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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. It’s not for me to say, but Scotland are winning it all.
  2. Once again, this has nothing to do with Starmer trying to appeal to any voters. The same people that did their utmost to make sure Corbyn never became PM will have had a word in Starmers ear, and told him to punt Corbyn. These people weren’t just going to leave Corbyn alone now that he’s no longer Labour leader. They’re making an example of Jeremy Corbyn to make sure that nobody with policies like him ever comes near power again. This is a country that racists like David Baddiel can call a lifelong anti-racist like Jeremy Corbyn a racist and have a large number of people agree with them.
  3. Seems like that’s directed towards posters on here. Does Kate have an account?
  4. I wouldn’t disagree that a good few of the SNP and Greens are oddballs but they’ve got nothing on the oddballs that want to be governed by Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss etc.
  5. What does the guy from Eyemouth have to say about this?
  6. It’s important to remember that most of these “pro democracy” protesters will have stayed silent when it comes the oppression of Palestinians, of which they benefit massively from. Another thing to remember is that even when so called “liberals” have been in power in Israel, the building of settlements, blockades still happened and general treatment of Palestinians was no different. Yitzhak Rabin of course won the Nobel peace prize. Whilst Minister of Defence he ordered Israeli soldiers to break the bones of unarmed Palestinians and yet he was seen as too sympathetic towards Palestinians by some and was assassinated by a far right nationalist.
  7. John Wick (2014) - A cliched movie with a plot that has been done a number of times before. Reddits favourite actor gives a ok performance, and on the whole I thought it was quite overrated and wasn’t much different to the average action movie.
  8. This includes giving landlords greater power to evict tenants, because making people homeless will help fight anti social behaviour according to the tories.
  9. The SNP are very good at that. They talked about creating a publicly owned energy company for years, until scrapping that altogether and also sold off Scotlands offshore wind capability to oil companies for a pittance.
  10. Glad the bigot never won, but at the same time Humza will likely continue the bs facade of the SNP being a left wing party whilst continuing the dreadful policies and rhetoric of Sturgeon.
  11. No, but stopping Corbyn standing at the next election is nothing to do with appeasing middle England, which is what I was talking about.
  12. It’s got nothing to do with trying appease “middle England”.
  13. Of course, there is grey in this world. One thing that is black and white is that the US and its allies have been the most destructive force in the world post WW2. For some reason you seem to think saying that is an attempt to lessen what other countries have done when it is not. My answer to everything is not “the US government is bad” but the topic in this particular case was the Vietnam war and there is no clearer example of the US government being in the wrong. No idea what you’re talking about with your strange “baby killer” comment.
  14. More nonsense from yourself. You seem to be doing your best to avoid the main point. This isn’t about just the actions of certain individuals, it’s about the entire US government apparatus. Avoiding the fact the entire US apparatus is totally corrupt seems to be quite a common tactic of blue MAGA types that also call Trump a pussy for avoiding the draft.
  15. I acknowledged this in one of the posts above and never disputed what jagfox posted. Also, Criticism of Trumps avoidance of the draft invariably misses the point. If the US hadn’t gotten involved in the first place there would have been no unequal draft system with loopholes that allowed those who were wealthy to avoid it.
  16. Have a go at Trump as much as you want, but if you’re going to go with “Trump was a pussy for dodging the draft” line of criticism instead of the literally hundreds of other things to actually criticise him for then you should be rightly called out.
  17. There’s nothing to suggest it wasn’t a moral stance, and like I said dodging the draft for Vietnam was the correct thing to do. Of course I have a lot more respect for those that risked being imprisoned for dodging the draft than Trump. Anyway, the main point was about those that use this as a stick to beat Trump with. It wasn’t uncommon to see Democrats say this in 2016 and then during his presidency. It totally undermines the entire point that the Vietnam war was totally illegal and the worst crimes against humanity since WW2 were committed by the US during it.
  18. It’s not. Obviously, he had the means of avoiding the draft which others didn’t, but the fact he avoided it isn’t something to criticise him for.
  19. So funny that people act like him not fighting in a racist, genocidal war is something to have a go at him about. He might not have done it for the right reasons but it was the morally correct thing to do.
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