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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. So many Twitter Saints fans seem so convinced Parish was to blame for the goals conceded today. Fans can think someone isn't good enough and that's a view I definitely share but not sure how any fans can blame him for today's goals... As no fans witnessed the game
  2. Still doesn't explain the fight to keep him and 2 year deal. He was shite before that as well.
  3. What's the issue with MOH? 2 year deal, battled to keep him. Barely kicked a ball?!
  4. 33 in August. I don't have any issue with these signings in isolation but all in the one team... Hmm. Again, hope I'm proved wrong.
  5. Likewise earlier this morning. I appreciate it's not a Saints process and is something managed by the online ticketing supplier but I'd be interested (because I've got an interest in these things/work in the area rather than thinking it's a big problem) why batch sending out these codes is completed over a number of days rather than in one bulk job.
  6. I've never tried but a couple of people have told said their previous (2) seasons card still worked last season as well. I presume it's linked to the account of the owner... Either that or there's been a massive f**k with reuse of barcodes or not disabling previous seasons ones
  7. That's it's. Twitter all over. Even seen one arguing with Plymouth fans about it why bother. MacPherson, all I can say is fucking hell.
  8. More St. Mirren fans in the comments about Carey signing than there is Saints fans on Twitter. They're like scorned lovers. "he's definitely past it and rubbish"
  9. £10 for adults or barcodes via email for season ticket holders. Didn't get an email either though. Wonder if the season ticket will appear...
  10. We've learned though based on the minutes signings have played, Davidson doesn't like the alternative options/doesn't trust the method used to find alternative options. Ambrose straight into the team, Mahon watching for months as example. He likes ones he can "trust". Known names. While we're signing players his way we're unlikely to pick up someone on the cheap and sell for profit.
  11. Those who bought season tickets in there are apparently being contacted to pick a seat in the Main. Thats certainly what was mentioned in the faq stuff when they came out anyway.
  12. The only thing we'll get is the stadium announcer advising us. Although that'll probably only come from the refs visual queue that we'll all see for ourselves anyway.
  13. Moving his stuff into Eetu's flat as we speak... (Joking) There was rumours we were after him last week, which I've no idea if they were true or not. Surely he isn't a Davidson signing though? Davidson has been very cautious in playing forward players after signing and has been quoted especially when talking about Melamed that he had to be patient, get up to speed and fitness etc. If memory serves me rightthere's been similar comments regarding Bair and Eetu about getting up to speed with the League etc as well. Sonogo did not have a club last season so hasn't played for a conserable amount of time. I obviously don't know what his attitude is like but his multitude of short times at clubs alongside NO ONE wanting him last season suggests to me there is a concern there. As we know whether we like it or not Davidson is not a fan of a player who is considered "luxury" - very happy to be proved wrong by him though.
  14. Unless the photos of players modeling them etc were taken before they went to Spain then likely won't see anything until they return.
  15. I don't know for certain he's still injured though. Don't know for certain how bad the injury was but I do know he did go off injured in their last game. I've seen it noted elsewhere online that it was a fracture to his collarbone. IF that's that is actually true there's a good chance he's still out. Although, can't see him being involved regardless.
  16. I may have mistaken 2400 for 3400! Hopefully we can get back to nearish 2400 at least then! Edit: Just seen @double deluxereply. Looks like somewhere in between the two!
  17. While I don't think for a minute he'll get a chance, did he not also break/fracture his shoulder/collarbone in their last game of the season. So wondering if he would have been fit to take part in any case.
  18. I think Carey has had taken the brunt of some frustration on how Saints are going about their recruitment in general at the moment rather than Saints fans having an issue with him specifically. Tommy Wright had previously reduced the squads age. In the time since Davidson has signed quite a few players 33 year old +. Short term stop gaps (often with injury problems) so recruitment often seems disorganised with little sign of long term planning and reactionary. For example a 35 year old Considine on a 2 year deal because Mccart was leaving. Personally was alright with the Carey signing, obviously I hope it works out amazingly and doesn't end in the Ambrose category.
  19. Referees have also been quoted as saying in certain situations they tell their linesman to keep the flag down. I imagine they do that communication via the headsets. Probably to avoid being forced into giving a free kick because the linesman has gone all Douglas Ross "RED CARD RED CARD".
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