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    Argyll Forest Park
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  1. Curious myself . Conscious lucid. Take indoors in wheelchair and call ambulance and continue on with the game to a conclusion. Seems bizarre game was abandoned.
  2. That's nonsense . And you coached at his previous clubs did you not. Very poor
  3. This low IQ fool is gonna go through the same patter every team isn't he ffs
  4. You know fine well what league it is and called. The team you support messed up so badly it's literally in the worst run league anywhere in the football world , a league with zero integrity on and off the park, a total abomination of a set up . Congratulations on the 8th? 10th? 12th place finish last season and the storming start to this season in well 13th
  5. Great option for locals to have a team in the area from a different grade / level. Can get that thinking. The vast majority of WOSFL clubs have that mindset even if they don't openly say-so. As much as things have changed being a separate entity and option for people to the absolute nightmare that is anything overseen by cabal at the SFA had its merits.
  6. Odious little cretin has destroyed the clubs reputation it built up over more than 100 years. It will never recover even if the club survive. Few others like the 'legend' were also a utter disgrace .
  7. Who were the unscrupulous landlords involved with KRR? Oh the Kirkintilloch Community sports stadium is in EDC it's run by KRRFC charity wing Kirkintilloch community sports club With community sports club paying operating costs of the facility in turn allowing them make money off it in rentals etc.
  8. What should not be forgot is if a club sell its old ground / land and they then to go alone they need to buy new land suitable in the town they are from (good luck with that ) then the costs of building actual stadium itself. Land alone for a acre or two could be in the millions alone. This is where clubs need to work with councils it's a necessary evil . A club like KRR have ultimately got the best scenario you'll get out of a new modern stadium set up where they control the stadium under some conditions granted it took ten years of off field pain to get to where they are now. Did Arthurlie not look into possibility of selling where they are and moving?
  9. Weather postponements kill off a club, it's momentum and it's fanbase quicker than anything. The uncertainty of it all is horrific. Guaranteed games on is incredibly beneficial to any club the singular most important thing.
  10. Yeah boy shouldn't be playing in WOS with respect to this level. Can see your manager has threw in a couple of right big guys one at back one up front who were a handful. Captain at back is a good player think it's O'Neil, good leadership. Arthurlie will be top three. Oh yeah KRR do have a young team on the face of it so losing two of better players with good experience is a bigger blow to them as a team than the likes of Arthurlie as you seem to have a good squad.
  11. Was a crazy incident. Ironically Arthurlie best player number 5 Aaron Healy had a fairly quiet game. Arthurlie won't be far away from top spot.
  12. KRR will be delighted if home attendance average of 500 for four League games holds up. it would i think if team were flying. Even around 300-400 mark would be great for the club after all 15 home games. Good to see lots of volunteers chipping in helping running the new place smoothly and the gatemen taking note of attendance as you entered the turnstile . As for the team they were missing two or three of better players and experienced ones at that which they can't afford to not have. Hopefully they get it right in time And with patience in what's a very competitive league despite nobody throwing about the big money of the premier
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