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Posts posted by Molotov

  1. 6 minutes ago, velo army said:

    At an international, especially one where the result really matters, the moment where the music stops and there's an infinitesimal moment of quiet as we hear the whistle for kick off. I feel all the excitement just bubble up in me. Marvellous.

    Music at football has killed so much atmosphere whether it is pre match or just immediately after goals. 

  2. The FA cup used to be a glorious competition with players and managers going all out to win. Sure you would get shocks on occasion. 

    Nowadays you expect shocks like the one at Villa Park every time a “top” side plays against lower league opponents.

    Now the EPL team rests important squad players as survival in the top league is absolutely vital to the club. 

    The top league sides who can’t be arsed would be best just ditching the competition altogether. It’s a shadow of the tournament it once was.

    Years ago Cardiff vs Leeds would have been a complete sell out. There were 13,000 empty seats today. 

    Modern fitba is pish.

  3. 10 minutes ago, ATLIS said:

    He’s not really done much to warrant a move upwards though has he? Let alone one to justify him staying on a big wage. 


    I was just thinking about him as backup to Anderson tbf

    Nope he was a Goodwin “push out the boat” signing. At the time Brophy was in the Scotland squad so St Mirren paid the price. 

    There is a goal scorer in there. But I think he has lost the hunger and drive to succeed.

    He won’t be the last high profile striker we have signed who ends up shooting blanks. 


  4. 3 minutes ago, Austin McCann said:

    😄 I thought it was Hearts fans who were supposed to be rattled by st mirren lying down?

    The only lying down that day was performed by Hearts players. 

    Especially a certain Craig Levein who just decided to lay in his bed at home as his arse collapsed. Just ask that sage Gary MacKay his opinion of CL antics that day. His own teammates hate CL for that cowardly behaviour.



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