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Posts posted by Sonam

  1. Yes, media plays a huge part!!! At the moment with the Israel v Palestine war, often news for me is just totally unwatchable. Even newspapers go into horrific detail. It really annoys me when signing into yahoo or outlook you get immediately bombarded by negative news stories before signing into the email. Or negative jealousy celebrity crap that makes people feel bad about the way they look.

    The content on streaming platforms like Netflix is often shocking too. Series after series of gang warfare, people being utterly horrid to each other.

    Different if it's quality stuff like 'The thick of it' series was, real to life yet proper comedy stuff. On netflix I'm shocked at several episodes of detail documentaries on serial killers and the like. Some of these platforms are deliberately trying to make people feel scared, distrustful of the human race and very down.

    Back when there was only 3 channels on the box, no Internet it was much happier (expect the news really). No wonder so many people suffer from depression. For those who don't get depressed I often wonder why. Cost of living, relentless pressure of work, both partners in a couple now expected to work full time. The world is in a terrible state and there needs to be some kind of revolution otherwise younger generations are going to be in an even worse state!

  2. John Martyn certainly nailed some hits in this live performance.

    The fact that a genius musician who should have been even more famous than he was played in Lerwick is again a sign of his class.

    I've a lot of respect for big musicians who take their music to the Islands & remote places of the Highlands. It's clearly not about money then. Reminder too that the Beatles played in Dingwall & Strathpeffer back in the day :)

  3. 3 hours ago, stevieKTID said:

    Saw him live on the Renfrew ferry back in the 90's when he was touring for his Glasgow Walker album, he played for about an hour, everyone was expecting him to come back after a few minutes for an encore which he did but he was gone for about an hour, he came back but had clearly spent that hour away getting pushed, I'm sure he walked back on stage smoking a joint then went on to play for another hour, brilliant night.

    I saw an interview with the double bassist Danny Thompson who played with John Martyn of course who said people could never understand how someone so incredibly drunk and on drugs could play so well. He basically said they practise drunk as well so for them it was no problem, hehe :) Obviously sad to see his health problems caught up with him in a serious way, leg amputation etc.

    He was obviously hiding his demons from when he was an unwanted child, must have been horrendous to go through such a thing. Such an incredibly skilled musician though despite the hurt. Musicians are not like that these days.

    Wish I had the chance to have seen him. I was in Dublin and he played round the corner, but I was so young and immature I hadn't heard of him. Kicking myself as I type...

  4. I think what I was trying to say, not very well, is that for myself I know there are times when meditation is just not possible. If someone is going through extreme stress it can be dangerous. I'm very wary of all official meditation courses. Different if its online and you can dip in and out.

    Sometimes people just need to talk with a good, sane friend or a really good counsellor (sadly there are few good ones in the Highlands). There are definitely times to do it, try meditating, but knowing when is difficult.Β 

    For me though, I know he wasn't a perfect person, but I'm with Jiddu Krishnamurti when he stated if you are following a 'system' you are not mediating. Whether following the breath or whatever. I think it's possible for the mind to be quiet of its own accord. Basically there are times when it's a good idea to meditate and there are times it maybe better talking, or punching a punch bag or doing some sport or something, hehe :)

    Even good quality TV or video games can be really helpful in times of high stress as I found out during cancer.

  5. On 18/03/2024 at 19:10, Dons_1988 said:

    Thanks everyone for the responses. I reflected on my post and felt it was a bit rambly and incoherent so glad people actually engaged with itΒ :lol:

    I like the idea of finding a new hobby of sorts that is just for me. Golf is probably out, my running plus watching the dons when able takes up a lot of time as it is with a 2 year old. Plus I played golf as a younger man and my temperament for it wasn’t great…suspect I’d be too competitive and wouldn’t be all that relaxing.Β 

    Meditation/mindfulness is one of those things that sounds great but I have no idea how it happens in reality. I have tried apps but they don’t do it for me. I just can’t settle the way I’m looking for. Like I say that few minutes I had last year I just stumbled across it, it came and went but it felt a bit like what I imagine actual meditation does? That may sound silly.

    One thing I am trying to do is put my fucking phone away much more. I don’t think it helps. And I don’t even really enjoy any of it other than browsing P&B.Β 

    I don’t want to give up β€˜keeping busy’ as it’s done me so much good. Just finding that balance and not having to fear what the quiet moments bring.Β 

    Meditation I find when I am really depressed is to be totally stayed away from. Personally I find it makes me a lot worse. It just becomes a thought silencing battle. I have seen people on long meditation retreats in India lose the plot and to actually need psychiatric care after.

    However focusing on an activity or hobby is much more helpful. It could be cycling which I find helps lot. Walking can be good too, especially if you go somewhere particularly scenic that does not trigger bad past memories. For example if you have had a recent breakup, probably best not to return to walks that remind you of better times with your partner if you know what I mean...

    I even knew someone my age who although male got really into knitting when he quit the booze. Was very therapeutic and just the focus on that helped him so much. I think it saved his life, that important! He is still off the booze to this day and that was a decade ago.

    Even games such as chess can really help. Nice distraction basically whatever hobbies or activity you do. It may take a few trials of hobbies, some you will quickly quit. The point is to at least try something.

    Badminton is a fairly easy sport to take up, a lot less complex and nowhere near as difficult as tennis or squash. You quickly can get good and it can be superb exercise too :)

  6. Let's face it, none of the options look good at all. It's very depressing. At least when Blair got elected there was genuine hope at the time.Β 

    The SNP too are a complete mess. With Sturgeon or Salmond they were proper leaders whether you agreed with them or not. Same with Lib Dems with Charles Kennedy. Another good leader, with charisma. A likeable person, even with the alcohol problems.

    It's a clever move by Sunak, Scottish summer holidays with the Euros as a distraction. Lots of people not voting or spoiling ballot papers is exactly what he wants. Labour will win but not as large a majority as people think. 1 term in office and they will be voted out and Tories return. Depressing stuff.

  7. 1 hour ago, bennett said:

    I still can't get used to the bbc Scottish football page, it's like they've decided to make it as awkward as possible.Β 


    I don't get why they deliberately make the user interface worse. It's so bloody frustrating to use, roll back the changes FFS

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