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Posts posted by Jimmy1876

  1. 1 hour ago, AJ1981 said:

    unless I'm losing my mind every interview and podcast has said a squad of 20 senior players and the modern apprentices. we have a squad of 21. why is there any thought and you're not alone in this thought @Springfield we will have any more signings?  

    Interviews were all before our season ticket sales though which are at least 500 over what was planned plus FSS have just reached 1000 members and all that is going to the football budget. Surely that's all reasonable reasons to expect another 1 or 2 signings? The only thing I can think otherwise is if money now has to be saved towards a potential grass pitch.

  2. 45 minutes ago, bridge of allan bairn said:

    Delighted with Tait resigning, not only a quality player but yet again more consistency in our squad, so little settling in for us which I'm hoping means an important fast start to the season to set our stall out.

    I'm generally very very happy with the squad, especially all outfield positions. Re the goalie position, would have preferred an experienced first pick goalie that commands his six yard box more but am trusting mcglynn he's seen enough in the two we have to be well enough equipped.

    What I don't understand is that I thought the squad numbers quoted were for something like 3,200 season tickets being sold, with many weeks to go we are 500 over that. At an average of say £250 per ticket, that's an extra £125,000 over the budget. Doesn't that mean we can afford another 2-3 quality players? (Striker, CB). Or am I missing something? Are we holding back money to see how the first few months go, given we have a good squad and if needed strengthen January? Could understand this strategy if so, no point upsetting a good settled squad when we don't know how it will fare as yet. Also appreciate we may be budgeting for losing some pay at the gate revenue with some folks opting instead for season tickets, although away fans will be up to more than compensate.

    Also guessing the Jordan Allan situation hasn't been resolved yet,which might mean another player having to come in. I like him but appreciate he may not fit out style of play.

    It is only the first day of preseason remember, nothing to say there won't be more signings, I think there will be. However, remember we now have a grass pitch to potentially plan for if our goal is still premiership by 2026/2027. 

  3. Having squad depth will be far more important this season than any in league one and Ross provides a more than sufficient back up for Miller. We do not want to be in a position in the championship where we are in fear of subbing on an out of position McCann???? to replace Miller. Having the confidence to know if we need a sub that we have Ethan Ross is exactly what we need of a Championship team. Now just need similar back ups for Col Donaldson, a Liam Henderson type and Ross McIver. Everyone else's position is covered well imo.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:

    Would love to meet Ewan Cameron out in Falkirk to tell him how much of a fucking melter he is. Didn't let Jamie swinney talk once without interrupting and stating 'fitbaw fans don't like it' every time. Utter goon. 

    It's the most ludicrous argument as well because it's literally been a topic of debate for weeks with fans disagreeing so clearly there is not consensus that all fans want one thing

  5. 14 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    The club sent an email last week offering to switch those who might want to sit with friends/guests in the KM to the main stand as there would be little (zilch) availability due to the uptake.

    To me this looks like mischief making as "families being split up" makes it sound much more dramatic than my son/daughter/spouse didn't renew in time and now can't sit with me.

    People have posted screenshots of the money for their season tickets being refunded but have said their families have not had theirs refunded. Meaning some are in the KM7 and others have no possibility to be in the KM7.

    I may be falling for it, if it is mischief but I'd be pretty upset if I had bought say 3 season tickets for KM7 and then one got cancelled which I think is where the upset is rather than some didn't renew on time. 

  6. 3 hours ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    That podcast with Jamie Swinney is at times interesting but moreso a painful listen. Ewan Cameron is an absolute buffoon.

    Just had a listen. Akin to listening to a Trump supporter at times, yelling his personal opinion loudly and then calling it facts. Made himself look a right idiot. Jamie on the other hand spoke well when he was allowed to get a word in edge ways and got the points across nicely. He is a fantastic representation of the club 

  7. 1 hour ago, stevoraith said:
    12 hours ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

    4th/5th highest budget.

    Aye, if anyone genuinely thinks Falkirk had the 4th/5th biggest budget in a league where only one team managed an average attendance which was more than 25% of Falkirks then they need to give their head a wobble. 

    The comment you are replying to is about this season in the championship. For last season in league one it's been confirmed by our director that we had the third biggest budget with Cove and Hamilton having rich owners putting far more money in. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Zanetti said:

    Genuinely curious about how your board knows what 9 other clubs' budget will be? I know you said it was an estimate, but that sounds more like wild guesswork to me.

    We knew where we were last year (3rd biggest budget in league one) because of boards speaking to each other about it I believe so I assume it's the same thing.

  9. 1 hour ago, airdrieoldboy said:

    On what evidence are Airdrie going to be scrabbling to avoid 9th? Absolute nonsense, you have been in the seaside league for years and you think you will be 3rd or 4th ? We made 4th last year and you think we will drop 5 places? I have missed this big time FFC patter !

    Don't think it's personal beyond estimating finances which at this time is all we can go on prediction wise. No doubt you overperformed based on budget as a result of some clearly excellent management and team building by McCabe but it's hard to say how long that continues. Based on guesses at the minute but it does look like you and Morton will have the lowest finances so before any recruitment has happened that is all it can be based on. 

  10. 53 minutes ago, AJ1981 said:

    based on share purchase and larger ownership as it's not a grant and a repayable loan without security i see no avenue there. the club might be in bother if they rip up the new pitch and the grant prevents them, that could mean part of their sfa grant would be refundable which is more of a bad thing than a good thing

    So the sfa grant for the pitch we might have to refund? Meaning we would have the cost of the pitch and money to send back to the sfa? 

  11. Out of curiosity does this in any way affect our fans bank government loan? Was it not based on providing community infrastructure i.e an astro pitch? If we change to grass will that have any knock-on effects? If it does then we will absolutely have solid ground for legal action surely?

  12. Genuinely feel gutted about this decision and makes me completely apathetic to Scottish Football. You think people have moved on and learned from mistakes and then you see people like Div come on and talk about votes with conditions about money that don't exist. In fact the vote that Div has suggested didn't happen at all since there has been absolutely no consideration to financial support embedded in the vote. So for all the "yes but we want to support the finances" talk it's all just nonsense. The utter idiocy of not understanding how scottish football works is criminal for those who have a right to that vote. If you want better standards in the league you need to distribute money better not create situations that do the opposite and serve the few and that will never happen as has been proven time and again. Unsure why I had hope but here we are. A sad day.

  13. 34 minutes ago, HIT THE CHANNEL said:

    I posted the below on the Raith Rovers thread but anted to share it here as well just in case it is helpful because I know Falkirk fans groups and those connected to the club read this thread.


    That is a really good statement (as an aside it seems very odd that Airdrie are not involved?).

    I really hope the ban can be avoided. The proposed quality assurance solutions seem so obviously sound that the ban cannot be conceived as anything other than petulance and/or selfishness. It also reeks of something that, if banned, will become unbanned in a few years (like the 10k seats rule).

    I know people form the club read this page - I wonder if, should no backing down occur regarding the vote, it would be a good idea to get MSPs/local councillors involved  to raise awareness/pressure (writing to them, asking them to raise the issue through appropriate committees, get them to publicly support the joint proposal etc.). I imagine the community element would be a strong card. 

    Writing to MSPs is a great idea. Our pitch was funded partially by a government grant and an SFA grant was it not, so surely that in itself is good evidence. 

    As an aside, I think Airdrie were involved in the initial paper. The badge is on the first page as is Cove rangers. I guess they just didn't want to be involved in the public joint statement? 

  14. Disappointing that despite the club's working with the SPFL on a well researched proposal they have decided to disregard it entirely. Not surprising though. It appears they didn't even intend to let the premiership clubs know that there was any alternative proposal as well if I've understood correctly.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Diamond1924 said:

    I don’t think the inevitable ban on plastic pitches in the top flight will concern you lot just yet. Simmer bairns 

    Everyone: having a sensible conversation about how this development will affect all clubs outside the premiership that rely on artificial pitches financially. Basing this on evidence from the Lancet journal and from personal experience of the 10,000 seat rule which also affected Airdrie.

    Airdrie fan: BuT YOu WoN'T GEt PrOmoTEd. 

  16. Really pissed off to be honest it just does not follow any logic whatsoever. The teams that currently can't afford a grass pitch are the teams that also won't be able to afford the top tier pitch maintenance/groundskeeping/under pitch heating for grass either. Especially with losing the regular income from pitch rental. So we are effectively replacing good artificial pitches with inevitably shit grass pitches. Dundee is a prime example of that. And so the issue of having some good pitches and some bad pitches will still prevail, but it will just be grass instead. And multiple postponements as a result. Wonder what the SPFL will find to complain about when they realise that?

    That's not even considering the utter hypocrisy of celtic having a hybrid pitch. Even they can't maintain a grass pitch to the top standard year round. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, LatapyBairn. said:

    We’d find away to do it, I’m told by people in that industry there are cheaper ways for a grass pitch to be installed than the figures that are being quoted but it does not make it any less ridiculous. Huge outlay on our pitch only last year down the drain and ripping up what I’m told is an excellent surface for no good reason seems absolutely insane, having to do this should we get promoted would also put us at even more of massive financial disadvantage to the clubs we’d be competing against and likely see us drop straight back down. It’s actually sickening. 

    That's good to hear at least but as you say there would still be a massive financial disadvantage. Might as well not have any prize money at all even with promotion if it all then has to go on the pitch before we even make a signing. Same for any team in the same situation. Unbelievable. 

  18. There is a 50% chance a team with a plastic pitch will win the league. Hypothetically, if we won a promotion spot either by winning the league or through playoffs we will be very likely unable to pay for a pitch replacement and it would be our second time being denied promotion irrespective of footballing merit. Unbelievable prospect that the sfa/spfl are happy to support. 

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