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  1. Quite difficult to estimate a value on Hancock but on finishing 4th in the league last season we got £430K whilst 5th place Morton got £331K. I assume the prize money is up this year but I'm pretty sure Rhys is planning on finishing top of the league and at the very least 4th and if he believes that keeping Hancock guarantees us finishing higher then he could persuade PH not to sell. He may think that Cammy Bruce can do equally well or that he can use the Hancock fee to replace with better. So there is the possibility that a 100k wouldn't cut it but 300k most definitely would. There is also a problem of trying to tell a player that you're not selling him to a club that trebling his wages!
  2. Absolutely a test for some and as you say definite positives. Still some rumours circulating though about the futures of McMaster & Hancock and Mason in particular certainly enhanced his last night even though I've seen him a lot better, perhaps he was just more mindful of his defensive duties last night given the opposition. I do struggle to see how Gallagher is going to get much game time this season so maybe a loan would be beneficial to him if McMaster remains. Did McGregor take a knock last night or was it just a tactical substitution?
  3. Apparently there is some interest in Hancock and he might not be an Airdrie player come 1st September. I believe Hearts made an enquiry but were scared off by the £200k asking price. Having said that tonight was nowhere near his best!
  4. I think the fact that Rhys chose himself over Janny tells a story. Pretty sure there is a centre back incoming! Overall, I'm delighted.
  5. I'd be chapping David Gray's door again about Kanayo. Played left back for Hibs on Saturday and didn't do himself any favours.
  6. Only seen the highlights therefore I'll take your word for it but Janny looked very easy beat out wide for Dumbarton's 2nd.
  7. Onwards and upwards to Dumbarton minus big Toddy and I'm expecting a few changes today but not wholesale. Wouldn't be surprised to see Mochrie, Aiken & Bruce coming in and think Wilson & McGregor will be given another chance to shine up front, well for 60 minutes anyway depending on the score of course.
  8. Seems a sensible move as he was never going to play and the experience will be great for him. From the glimpses that we've seen he does look a feisty Ballantyne type of player.
  9. Don't disagree but I've been saying this for weeks that we have loads of new players, in the same boat as Reid & Cooper who have yet to prove themselves in the championship. I'm a great believer in the manager and therefore certain there will be more successes than failures but by the end of August it will become apparent that some are not going to be seriously considered for the starting 11 and our squad will look a lot thinner.
  10. Wouldn't be the biggest surprise to adopt a false 9 approach but more Guardiola than Levein!
  11. Think your guesstimate is not far away but getting 2 half decent squad players in for £400 per week (roughly the living wage) would prove mighty difficult.
  12. Yip still a centre back for me too. Aidan Wilson has looked ok but I'm keen to see how he performs when the real stuff starts, especially on league match day 2 at Somerset.
  13. On the surface it all seems very amicable and perhaps its simply the case that Ben Wilson will be numero uno up front and with the glut of midfielders we have there wasn't going to be many opportunities for him to start games. Of course it might be that we can use the funds better elsewhere so I'm expecting a signing shortly.
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