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Everything posted by Wingman

  1. It’s just soooooo wonderful to behold. Who’s next for the chop?
  2. Surely, having won an election, they just want to govern for the people of the UK. If they lose the next election, then so be it. ‘Authoritarian fascists’- time to go back to school I think?
  3. They’ve no intention whatsoever of pulling out. Its just politicking.
  4. There already is a two tier system in the UK. You need to wake up to reality. 40% of all hip replacement operations are carried out in the private sector as the NHS are unable to do them. A large number of those patients don’t have private healthcare and are forced to pay to get relief. Even the FS, Kate Forbes says that the SNP record on healthcare is poor. What more proof do you need that it is not working
  5. Why is it obviously a terrible thing? Big question is. Does it produce better outcomes? Happy to look at any other systems which work.
  6. Yep, and most of the idiots fell for it.
  7. And why not? Who would want a flat earther or science denier as FM?
  8. It was absolutely the wrong thing to do specially as covid only affected a small percentage of the population and even there the survival chances were high. It was complete nonsense and, hopefully, the enquiry, with the help of those messages, will get to the truth. We should have followed the likes of Sweden which protected their economy, schools and treated the population like adults. Look at the mess we’re now left with!
  9. This game is available to UK residents. VPN not needed
  10. Yes, totally agree. Top marks to the Inchyra staff for dealing with the huge numbers. Martin was great but would be quickly binned off P&B. Roughie was ‘okay’. Really sad times we live in.
  11. More or less confirmed by the Cochrane Report. It was all politics, but very bad politics in as much as economies were trashed, education for young people was ruined, personal freedoms were removed, life expectancy was reduced, authoritarianism took hold (see Matt Hancock) and what for? A great big nothing.
  12. We were Morrison regulars but not now. On the occasions we do go, it’s desperately quiet.
  13. Agree. For an organisation like FSS, PayPal should be the last resort. I give my £20 by s/o. Absolutely no cost to FSS. When the new season comes round, it will be vitally important to get the admin correct with FSS being a big part of the ST sales campaign. Anyway, thanks to all the volunteers for the great work they do. Just as an aside, although the now defunct BfL was relatively small, around 150 members, a good number of the members were resident far away from Falkirk and not attenders at games. Maybe we should try to target such folks within the UK and also ex pats living overseas?
  14. I think McGlynn said at the AGM that he saw Henderson as being primarily a CB. Regarding Burrell must have missed what he said or was it Lawal he was talking about? His voice tends to fade away at times and it’s difficult to pick up.
  15. Artificial with 50% grant coming from UK government.
  16. There must be loads of Catholics who vote SNP and I thought they were against gay marriage, abortion and even divorce?
  17. The influential and prestigious Cochrane organisation has now come up with its extensive review showing that the wearing of face coverings is and has always been a complete waste of time.
  18. Surely your first paragraph is completely at odds with the rest of your post? If someone, because of their religion, has views which you dislike but the law of the land is different, then I don’t see the problem. The majority of Christian denominations don’t agree with same-sex marriage so you don’t think they can be in the SNP. Thats just crazy.
  19. Rightly or wrongly I think that’s correct. For me I feel the same affinity to someone in Cornwall as to someone in Lanarkshire. I think Brexit was the same. Nothing to do with trade and taxes but all to do with sovereignty and belonging. At least with Brexit we had a different language, history and background to our European neighbours which gave the project some logic. Scot Nats have this feeling of superiority (although they never admit it) over their fellow Britons. Actually, it’s really a deep- rooted inferiority complex probably due to the image of leafy rural England against the dark, dirty neglected former industrial towns of central Scotland decaying under years of Labour/SNP local management.
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