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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. I've always been bemused by people who feel the need to fill their entire room (if not car, attic, basement, dungeon etc.) with Celtic/Rangers related merchandise. Anything and everything from bed-covers, coasters, posters, flags, little bear figurines, mugs, DVDs etc. etc. all branded with their clubs logo. In my experience it is mainly Rangers fans that do this BUT to be fair it all depends on where you are within Scotland.

    It's almost as if they are incredibly insecure and fill their lives with overpriced items associated with a big, successful football club (in Scottish terms anyway) so that they can feel better about themselves and compensate for having such a shit life.

    I think you are being a bit harsh on Sammy. His collection of figurines, toby jugs etc. are all sourced from Capodimonte, The Franklin Mint and a few wee trinket booths at The Barras and the promenade at Saltcoats. He is a 'weel kent face' on The Antiques Roadshow and counts Henry and John Sandon amongst his friends.

    Gie the puir wee berr some peace. :P

  2. I wondered that - it seemed to be a piece from a first edit of the programme that accidentally got left-in. It was totally diconnected from the rest of the documentary 'storyline' and thrust.

    It's a cert that Daly and BBC, via. their Deepthroat (RTC Blogger ?) know MUCH more than they revealed in last nights prog. The interesting wee snippets they snippets they dangled but left unresolved will come in due course IMO. e.g. Why no Watty and Sally on EBT list ? The importance of Banstead money.

    One other thing - BBC Radio Scotland & Sportsound, there must be a lot of squeaky bums in there this morning cos there is no way that Chick Faeces / Traynor / EBT Billy Dodds / Richard Gordon / Gordon Smith et al didn't know at least some of the goings on.

    Looking forward to the next Cowan / Cosgrove show.

  3. Lest we forget :-


    22 May 2005- is a cherished memory for all Rangers fans. Rangers beat Hibs at Easter Road to clinch the SPL title. Neil Doncaster needs to ask: “How many members of the Rangers squad that day were, or would become, beneficiaries of the EBT scheme?” (Let me help him out- it will be a lot easier to count those who did not participate). The truth is that many of the Rangers squad would not have been anywhere near Easter Road that day without the use of the EBT scheme. If the EBT scheme is deemed to be illegal, the SFA and the SPL cannot pretend that the second contracts held by the vast majority of the Rangers’ first team players during the middle of the last decade were just a procedural transgression of no material impact. On the balance of probabilities would Rangers have been crowned Scottish Premier League champions that day without the use of the EBT scheme?

    The future value of winning a championship in Scottish football is in the hands of Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster. They will face intense pressure from those close to the old regime at Ibrox- and their friends in the media- to sweep these issues under the carpet. That would be a huge mistake.

  4. i've been amazed at how the internet has pushed this, almost immediate spreading / discussion of news amongst those involved, been a real eye opener for me

    And hopefully it will expedite the rolling of some heads.

    1. Campbell Ogilvie

    2. Neil Bungcaster

    3. Billy Dodds

    .......ad infinitum.......

    and surely the shock waves will hit the EPL soon.

  5. Pretty much the same thoughts I had.

    BBC only broadcast the stuff they knew they could prove 100% or their lawyers had told them wasnt actionable. You can be that some of the documents they have seen will incrimiate more people at Ipox and hopefully they have passed the information to the SPL and SFA to allow them to get their fingers out their collective arses and sort out this EBT mess once and for all.

    If they are found guilty then it has to be explusion and a new club starting again. No way can the SPL be seen to allow them back into the league if the guilty verdict is proven

    If ? ........IF ??????.........I think that is no longer in any doubt. The police should have been breaking down doors this morning and making arrests. They should be starting at the top and making a wee call to 8A Easter Belmont Road, Edinburgh.(this was the address displayed on one of the letters relating to Murray's EBT on last night's prog.)

  6. Nobody's in any doubt Rangers face futher punishment.

    But what's going to happen in the meantime while this whole mess is sorted out? The SPL are suddenly demanding more information when they should have sorted it out months ago. Looks like they were doing very little and hoping it would all blow over, coming out with some token punishment.

    After last night's 'show' the whole thing stinks to high heaven even more than it did before. It's not going away, just getting bigger. Tick, tick...

    If Paul Murray, an accountant and Rangers insider, is struggling to understand the complexities of it all, that shows you how long a proper investigation might take.

    So how does that leave us next season, with the fixtures due out in a few weeks?

    Suddenly the CVA and liquidation seem like minor issues.

    Brewer let Swiss Tony off the hook on Newsnight Scotland last night. This guy was a non-exec. and one of the duties of a non-exec is to ensure financial probity. Brewer never even asked him about it and let Murray waffle on about Duff & Duffer. Really poor stuff. :(

  7. Can we now expect a mass suttee by the Succulent Lambs on the burning carcass of Dignity FC ? Chick Faeces, Fatty Traynor, Leggo, Darryl King, Keef "Wee Blonde Poof" Jackson et al........Oh wait a mo........shite dusnae burn........... :blink:

    Edit:- BTW, did I hear Paul Murray right on Newsnight Scotland when he said that Grant Thornton signed off the accounts during his time as a non-exec in the late noughties ?

  8. Was Boumsong on an EBT ? If so, it might explain the murkiness of his transfer to Toon just months after the **** got him for free......

    "Boumsong signed a 5½-year contract with the Magpies. However, as Boumsong had played the requisite number of games for Rangers that season, he still received a Scottish Championship Winners Medal, despite having been a Newcastle player for around five months by the time Rangers won the title.

    The £8 million transfer fee raised eyebrows,[1] as the player, being out of contract, had joined Rangers for free just months before, at which point Newcastle showed no interest in signing him. This transfer is one of those about which the Stevens inquiry report in June 2007 expressed concerns:

    "There remains inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness – a former manager of the club – and Freddy Shepherd – apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official – as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations."

    "The inquiry is still awaiting clarification from agent Willie McKay".[2]

    However the Stevens enquiry later issued two clarifications. It said of Souness, "We wish to make it clear that inconsistencies did not exist within the evidence given by Graeme Souness to Quest concerning his role in transfers covered by the Inquiry during his time as manager of Newcastle United FC and neither the Premier League nor do Quest have any concerns in this regard".[3] As regards McKay it stated: "Further to the key findings from the final Quest report published on 15 June 2007 by the Premier League, Quest would like to emphasise that, in that report, it was clear that no evidence of irregular payments was found in the transfers in the inquiry period which involved the agent Willie McKay. Quest would also like to thank Mr McKay for his cooperation with the inquiry."

  9. RTC Blogger Wins Orwell Blog Prize

    Blog Prize

    This year’s Blog Prize judges chose Rangers Tax-Case, as the Blog Prize winner. Rangers Tax-Case says s/he are using their blog to ‘provide the details of what Rangers FC have done, why it was illegal, and what the implications are for one of the largest football clubs in Britain.’ The winning posts investigate the financial scandal surrounding Rangers Football Club.

    This year’s Blog Prize judges were Suzanne Moore (journalist, The Guardian and the Mail on Sunday), Hopi Sen (blogger, previously shortlisted and longlisted for the Orwell Prize) and Sean Dodson (Guardian contributor and senior lecturer of journalism at Leeds Metropolitan University).

    The judges said: ‘The 2012 Blog Prize showed that not only could blogs comment on current events, they could drive stories forward. Rangers Tax-Case takes what might be a dry topic – the tax affairs of a sports team – and shows how a striving for transitory success has severely distorted sporting, legal and ethical boundaries. Displaying focused contempt for those who evade difficult truths, and beating almost every Scottish football journalist to the real story – Rangers Tax-Case shows how expertise and incisive writing can expose the hypocrisies the powerful use to protect themselves from the consequences of their actions. It is a worthy winner which not only proves that independent blogging is as healthy as it ever was, but also offers a mirror in which our times are reflected.’

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