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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. Tory members cannot be trusted to pick another PM. Absolutely no excuse not to have an election now.
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-63298374
  3. The BBC with their finger on the pulse as usual are reporting on the real heroes of this mess…
  4. Don’t know. Maybe you could just enjoy the fact that rangers have just won 4-0 rather than care about what celtic fans think.
  5. They’re finally admitting that they think unions are the enemy. Growth is more important to them than people having enough money to live.
  6. So that’s what Jude Law has been up to since getting that submarine.
  7. His schedule is already taken up with all the fathers 4 justice events and meetings in Davos.
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