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Everything posted by ExiledLichtie

  1. Agreed. I don't blame any of the players for this, I blame the manager. If there isnt a tactical change at half time, a disaster is coming.
  2. That team just isnt set up right. Without a proper experienced striker, we lack a focal point. Unfair to ask Fosu to play up front like this. Hancock just looks lost. All over the place. He should be at full back. Our defence have tried to play the offside trap over and over, and failed. Repeatedly. We need a half time reshuffle.
  3. Looks like our usual 4-4-1-1, but with Hancock on the left wing.
  4. Does nothing change? Gayfield Park is very different to how it was when you last visited. Surely its not beyond the realms of possibility that a much bigger club, who had spent a year in the top flight, would professionalise their operation?
  5. How is it old ground? It's Arbroath's first visit to the apparently amateur Dens Park. If you don't want to talk about it, your club should be more professional.
  6. I'd like to see something outdoor facing. So if its a social club, have it so you can access it directly from outside the ground
  7. Football merch has always been really pricey though, I'm still using the same scarf I got when I was 12, and I'm near 40 now. I don't think its any more unreasonable than any other club, I think we just have a lot more choice now, which is good!
  8. Is this what every match thread is like? Does every match thread turn into barely disguised jealous seethe from the opposition about the Stade de Gayf? We get it, you would all love a stadium like oors.
  9. Exactly. With Nouble and Dowds in the side (and Nouble being double marked), and the threat of Nicky Low, McKenna could spend the first half of the season ghosting around in a free role. If anything I would say that his performances in the second half of the season, when he was basically our main man and everyone knew about him, were even more impressive.
  10. Do Inverness just let drunk kids take glass bottles into the football? What a tinpot club.
  11. Lets be fair, Arbroath blootered that ball at Caley for 90 minutes. Caley Thistle did....something else I think? I think Ridgers held on to the ball for 40 of those minutes? The rest was aimless punts out of play. But I guess that's what we can expect when a wee team comes to Gayfield to try and snatch a point. On another note, any truth in the rumour that Billy Dodds got a seat right behind Billy McKay on the team bus home, just so he could continue to issue instructions.
  12. You'd think that "every man back, waste as much as time as you can, try to snatch a point" would be easy to drill into the players pre-match.
  13. If ICT can keep up a performance like that against some of the smaller teams in the league, then they should be safe. Good on them for giving it a go!
  14. Congratulations to ICT. The plucky underdogs put up a stout defence, and managed to escape with a point against Arbroath, seemingly their much bigger rivals.
  15. From the stream, it looked like we were playing into a strong wind. I'm surprised ICT only had one corner. Fosu and Linn have looked good for us so far.
  16. I think Fosu gives us something a little less predictable, and god knows we need that against ICT!
  17. This is actually true. I was at Killie last season and felt totally out of place. Myself and a friend both ended up cutting the backs of our legs since Killie have a gap between seats that would shame Ryanair. Horrendous experience. Likewise stadiums where its pishing with rain or freezing cold, and you can't move for shelter, or move about to warm yourself up. So aye, you're bang on there. Compare that to our stadium, where, once you manage to slice your way through the foliage, you can stand where you want, you can move around, and rather than be bored watching the games, wee kids can just play freely and go where they want. All that, in a modern, well maintained stadium, which is being improved every single season! I think the problem might be that Caley Thistle have fallen behind the times. Like Killie, they have an old school "shove the seats in somewhere" attitude. In contrast, modern clubs like Arbroath and Celtic look to integrate both standing and seating as part of an optimal modern mix.
  18. I can only apologise to Sandy! However, if he pops into the club shop pre match, I'm sure they will sell him an Arbroath FC branded machete (I mean, we have everything else these days!) to cut through the thicket, and an AFC branded survival tent.
  19. To be fair, I just had a look, and it seems there are no seats available for away fans.
  20. You can almost see all the other ICT fans awkwardly edging away from you in embarrassment.
  21. He never got a chance. I think he got one start, where, to be fair, I actually thought he showed signs of being a decent player. But he didnt get enough chances. Understandable though, because every game was high pressure for us, and he didnt show enough in his cameo sub appearances to warrant a chance of a start. I tell you who we miss right now. Henderson. He could have slotted into defence, and he was also good in a defensive midfield role. As good as Hamilton was, I felt that with him in midfield, we weren't able to get the best out of fellow shortarse Nicky Low.
  22. I watched a few Inverness games last season. Tactically, he seems one of the sharpest. ICT change their game depending on who they are playing, he makes tactical changes that affect the games, and last season, Inverness were the only team that really knew how to play us.
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