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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. I despised Hearts in the ‘80s. 

    They were filled with diving cheats and hatchet men. 

    Throw in an arrogant chairman and bigoted scum supporters. 

    It was an absolute pleasure seeing their bottle crash. 

    I also really enjoyed seeing them get beat the following week by Aberdeen in the SC final with a goal from former Saint Billy Stark and two goals from future Saint John Hewitt. Two skilful players and good guys too! Would never have got into a team managed by that wee scrote Doddy.

    Hearts forever blowing doubles! 



  2. 20 minutes ago, ZingaliMan said:

    Dundee fans looking forward to their big day out. Formality win for Saints can see it by 3 to 4 goals sending the dark blue fans home as miserable as they always are. 


    This statement could come back to haunt you 👻 😂 

    St Mirren have historically struggled against “lower league” opposition many times down the years. 

    I would happily settle for a scrappy 1-0 win. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, AJF said:

    Maybe I’ll let a Celtic fan answer that one, then.

    Let’s see if they will agree that they believe referees are against them due to their religion rather than believing they are Rangers fans.

    As I said before it goes both ways with both sets of “supporters”. 

    Can you not see that you are just as bad?

    When you spend more time singing songs about a dead terrorist in the 1980s than you do about your own players says it all really. Especially when one had the same surname you’d think you’d be able to sing a new song about him? 😂 

    Why can’t you just get along?


  4. 4 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    Not convinced he's anywhere near as good as some people seem to think he is, but we'll wait and see.

    I never rated his auld man as a top top goalkeeper. We have been spoilt down the years in that department.

    How he managed to get Scotland caps and Campbell Money didn’t was down to the league he played in.

    His dad will be the proudest guy ever if his son runs out at Hampden in a Scotland top.

  5. 1 minute ago, AJF said:

    What kind are you after?

    My point was, really, that nobody does referee conspiracy theories quite like Celtic do.

    From causing referees to strike, creating imaginary alternative league tables, publishing books and recording documentaries inside Celtic’s actual stadium, they’ve been there and done it all.

    There was a no doubt that there is a degree of insecurity surrounding the green side of the country. There are historical reasons why that is true. One could argue there are still issues in Catholics gaining employment and so on. 

    Your fans have actually become even more bigoted and hateful since your club died in 2012. 

    It is all very sad. 

  6. 1 minute ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    Of course not, I only really started watching Hearts in 1987

    And that hardly matters

    By now Frank McGarvey is a mythological as opposed to historical figure 

    Attempting to present counterarguments based on historical facts is a waste of time and quite frankly offensive to my belief system and I'd appreciate it if you desisted



    Oh well at least you saw this goal then.


    Frank “Mythological” McGarvey?


  7. 5 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    Obviously there has been a grudge against your club for the actions of certain St Mirren players in 1986

    But with the, long overdue, passing of Frank McGarvey it's probably about time to let that grudge drop


    Did you actually witness our game? McGarvey actually had some superb chances early doors to take the lead. 

    Compare the Celtic team with the St Mirren team?

    Celtic’s team was filled with established international players. 


    We had Jim fcuking Stewart (ex Rangers) in goal. I’m surprised it was not more.

    Your team’s inability to win 2 games against a relegated team like Clydebank and getting pumped 6-2 by St Mirren was more to do with your bottle crashing. You really struggled against St Mirren, Dundee, Motherwell Clydebank that season. 


    Fcuk off blaming St Mirren players. I’ve seen worse Celtic teams score more goals against my team. 

    You really are a bunch of arrogant cnuts.

    Just finally admit it.

    Your bottle crashed. 


  8. Too many modern car issues are caused by failing or faulty computer components. 

    That could be down to cheaper components being used to reduce production costs that result in many more unnecessary service charges by dealerships. 

    Or it could be that the manufacturers realise that they can limit the lifespan of vehicles. 

    They have been doing it for years with “modern” phones, laptops and tablets. 

    I’m glad I still have my Nokia 3310!

    What a device!

  9. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    If its running fine then I'd be surprised if its doing anything serious. The fact you've got a stop/start fault heavily suggests its the battery though, which I just noticed you mentioned in an older post.

    Lot of batterys are now coded and while they can be charged enough to run the car, if they dip below a certain voltage they'll stop doing certain functions. Start/stop is always the first to go.

    I got to reason that the financial and environmental cost of replacing a car battery and the stop/start nature of the car was far more damaging that I turn off this stupid feature.

  10. 2 hours ago, Satoshi said:

    Yep, he has looked dreadful since the world cup. His transfer price and wages going down with every appearance.

    Perhaps West Ham should cut there losses and replace him with SBG?

    DR will easily move on to another EPL club. 

  11. 2 hours ago, NorthBank said:

    Gogic is a far better player than Erhahon. Ethan has a great left foot and can make a few very good passes in a game. That's about it. He is so one-side that opponents stroll past his right side as if he wasn't there; he stands off players not closing them down, and doesn't track runners. He avoids heading the ball. His idea of imposing himself is stupid fouls and shouting at the ref. Gogic may not have the passing ability but provides everything else that Ethan can't. I would also have Kiltie starting before him. Ethan has improved this season with his workrate and attitude but his game awareness is poor and he is still anonymous most of the game with too many square passes and back passes when he should be dictating from his position.

    You are doing a great job of talking him up! Glad you are not his agent. 😂 

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