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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. I think it's worth considering you will always find players that think a manager is a horrible person. Was Alex Ferguson nice? Jim MacLean? Craig Levein? 

    Yet a 'sporting director' is a completely different job. You can be nicer. Certainly don't need to be as ruthless, you don't need too stand up to often idiot players who question every move of your judgement. Like Adams with Sean Higgins who he actually punched. heard that too was well deserved at the time.

  2. 5 hours ago, Arab_R_us said:

    Aye all 5 of them. Hope the club sticks to its guns. Twitter and places like this don't represent a full fan base just the ones that shout loudest about everything. 

    That's what I found with the so called 'County fans' that shouted so much during our threads. Never actually went to many of games in the first place! 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Les Cabbage said:

    Couldn’t give a f**k if we win the champions league, I won’t be at Easter Road while he’s at the club.

    Totally understand and respect all fans that do this. For me personally in his case it was extremely distasteful texts to a friend/colleague that only was meant to be sent to that 1 individual as a horrible tasting 'joke'.

    Wouldn't be done these days, but back and when I was growing up heard worse in so called 'humour/ Scottish banter. Especially back in the 70s/80s. 

  4. Very unpopular opinion here, but I reckon Malky could be a big success at Hibs. Obviously also depends on who they appoint as head coach. Malky had his contacts.

    Also have heard he is a genuially nice person if you give him a bit of redemption. Results go Hibs way, fans soon forget about the past.

  5. 2 hours ago, forkboy said:

    Well, I was unlikely to to go watch any games at Easter Road anyway in the foreseeable future so it's not like I can claim it's a boycott. 

    But I do think it's deeply embarrassing for Hibs. And more than that, just baffling because it's not like his track record for signings is noteworthy. He obviously did hit big with some of the signings but there was a lot of guff in there too. But of course I'm less emotionally invested in what another club does than the one I've supported my entire life 🤷‍♂️

    Respect and understand everyone who feels this way. Tho for me forgive & forget as I have always thought in Mally's situation. Each to their own

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