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Everything posted by Jimmy1876

  1. Wouldn't be opposed to seeing McGinn move to a more managerial apprenticeship type position, assistant coach or something. Think he has a good head on him and will be good as a future manager after a bit of experience and think his time as a player is approaching its end
  2. Well, have calmed since yesterday but that was a kick in the teeth to end the season. What a fall off a cliff McGlynn has had (and the team - some of the fault is in individually poor performances from players who were flying earlier in the season). In anger I think sack them all. Logically, I really don't know what the answer is. The options are keep him: hope he recruits better this summer and hope we start well enough to win title even if performance does fall off at the end as per McGlynns apparent reputation. If we don't start well though we have ruined a potential opportunity for better recruitment availability over summer for a new manager and have recruited a full McGlynn team who a new manager will have to bed in and use the same excuses of "not my team, not my plan". Attendances at matches would drop off and we lose money, not to forget a potential drop off in season ticket money and FSS membership drop which at the moment is actually a pretty large contribution. Alternatively, we sack mcglynn and hire someone else. We continue on the merry-go-round of management, with the main spine of a team that does not belong to them. We start with the standard, a "give them time to settle" rhetoric, potentially seeing an initial new manager jump with a good start but does that begin to fall off? Who do we recruit? Is there someone that much better that is likely to join? Do we have money to get rid of McGlynn? Is it more or less risky than sticking? There is a lot to be said for stability and I think its something we have all been waiting for and wanting... but does that stability come with McGlynn? I just don't know. A lot of questions to be answered, don't envy the board on this one at all.
  3. This will be even more for ICT fans who will have far more expensive travel with some potentially having to stay the night.
  4. That's absolutely outrageous, I get it's a great payday for the club but what a shame now for the people who won't be able to make it. Say a family of 4, 2 adults and 2 kids getting the train from falkirk and likely will need to get some food. Tickets would be £112 for North stand and £82 for West. Train tickets from Falkirk to Glasgow for 4 on that date if bought today total £47. Plus food for a family of 4, say £50 roughly. That's £180 for a family of 4 for one day West stand or £210 for North.
  5. Was anyone at the FSS AGM yesterday, saw that there was some interesting talks about the Academy, anything else of interest?
  6. Love to see it!!! Screen_Recording_20230313_224900_Instagram.mp4
  7. Think this is what most of us do currently and isn't really working in relation to overall atmosphere even if it is good fun for us, hence the discussion for new ideas
  8. Mate I've just said I'm brainstorming ideas taking example from other clubs I think do well. If you're not up for a discussion and resort to insults rather than making reasonable disagreements then why are you on a forum? I've literally said I understand if you find it annoying and that's fair enough? Why respond with rubbish like that for just a suggestion of something new/different?
  9. I am assuming you mean without a drum? If not will apologise in advance for the rest. There has literally been a pages long discussion about ways to improve the atmosphere at TFS. All I have said is that at other teams grounds their young teams or ultras or whatever you call them maintain an atmosphere across a full 90 minutes. Something that I don't think any of us can say we have done game in, game out. Even when the pars were at TFS I thought there was very little singing. So why not look to what other fans do that we do not without a full construction process? You say we can create atmosphere without a drum? Then why don't we? I get some people don't like the drum and that's completely fair if that's your opinion. This really is just me brainstorming what I think could be a cheap and easy way to get more of an atmosphere going in a doable way while also getting the younger ones engaged more. Personally drums have never bothered me asides from when away teams bring them to tfs. The reason I find this annoying is because I have to sit and listen to away songs droning on while we sit quietly.
  10. Fair enough if you don't like it but hard to deny the impact it has on the young teams. All this talk of improving atmosphere by building new structures but the cheapest way will be to encourage more singing throughout a game without relying on winning.
  11. Have to agree re the ultras being a good thing (asides from when throwing stuff onto the pitch). But the atmosphere they create and will then sustain for the future is undeniably great for their teams. I think a similar group at Falkirk could in itself massively change the atmosphere at TFS. Let's be honest, we as a fan group are pretty silent until we are winning and whether we like it or not, banging a drum forces people to sing along and encourages that atmosphere from the beginning. We all complain when a drum comes into TFS but that's because its deafening and makes supports sound bigger than they are. This wouldn't be an issue if our support which is often far larger was singing and had their own drum. Get the young team a drum and some flags, stick them up in the corner of KM7 and let them have at it. I reckon it would lift the atmosphere quite a bit. Having a quick look at other teams like the Pars, their ultras groups are recognised by their chairman's, they have their own Facebook groups etc as well. Think how much that engages young kids outside of the Saturday. We old folks have pie and bov to analyse during the week, let them spend their week planning a display, writing new songs and getting hyped for a Saturday.
  12. I would leave free matchday individual tickets and family stand season tickets so that anyone is still able to attend who might not be able to afford it otherwise. But I think charging for more "premium" season tickets is not a bad idea, best of both worlds that way, still investing in the future but also getting some extra money we don't otherwise get
  13. This is a great idea. Free U12 tickets with adult ticket in family stand. £50 for u12 in KM stand/main stand regular. £60 for prime seating? Feels reasonable, around £3 per game but could be quite a bit of extra money at the start of the season
  14. I'm afraid these were not the worst ones but I can't bring myself to share the others. Vile vile people who find this funny.
  15. Truly I have no idea, I'm not familiar with the software it's possible it just requires you to write in a name without any email. Hopefully the club shut down the Q&A ASAP and investigate it however they can.
  16. Absolutely horrified to see comments like this on the Q&A portion of the poll for the legends initiative. Absolutely sick.
  17. Would also just add to that, the board saying the FSS uptake was not enough was in the context of the fact there are three options going forward - FSS gain enough of a following that any loss could be covered by that income. FSS don't gain enough following and more investment has to be found instead, potentially in sale of the club and giving up fan ownership. Or we slash the playing budget next season to be within our means. Out of those FSS getting the bigger following is most desirable and that's why it's being pushed for.
  18. I think you seem to be looking for an outrage from fans about the 1.2 million announcement. The reason it's not happening is because we have known about it since before the season started, in fact that was why I made a P&B account for the first time because those finances absolutely shocked me. The cash reserves from previous player sales, investment and soft loans from shareholders are what allowed the 800k build up of cash. During the COVID years with no real income, no player sales anymore because of disastrous academy closure years before, and a breakdown of sponsorship management meant the 1.2 million loss. 800k of that was cash and the rest was covered by an ousting of that disastrous board which allowed that to happen with the patrons and fss investment. I think you are fair to question why there is not outrage, the problem is there was and it has been ongoing for a good year now. But the board which is now composed of the two fans groups which effectively saved the club from having to go into debt is incredibly open about the finances (which is why we already knew about the 1.2mill) and have presented a very concrete plan for this season (reducing that 1.2 loss to 400k with investment/softloans covering the rest) to mean we can do everything possible to simultaneously be promoted (by not reducing playing budget) as well as fixing the other business in the club. Including restructuring. I think overall the clarity with which all of that has been consistently communicated is why there is not shock and horror at the loss. Your other point about the criticism of a lack in uptake of fss membership I understand and partially agree with. The fans have done amazing and the people who set up fss have managed to bring in around 100k a year for the club, not even that far off some other fan associations which have been around far longer. And the fact that the fans who maybe can't afford it or are contributing in tickets, merch and hospitality are being subtly criticised (or outright criticised in that awful email) is pretty shoddy imo. But I also see the boards side, they are trying to push for a fan ownership model, a model I fundamentally support and think should be the future of football but it only works if enough people sign up to it and support it to. I think the board are just trying everything they can to get fans to back this model, because we have been so dreadfully mismanaged in the past by other models. And I get that desire too. I think though there is a different way of doing it. Rather than criticising and asking for money for nothing (like this FF thing???) The club should be working closely with FSS to deliver some good benefits that won't affect the VAT issue. I don't actually know if that is happening so maybe someone else can advise. Anyway the point is, the comments you are making are valid, but they have just already been covered over several months to be honest.
  19. There was several people posting about the songs from both sides of fans. People distinctly saying it's poor on both ends which it absolutely is. Honestly this just makes you lose all credibility coming on to criticise our fans and in the same breath denying any wrong doing when thousands of people have heard it. This was both games this season and both have been remarked upon. In fact I even vaguely remember some Dunfermline fans joining in this conversation and saying both groups need to clamp down on it. At least we can admit and call out poor behaviour, maybe you should have a look at yourself and why you are not happy to call out terrible behaviour by your own fans.
  20. Just watched both highlights and in the first half there was at least 3 fouls mentioned by the Alloa commentators against Falkirk which were not given, not one against Alloa (unless I missed it). This does not even count Oliver having his shirt half off his back and the nonsense with the throw ins so based on the Alloa commentating I think we can feel a wee bit hard done by in terms of the refereeing. "Egregious" is also a ridiculous exaggeration for the penalty shout, it hits his side and even if it does hit his arm it is hard from a few feet away, at speed and his arms are tight against his body. It was also immediately after a foul on PJ. Also can only agree with all of the comments about that idiot from the main stand shouting at Rice. Really shameful.
  21. In person I thought it looked a penalty and the Kelty highlights you could see why you'd maybe think so from that side but from the other side of the pitch with the FTV highlights it actually looks like no one was even touching him and he does a wee leap into the air after kicking the ground. Either way think statistically a decision had to go our way sometime right?
  22. Can see that definitely works for Burrel but don't think it can justify Oliver starting when we can have Allan starting with Burrel coming on with the pace in the last 30. Also Wright looked good today as well to be fair and is a third option
  23. Agreed, today especially the “winning team” was the team that finished. The started 11 was losing, so by the logic of never change a winning team it should be the one we finished with today that plays on Tuesday. Doubt it’ll happen though but who am I to judge when whatever McGlynn is doing is obviously working. 5 league games and 6 in total is immense.
  24. I can only agree with the sentiment that any board can and should be criticised and questioned when things are going wrong here or elsewhere. But I think the way things come across is what the issue is. If it's clear concern about the club that is one thing. But when it's so obviously not really to do with the state of the club but more about trying to pretend there is mismanagement on issues which are pretty normal in business. Take this accountancy issue, the last board member was an accountant and I assume doing the accounts for free as a result. He then resigned and on the short term there needs to be an immediate move to go elsewhere for accounts - can't just leave accounts unattended. In the long term, as with any business of course you would want the finances done within the club and so when the time has arrived the club are looking to this longer term goal. Don't think this is any sort of mistake but just different circumstances all being dealt with as they come. So then it seems just silly and petty to try and spin a relatively normal business situation into some grave error by the board. Saying that some people are equally over defensive of the board and the way it comes across is that you can't question anything ever which is just the same thing on the other side. Especially when people are quite rudely shut down for just asking questions with no explanation or answer.
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