I know he isn't a good manager, I do wonder if ICT had stuck with Dodds would they have got relegated? I sometimes feel Dodds, while the football was poor, would still have at least kept them up. He was bad sure... but not that bad! He was liked at County, a lot more than Jim McIntyre for reasons I won't mention.

    They seemed to have got even worse since he 'left' (yet still getting paid, WTF!). I do wonder about the integrity of some of these wealthy footballers & managers collecting paychecks & waiting to be sacked to get that huge payoff. It's not a good look on the game and inevitably turns fans away. Would they genuially like to see ICT out of business? If so, shameful behaviour. Surely people like Ferguson & Dodds have enough money by now? Dodds got a nice paying, easy radio job too. Why is he deemed popular these days? This whole mess is a serious lesson to Ross County when MacGregor decides to stop investing. That day is not too far away either I reckon.

    In the end I was very suprised, shocked even that it happened and sad about the whole sitation to be honest. Really hope they get out of this somehow, find a few people with money and win promotion. With the right people in charge, the good days of Steve Paterson style football can quickly return. Just to get the right buzz in the stadium before a game again. There must be a good few local business people with some money at least to avoid the worst outcome. 

  12. I hope it's only for 1 season this tbh. As funny as it was initially, this hurts Ross County a lot. The Highland Derby, a guaranteed sell out attracts so many new fans for both sides. More than any of the sell out matches against the old firm or Aberdeen.

    I hope in the next few month Gardiner is kicked out of the club and ICT get a decent manager who can quickly stear them out of this. It's a very difficult league to get out of, you only need to look at Falkirk.

    Anyway good luck, now I better hide for the next couple of months...

  13. The positive thing about Dhanda leaving, that any other players with talent and an excellent attitude will see that Ross County can be a very successful stepping stone for their entire career. Ross Stewart, Jackson Irvine are 2 examples. There is no reason why another cannot be found. 2 or more would be huge! Will take time, very careful consideration before signing them yet I'm confident under Don Cowie if the right player is found County can do really well next season. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

    I’d be very surprised if Harmon wasn’t their first priority. I think he’s a very decent player.    Sims I thought would leave last season, but since Christmas he’s been a bit more effective.  Keep.  Callachan absoluteky loves it here, so I think he’d be easy to negotiate with.    On the fence.    He can be at least as effective as Turner.  Efete didn’t look any better than Brown .   Would be surprised if he came back.  

    Dhanda will be missed.  I see he’s responded to every single good luck message on instagram.  What a fella.  

    Yah Dhanda just comes across as a really likeable player as well as being a decent footballer. I really hope to see him get in the Hearts first team and hope Hearts do well in Europe especially with him there. Few players I follow their careers after. Ross Stewart was the last I felt this way about. I was gutted to see him injured so much last season.

  15. 1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

    As shit as the SNP are at present, and that’s undeniable, the people of Scotland still have them as a credible alternative.

    I feel sorry for folk living in England; Tory, Tory-Lite, or Tory-Lite II.  The lack of PR makes most other options wasteful.

    Yes, that's right. I'm pretty much undecided on independence. I know people like me get shouted down from both sides on here, but sometimes geniually not knowing is a positive thing. Despite her religious views, Kate Forbes is a highly competent politician who genuinely cares. I hear that even from staunch unionists in the Highlands. Politicians that are like that stand out. Charles Kennedy in the Highlands was another who got my vote at the time because he was sincere.

    I genuinely believe that long term, independence can be a very positive thing. Particularly if the party governing England at the time of spilt are reasonable. Short term, I do feel it may hurt though I don't know either way if I'm honest as I am not an educated economist who looks at the issue with a balanced viewpoint.

    I thought Salmond & Sturgeon during most of their reigns were actually very accomplished politicians which helped a lot. They both fell spectacularly though and the SNP have to learn from this and ensure that such a fall from grace never happens again. I have no view yet how Swiney will do, but hope he gets the SNP back on their feet. I hope that Labour in government & Tories in opposition improve too. England deserves better and Scotland and the SNP will do better too with stronger parties in power than what has passed. Even Sunak at least was a big improvement over Boris Johnson. So the Tories too have improved since he has been in power. Boris was awful.

  16. Is this election the most depressing for quite some time? I remember the Thatcher years well, but nothing beyond that.

    SNP are not in a good shape at all however you try to spin it. Labour are even more 'Tory' than they ever were under Blair! Blair is probably seen as slightly 'left wing' by Starmer! Sunak a terrible, weak leader of the Tory party who has pobably already lined up a much better job and doesn't truely care as he has ticked a 'goal' of being leader. Lib Dems pretty irrelevant. Greens going nowhere. Let's completely ignore Reform at least, one positive.

    I am struggling to find an option here other than the least worse option which doesn't give any hope. It's pretty bad I reckon! Wonder when the last one was as bad as this? Not a political historian, it's a terrible time to be going to the ballot box.

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