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Everything posted by Jimmy1876

  1. This is the point though. It was a bad decision and he was punished for it. If we stop red cards then players will no longer have to think about making those decisions and going in for a tackle will not seem a risk anymore. More players will be injured as a result. Knowing that you can get a red card for a poor decision forces players to make an attempt to think. They won't get it right every time but just because it was accidental it doesn't mean you can get away with endangering others on the park.
  2. No but you forget that players are incapable of controlling their body parts and Col's leg in the air had a mind of it's own. No way he could have decided not to put a foot in the air. There simply wasn't enough time
  3. Ah well you know what they say about making assumptions. You don't know me or if I have or have not played. And it's irrelevant. Sport moves on as I'm sure it has from when you played. It's nice to live back in the days sometimes but dinosaurs do become extinct. As I've mentioned the reason there are fewer dangerous tackles these days is because of a fear of red cards and players being capable of making far safer decisions despite what you seem to believe. It's okay to admit you weren't capable of making fast decisions but we are lucky that players can now. And I'll repeat myself, clearly you have no respect for the safety of players and you've shown it a number of times so I will leave the conversation here. I am just glad the players and referees at the very least have more care for preventing injuries than you.
  4. You are doing a huge discredit to the players. They train probably their whole lives to be knowledgeable and skilled enough to make those split second decisions. Of course they have time to think, that's literally where the talent in decision making lies. We've seen the improvement Morrison has made in that regard. It's just a fundamental of any job really, relying on training to make fast decisions so I don't agree with what you're saying at all. The decision made by Donaldson was the wrong one. He looked to make a tackle and probably didn't forsee the player falling into him which is why it becomes a freak accident. But are you seriously trying to argue that Donaldson hasn't seen the player running with the ball and decided to make the tackle with feet high enough to get the ball?
  5. You've completely not understood what I've said. It doesn't stop freak accidents, but it does make people think twice before making a reckless tackle. It stops people chancing it and massively reduces injuries that way. I remember you were also happy to let players get dementia because of heading the ball so just gonna say I think you need to adjust your priorities. The long term safety and health of players is not something to exploit for your entertainment because you think it's more fun to watch. The reason dangerous tackles are seen less often these days is because of red cards. Simple as that.
  6. This is a ridiculous debate. It's a straight red. Accidental or not is completely irrelevant. If you want to stop people making potentially reckless and dangerous tackles you cannot allow reckless and dangerous tackles to go unpunished just because he didn't mean it. Donaldson was half a foot from booting a guy studs up in the face which could have been disastrous and was lucky it was his shoulder. If you don't want tackles with that potential to happen then they have to always be punished regardless of the outcome or intent. That's what limits players taking the risk in the first place and leaves those events only being accidental freak things as it was yesterday rather than a regular occurrence where players think they can chance it. In the car accident example if you change lanes you are at fault and have to pay the costs (or insurance does) if the accident results in more damage like death you are in fact jailed. Accidentally or no.
  7. Played the majority of that game with 10 men and the unbeaten run still goes on. Unbelievable fight and effort from almost everyone on the park for that record despite Kelty having 12 men on the pitch to our 10. Nesbit and Yeats were phenomenal.
  8. McIver is in the top ten goal scorers in the whole country, but he isn't good enough? Because he hasn't scored 20 while dribbling? Wild take.
  9. What a series of clips that is to watch but a very hard decision. Top four are Morrison Vs Montrose, Ethan Ross vs Formartine, Col Donaldson vs Alloa and Tom Lang vs Annan. It's gonna take me a day or two to decide between them. Almost want to give it to Col or Tam Lang because I think a defender deserves some accolades since I reckon it's highly likely Morrison will get player of the year.
  10. Dylan tait. What a player. Can't believe I'm saying this but with Mackie and Tait playing the way they are Hendo might have a bit of trouble getting back into the team
  11. Has to be Morrison for me. I think we easily forget how much he himself has improved, it was only a year ago we were complaining about his decision making (chicken or steak?) But this season he has just come on leaps and bounds to be a player that every team talks about with fear. Donaldson has been outstanding, as has Hendo, McCann, Yeats, Spencer, Miller and probably every other first team player. But I don't think there is any other player who other teams are scared of as much as Morrison and I think he deserves POTY for making himself into that player
  12. We have been in league one for five years, a spell that has been the worst in our history and our attendances at our lowest ever performance were at 2,500 towards the end of the season we finished 6th. We don't need to be told what happens when things aren't going well thanks.
  13. Best bit of info to come from BTW is Dylan Tait starting f*ck you accies we're gonna win the league and Ola Lawal singing Paul Hartley you're a w*nker.
  14. Just have to say... I thought McGlynn deserved a second chance AND I was keen for the ultras to have a drum
  15. What is the best part of this? Dylan Tait with the Mad Dog? Callumn Morrison screaming THE NAVY BLUE ARMY echo? McGlynn and McGinn cheesin in the background like proud dads? Calvin Miller jumping in like a kid on Christmas morning?
  16. Asides from the fact we won the league yesterday... When was the last time we scored 7 goals in a game? We were absolutely flying
  17. What. A. Day. That will live in my memory till the day I die. Congrats to the team, management and to every single fan who took the club in our hands these last two years to turn it around. CHAMPIONEES.
  18. Generally for recording voice there are different types of mic and/or mic settings. I am assuming the type of microphone used for commentating is one that reduces background noise so that the sound of individual voices comes through clearly which sacrifices the background cheering. You can hear the difference from using this type of microphone in Blair McInallys video where the crowd sounds are great but individual voices sometimes get lost in the wind noise or background chatter. I think the way to solve this would be have an additional microphone which records the sound and play that alongside the commentary at a lower level so that the commentary voice comes through clearly but the background noise is also there but getting it right is probably quite complex. Maybe there is an easier way though?
  19. Firstly, you're just wrong about the budget and has been confirmed by a board member. Secondly, I find it funny when fans of other clubs try this nonsense because ANY club in our situation would be the exact same. This is our first promotion in a long time with some of our fans never having seen it for themselves, with an unbeaten run and potential invincible season that (even in league 1) only rangers have managed. We have spent 5 years here after absolute charlatans who utterly destroyed this club dragged us down and kept us here before eventually were rightly kicked out. The fans were the ones that took it back in their own hands and the results of this season can ONLY be attributed to that group effort. This win is far far beyond just winning league one as a big club, it has taken far harder graft than any club who has only just dropped down from the championship with wealthy owners that can bankroll them back up. There is often a lot of crowdwanking on here but it's mainly because there are very few clubs that can claim that even in their worst ever season in history they maintained crowds of over 2000 and have average crowds of 5000 in league one. Our success this season has come from that and only that and the team on the park is the fruits of that dedication. I for one, will remember this season as the season we took it in our hands and turned our club away from imminent death. Not by leaving it to someone else to deal with. The results of the season just reflect all of that and any player on the park will be a legend to me as a result. And any other club who can say all of the above would be just as elated as we are. If you don't see that it's because you've had the privilege of not being in this situation and that is fine for you but don't bother coming on here to try and convince anyone otherwise, it just won't work.
  20. On this note, the Falkirk Supporters Society have made a statement about the vote. https://falkirksupporters.org/2024/03/20/artificial-pitches-vote/
  21. Excellent statement from FSS on the artificial Pitches vote hoping the club also make similar to strengthen the argument and hopefully other clubs follow suit.
  22. Right I've bought 2 away tops, a heritage shirt, a home shirt and a goalie shirt and now this... my wallet is hurting at this point, not sure I can justify another one. Ffs fine, take my money.
  23. A new thread has been posted about the artifical pitches issue with a template email if people want to contact their clubs (great idea) but wondering from our perspective if FSS and the board can do a vote with the fans/fss members as a fan owned club to then use as an official statement. As was done around the conference league/ B team fiasco. If enough clubs outside the premiership complain about only premiership teams having a vote about artificial surfaces hopefully that would make them think twice at the very least.
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