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g martin

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  1. How much money do you think Murray was contractually entitled to recieve when he was sacked? Is there ballpark figures known for this sort of thing in the championship or just guess work. It clearly wasn't a high enough figure to trouble the board / affect cash flow in this case anyway. It's probably a safe assumption that Collins would be entitled to more if he was theoretically sacked 6 or 7 months into this contract. I imagine it is pretty favourable to him after initially turning down the job, wanting security for having to move his family etc and the contract term bring 3 years? Would it be £100k? More? A lot more?
  2. Have you considered the fact that he is likely just working within the budget constraints of the club? You've got to be lowest or second lowest for expenditure in the championship, as far as I'm concerned mccabe and the players worked a miracle getting to fourth last season. If I were you I would be happy with simply avoiding relegation spots in this tight league and I don't see anyone more likely than mccabe to achieve that for you. Why do you think he got so many mentions at the start of the raith manager search. Even being able to hold on to Frizzell this season I would put into the bonus category, considering the wages he could likely get elsewhere. These young unproven players are cheaper and can be sold on if successful.
  3. If you want to try and start a rumour at least pick a different player from the last time, very uncreative. How about Scott brown instead he has been away for a while as well.
  4. The surprise from some that things aren't going well straight away is baffling to me. Anyhow, obviously Collins is there now and won't be leaving for a while even if he continues with 3 at the back losing games etc. He has time to make changes or flap around as he sees fit, Murray will still be getting paid off at the moment. Maybe he shouldn't pull the kids out of school in England yet though, and save money on a house move. In the short term that means the pressure is on others. Benching players is hard when there are few fit replacements. Finding new ones not easy either obviously, eg a free agent goal scoring striker or loan option is unlikely, it's what everyone in the championship wants. So the players are somewhat immune as well just now. That leaves Potter and Cameron, and the board / Barrowman as the next in the firing line if this form continues. Not sure who would or should be first to go out of them, if any. Probably best and most likely to keep on as is and hope.
  5. This 3 5 2 seems a good way to make your premiership defenders look slow. Murray in the stands drinking it in
  6. How about some of the nice Airdrie fans take along a few pride, Palestine, Ireland flags etc and a Kamala Harris banner? Then after a few weeks (if they are still alive) they can make a deal with the union jack crowd agreeing that no one will bring anything except Airdrie flags / banners from then on?
  7. I also think that Megwa would be a good addition for you if he is going out on loan again. Was it determined he is not going back to Airdrie?
  8. As I said earlier if you really can't bear any critical posts about your manager, decision making etc: I found the link, it is hopefully a nice cosy forum for you with not too much in the way of negative (or indeed any) thinking going on. https://raithfantalk.boards.net/
  9. More personal insults, not really disproving my point about some of you being very touchy eh? I also like how you assume people that have an opposing view to you must surely have some historic personal vendetta? 15,700 posts on here, you probably know more about basements than I do son.
  10. Airdrie could do with boosting their attendance numbers, they are among the lowest in the championship. A lot of new fans, families etc they got to attend one game at play off time or a championship game after the promotion will have taken a look around the stand at some of the current fans with the trump banner, union jacks etc and thought "this isn't for me" and never come back. They should root these people out both because it's the right thing to do, and because they can't grow ticket sales very easily like this. Union jacks are of course not necessarily racist by themself but the question really is, why can't you wave an Airdie banner instead or something less divisive.
  11. Well that's alright then, you weren't really making gay jokes, it was just bait. That seems like a good excuse. Ok, see my previous comment below It's an open forum, if you don't want to read any posts with scepticism or derision of the sacking and hire choice then just ignore them. Or you can leave and retreat to the raith fans website I guess if you need a safe space? Quite a few here do seem touchy about any criticism of Collins' CV, hiring process etc and are resorting to the personal insults pretty quickly.
  12. Hahaha I get it, you mean he's gay right? I enjoy making gay jokes about people on here as well, when I'm not calling them paedos of course. It's a lot easier than actually refuting arguments.
  13. Yeah you can search Collins in both this thread and the next manager thread and he hasn't been mentioned once until today. Was absolutely no chat about him on here which is surprising considering almost every other manager seemed to be. Hopefully that just means the raith board are smarter than the fans here.
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