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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. Principled as in…. always voting to destroy the lives of non-white people through military action?
  2. Yousaf being competent wasn’t the point I was trying to make in the post because he clearly isn't, but it’s hardly a ringing endorsement to say that she’s less incompetent than him, and there’s not much she’s done to prove any great level of competency so far.
  3. Interestingly a number of people seem to say this and then provide no evidence as to why it’s the case.
  4. It was a joke but then again… FullSizeRender.MOV
  5. As he should. Can’t be too careful when it comes to Germans.
  6. I never claimed that there weren’t instances of members being critical, but by and large most did “stay in line” on things like the scotwind shambles for example. Even for the GRR most voted the way the leadership would have wanted. Now, Kate Forbes is even criticising the SNPs record on a number of things during a leadership debate. I doubt very much that there would have been criticism as scathing in such a public manner before Sturgeon left. I certainly don’t remember any (other than from the likes of Cherry, who’s influence was fairly minimal).
  7. That should be obvious to anyone that isn’t a brain donor like The Other Foot. I’ve never defended the criminal invasion of Ukraine and said this about it:
  8. It definitely won’t be put to one side. Yousaf was obviously the preferred candidate of Sturgeon and Murrell and with them both gone the sections of the party who were mostly kept in line by their authoritarian leadership of the party will be emboldened by their exit. This shambles is no less than the SNP deserves after a number of years of terrible governance. You’d hope they’d get their act together but I doubt it.
  9. I was talking about VT. Hasn't even posted on the thread for the last few pages and you’re still talking about him.
  10. It’s nothing to do with being my “modus operandi” and more to do with fact America does so many fucked up things that it’s hard not to blame them. Undercutting other businesses isn’t a trade war, it’s capitalism and it’s not as if the US would never indulge in any prison labour. The reality is that it is the US and it’s vassals that have been responsible for more damage and destabilisation than any other countries post WW2.
  11. What a load of pish. The false equivalence between Taiwan and Algeria, Ethiopia and Kaliningrad is laughable. You also never specified you were only talking about international courts that deal with marine issues rather than international courts writ large. Also, what does this have to do with Russia? I never claimed China should be able to what it wants with regards to the South China Sea. As for “tossing the toys out the pram”, you seem to be the only doing so because America is being criticised. The fact the occupation of Hawaii and Guam started before international courts existed doesn’t matter considering the occupations continue to this day. I doubt people in the region ,Vietnam and Indonesia especially, think that it’s “better the devil you know” when it comes to the US. Maybe if Pelosi didn’t visit Taiwan and if Blinken hadn’t cancelled a trip to China because of a balloon the situation between the US and China wouldn’t be so intense. Both sides have done things to provoke these tensions but you would have to be very biased to suggest it’s China that is the party mainly at fault, considering the trade war was started by the US and the almost constant anti Chinese sentiment put out by the US media.
  12. Dearie me. 1) No, but I do believe that the US carrying out naval exercises near to where China does have the right to claim is an act of aggression. 2) Taiwan isn’t a country. As for the rest, I’ll be sure to get in contact with their embassies to ask about their claims. 3) I reject an international court that ignores the crimes of its biggest backers. Where were these international courts every time the US has violated another countries sovereignty and committed atrocities on a massive scale (Vietnam being one example)? How is America’s imperialist conquest of Hawaii and Guam any better than what China has done?
  13. “International courts” Obviously not the entire South China Sea is territory of China but at least some is (therefore not international waters) and the US has definitely infringed by carrying out flights over these waters and even carrying out military exercises near it.
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