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    Queens Park

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  1. Personally I'd be starting Hinds ahead of Duncan. I get that Hinds is currently coming on as an impact sub, but we just look much more threatening as an attacking force when Hinds is on the park IMO.
  2. The Rudden situation today was odd. Was he warming up at all? Were they not bad actually, or were we rubbish? I was quite impressed by them, I had to double check they were League 2. I remember us and our opposition being much worse in League 2. I thought EC were a tidy wee unit, and certainly weren't outclassed by us.
  3. I can't lie, I've had that same thought today but logistically it looks very very unlikely: access for one.
  4. I've never seen inside the QP training facility @ Lochinch. Looks pretty top notch to my uneducated eye. I've done a wee Google and found this, I don't know if there's anything more recent....
  5. What's the law regarding the keeper handling outside the box? Straight red under any circumstances? Yellow if the keeper is actually still in his box? Yellow if it doesn't truthfully actually prevent a goal scoring opportunity? Bit of a stinger after last week with Ferrie's straight red for technically doing the exact same thing.
  6. Agreed, 100%, we need a poacher. I honestly didn't think they were any great shakes, but effective, whereas we were lucky to get "0"!
  7. How does the Rangers result last night affect the likelihood of us being back at HQ before the end of the year? Us big hoose Friday, them big hoose Sunday?
  8. Credit where credit is due...... security guy on the left-hand turnstile couldn't have been more pleasant. No frisking, big smile "enjoy the game". See it's not difficult.
  9. ............. 9. Unnecessary NOISE and behaviour likely, in the opinion of the Club/Event Organiser to cause confusion, annoyance, fear, upset or nuisance of any kind is not permitted in any part of the Ground. 11 The following articles MUST NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE GROUND prohibited weapons, knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, flares, weapons, dangerous or hazardous items, laser devices, bottles, glass vessels, cans, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety. Make sure you decant your Buckie into PLASTIC bottles. I jest......... kinda.
  10. Don't forget the CIA style headset and sunglasses combo and frisking elderly men and women at the gate "got any knock off jujubes granny?" Empty your handbag now!
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