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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. 8 minutes ago, AW saint said:

    The two clubs being mentioned don't exactly set the heather on fire. Would have expected better teams to come forward. This could be initial bids of course and others may come forward. 

    Ethan clearly want to better himself outwith the SPFL. He finally looks more consistent under Robbo. 

    The minute he changed agents you could tell he was off soon. 

    Rumours have been muted about of 1 or 2 midfielders coming in. 

    Need to strap ourselves in as more cash bids could follow for Baccus etc. 

    Anyway wish Ethan all the best for the future

    I think it’s a combination of St Mirren looking to get some cash in the bank (plus look to get a sell on percentage) plus his agent getting him down south for a chance to impress bigger clubs while age is on his side.

    We would have been entitled to a development fee but I think the club are looking to explore the future sell on fee which makes sense.

    Look at Andy Robertson and John McGinn on their progress after leaving small clubs. Find it incredible that McGinn now has 50 caps for Scotland.

    Good luck Ethan! You will be missed.


  2. 3 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    One record shop remains, the Record Market, when there used to be over half a dozen.

    Over half a dozen? I fondly remember Listen and also Stereo 1. But I can’t recall many more proper independent record stores during the 70s and early 80s.

    Listen introduced me to punk and other styles of music that I still enjoy today.

    I loved that store. When did it close?

    I do remember buying some records from upstairs at Boots and Woolies Possibly Menzies too?

    Another killer blow for Paisley was pedestrianising the high street. 

    We have lost so many decent independent stores, butchers and shops of that ilk. 


  3. Just now, Savage Henry said:

    The Everton vs Wolves game is quite fun to watch, but only because both teams are absolutely dreadful.

    I’m watching the goals channel. Some of the defending we would not see at a junior level. Very poor.

    Is it just me or does Paul Lambert constantly repeat himself? He is such a negative commentator. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, GAD said:

    See to be fair, he does have a point. I mean, I don't know if Gunn actually earns £40k per week, but surely a guy playing at the top end of the championship is worth a look over a guy playing for Motherwell, who didn't make the grade at QPR, or a guy whose been warming the bench for Hearts? 

    But he’s been asked by Scotland and has turned us down.
    I say f**k him.

    Get someone who wants to play for the national team.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

    And there was me thinking that the Dons and Saints were old pals, exchanging good players and managers between us and generally looking after each other's backs and now we're taking punches below the belt from our old Buddies...




    Hardly below the belt. Just telling the truth. 
    You have won as many major trophies as our wee team has in the last 2 decades. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Eednud said:

    Football used to be played on Christmas Day and this is from one of 2 games played on this day in 1976 (2-2 att: 7,675). The other Alloa 2 Cowdenbeath 1 (731). Think this has been posted before but never mind as it’s a good way to wish all a Merry Christmas.


    I was at that game. It should really have been played on Boxing Day giving the amount of fighting between the supporters that day on the terraces. 😂 

    The Trouble
    “It was a white Christmas with black stripes in Clydebank as seven thousand pilgrims from Paisley invaded the town to see their team St Mirren play the Bankies in the top of the table clash at Kilbowie.

    Unfortunately not all the visitors brought festive good cheer with them. Trouble began half an hour before kick-off when hundreds of Saints fans charged like enraged bulls at the greatly outnumbered home supporters.

    Several cans and bottles, not all of them empty, were thrown. Peace was restored relatively quickly and Clydebank Director Jack Steedman pleaded with the fans to behave themselves.

    He said, “We have deliberately kept the police presence to a minimum, but if there is another hint of trouble we shall have to call in reinforcements."

    Regrettably, the trouble flared up again during the match. After 25 minutes, Clydebank took the lead through Mike Larnach, and as the Bankies' fans celebrated, they were showered with bottles and cans thrown by the Paisley supporters,

    As they scattered, the home fans were again chased by a wave of about 200 drink-crazed youths,

    Running fights broke out, and fathers had to throw their young sons over the barrier and on to the playing surface to avoid the danger.

    Referee Eddie Thomson, of Edinburgh, held up play for six minutes as order was restored, and extra police brought in from Glasgow's support unit.

    Eleven arrests were made, and at least one youngster was carried from the arena on a stretcher. Clydebank's first aid boys were run off their feet tending to the many with cuts and bruises.

    Again Jack Steedman pleaded over the loudspeaker for order to be restored. He said: “This is the first trouble we have had in 11 years of Senior football, and it's spoiling what should be a great occasion.”

    Although there were a few more minor scuffles, no more major incidents occurred, and the match ended in a 2-2 draw,

    Luckily the hooligans did not interrupt the pre-match festivities. Santa Claus led both sides on to the pitch and each player sported a giant letter above his head which all went together to spell "MERRY CHRISTMAS."

    Each team manager, the linesmen and the referee were presented with gifts, and the players distributed plastic footballs among young boys in the crowd.

    Most people had a great afternoon.

    Nine of those arrested appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on Monday charged with causing a breach of the peace. Six pleaded not guilty and will appear again for trial.”

    I don’t believe the official attendance. It was jam packed.

    From the Herald

    "I was 15 at the time and still remember the game well," said Stevie McAneney, a Clydebank historian and now a director of the re-launched club. "The crowd was given as 10,000 but there were easily between 12,000 to 14,000 there.”


    Match Report

    This top of the table clash never reached its expected lofty heights. True, the pitch was treacherous as any you’ll see, but add to that the apparent look of disinterest of certain players and you don’t come up with a winning formula.

    The teams were too scared of each other to play much positive football. It was very much cat and mouse stuff in the opening quarter, with the visitors having territorial advantage without threatening deputy keeper Roddy McKenzie.

    A McDowell header from a Beckett free-kick flashed over the bar and a Hyslop effort from a Richardson cross slid just wide. Saints continued to look the better side, especially in midfield as Bankies surprisingly looked reluctant to come forward. Beckett and McDowell carved open a chance for McGarvey, but the winger shot into the side netting.

    The home fans were growing restless as Bankies struggled to reach Hunter, but they were given hop in the 20th minute when Mike Larnach broke on the left. His cross was played on by Jim Fallon to Joe McCallan whose lob over Hunter looked a scorer all the way but faded just past.

    In the 25th minute, however, it was smiles all the way on the Bankies' fans faces as the homesters took a shock lead. In their first sustained burst of pressure Callaghan moved the ball across the penalty area to Billy McColl, but when Johnston robbed the midfield man it seemed the danger was cleared. However, the full-back slipped the ball back to Hunter and Mike Larnach was there in a flash. Dragging the ball round the despairing keeper, Mike fired into the empty net to bring a sea of red and white to the terracing.

    Before the shocked visitors had time to recover, Mike Larnach laid on a chance for Joe McCallan who shot only a fraction wide.

    Then came the trouble as fans invaded the park to escape bottles and cans and the game was held up for six minutes.

    On the restart some of the impetus had gone, with St. Mirren's early aggression now evaporating and just before the interval Bankies almost increased their lead. Davie Cooper beat two men and his shot from 20 yards was blocked by Hunter, who could not hold the ball. However, as Joe McCallan raced in for the kill, the keeper bravely dived at his feet to save his side.

    Five minutes into the second half Bankies incredibly found themselves two goals up.

    Cooper sent Lumsden clear on the right, but his cross beat everyone and looked to be going out of play. Joe McCallan had other ideas, however, and raced after the ball, caught it on the line and returned it into the middle. As the Buddies' defence hesitated, Kilbowie went wild as Billy McColl popped up from nowhere to stab the ball into the net.

    St. Mirren probably couldn't believe that they had been so much on top and yet were two goals adrift, but a master stroke by Alex Ferguson had them back in the game within seven minutes.

    His substitution of Torrance for McDowell was not too popular with some of the vast travelling support. However, with his first kick of the ball, the sub pulled one back. The home defence got themselves into a terrible tangle as McGarvey and Torrance ran at them and when the winger slipped the ball through, the sub, hammered a shot from 12 yards well out of McKenzie's reach.

    This gave the Buddies new heart and they came at Bankies time and time again. It was surprising to see Bankies defending in depth and passing back to the keeper so often, one got the impression that they were giving the visitors just a little too much respect

    St. Mirren did not need any favours, however, for, in the 72nd minute, they deservedly equalised. Richardson won a corner on the left and when the ball came over it was cleared only as far as Stark, standing 25 yards out. The big midfield man steadied himself, took a few paces forward, then, as half the Bankies team charged at him, he cracked the ball past the despairing McKenzie into the corner of the net.

    Surprisingly after this, Bankies had the best chances to win, with Mike Larnach twice firing just wide, but in the dying seconds Hyslop broke through and it took two brilliant tackles by Norrie Hall and finally a finger-tip save by Roddy McKenzie to keep the ball out.

    A draw was a fair result in a game that was exciting in patches, but never really lived up to expectations. It was disappointing that Bankies adopted such a defensive attitude, but a credit to St. Mirren that they forced the pace for much of the game.


  7. First game in Paisley was a preseason match at Love St in ‘74 between my fathers team Rangers (him and his family were all from different areas of Govan) and my local team St Mirren.

    I stood in the old Caledonia Road end of Love Street but preferred the team in stripes that day than my auld mans team.


    A wee while after this game I was visited at my Paisley school by St Mirren’s young manager Alex Ferguson who was keen to drum up support from the local kids.

    He took a group of us away to the stage in the main hall at the local primary and proceeded to tell us all of his plans for dominating Scottish football.

    Ultimately St Mirren’s loss was Aberdeens gain as he went on to prove that his words were not hollow.

    When he asked us at that primary school meeting if anyone had been to any football games and who they were there supporting he told us all in no uncertain terms that his team St Mirren would soon be beating the Rangers and Celtic’s and everyone was left in no doubt that we were all to support St Mirren from that day forward.

    My auld man actually knew the Ferguson family quite well as they all lived near each other in Shieldhall Road.

    He never forgave me (or I guess AF) for following my local team rather than his and his fathers team.

    I’m so glad that chance meeting with SAF had such an impact on my football supporting life. 

    He really was a force of nature in Paisley during those few short years he was in charge there.

    Despite doing so much at the club he also found time I believe to run two pubs in Govan.

    It was incredible how he grew a Saints support of less than 1000 before he arrived into one that increased dramatically with a style of play that was replicated at Aberdeen and Man Utd.

    The image below is how I remember him telling us all who we were to support at the meeting.



  8. 2 hours ago, G51 said:

    Celtics executives aren’t any better, and these are the clubs that actually make money.

    I’m not a Celtic fan, but did Peter Lawwell not do a tremendous job for his club over 15+ years in various roles? I thought he kept a tight ship in terms of financial results and helped deliver success on the pitch despite your club having the second largest budget in Scottish football even when you were reborn. Lawwell may not have been popular with his own fans, yours or even other Scottish club chairmen but he certainly seemed to deliver outstanding financial results for his employers or else the owners would have booted him out.


  9. rangers fans not like Bill Leckie? Not my cup of tea either, but searching out his dating profile is kind of weird behaviour. As for age differences in relationships surely as long as couples are of consenting age it’s down to them?

    regarding rock stars. Ronnie Wood is 31years older than his current wife. Rod stewart is 27years older than his wife. I think she was born after he performed with the Faces. Why was the guitar dude from Led zeppelin was not outed as a deviant for his sexual encounters with a 13year old in the 70s? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Mattix other notable allegations against Jagger, Bowie, and co.

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