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Everything posted by highlandmac

  1. thought he was guilty but really surprised he got found guilty,the evidence was patchy at best.when they said it took the jury only 3 hours i just assumed he was walking
  2. 2 or 3 quid for a bottle of water because you cant take any through with you?scam all day long
  3. You only want guinea to win so the locals don't murder you
  4. I'm an atheist but,in case I'm wrong,full forgiveness for the sins of this life with a place in paradise in return for all the killing,rapeing&looting I can manage....count me in
  5. Perhaps that's a good way of accounting for people who've been acknowledged as being POWs but have been subsequently brutalised&murdered
  6. Fight for sausage fingers&the union jack? Er,no
  7. Myself&my pal had been drinking all day.as we staggered out of the QM nirvana,who were playing there that night,were unloading their stuff from a van;grohl then says something like,"oh just leave us alone!" as this was just them on the cusp of getting big&I assume they were getting a whole lot more attention from folk,though not on this occasion.so I told him to f**k off&get over himself as we weren't interested in them&we were just heading to another hostelry I'm a bit pissed off I never saw nirvana at the QM before they were huge;well,except for outside
  8. Fair enough,must've made it a more interesting watch surrounded by people who gaf about the result
  9. I'm a keen user of public transport but given the last couple of years there's no danger I'm ditching my car,trains are utterly undependable,local buses up here are dreadful,even the long distance buses are a bit iffy
  10. So the rail network will become more&more unsustainable,then,if travellers can never make plans in any but the finest weather
  11. This tournament has been terrific so far
  12. I for one am shocked that real Madrid got a load of decisions in their favour just when they needed them ,sure girona will be raging too
  13. Told Dave grohl to f**k off once,outside the QM in glasgow
  14. I know it feels like you've been in this hell forever but brechin weren't in the hfl in the eighties so doubt supporters there will have pics
  15. See royal fergie has skin cancer,some morning TV show was asking what impact this could have on other people who have it
  16. There was one moment in the early hours where it was ominously silent for a moment followed by the loudest gust I've ever heard
  17. I strongly suspect they'll be In airport hotels,if theyre lucky,awaiting the shout to get back in the air,doubt they'll be hanging out at pavement cafes
  18. Big results this weekend at the top of the bundesliga
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