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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/103257-former-rangers-director-of-football-believes-club-have-been-punished-enough/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

    Gordon Smith's latest offering

    He said: “I don’t see why in terms of the club being punished going forward because maybe mistakes have been made by individuals.

    “Whether it was accidental or deliberate these are people that have done these things and I know a lot of people would like to see the club punished but at the end of the day I think Scottish football needs a good, strong Rangers and Celtic.

    “I’d like to see every team get all the help they can get when they are in financial trouble.

    There aren't enough facepalms in the world

    How many cocks were in Wiggy's mouth at the time ? <_<

  2. I'm going on holiday on Sunday. Wonder if the SPL / SFA / UEFA / FIFA / H&D / Green / ANYONE.... will have made a decision, taken a decision, announced a decision, or actually done something concrete by the time I get back in two weeks.

    I've got my mate on text standby with any hard, fast news. I've warned him that I don't want a text message along the lines of 'The Cockwomble announced that a date for a preliminary decison to look into the possibility of arranging a meeting with all concerned parties was discussed, but until clarity is given.... waffle, waffle, fcuk, blah-de-blah'.

    I want NEWS goddammitt! :guns

    According to that statement on SFA website, hearing is on Tuesday.

  3. But if the ruling is fair and above board their is nothing to worry about. I am sure the SFA will have many cases that have set a precedence and will prove they are not targeting 1 club in particular and are applying the laws of the game fairly across the board.

    Sporting integrity is crucial to our game and must come above all else...Sporting integrity and fair for all. I am absolutely sure no matter how deeply they look there will be absolutely no players that have been 'tapped up'..Absolutely no payements to players/agents /managers made in wee brown envelopes.

    Nothing for the SFA to worry about at all

    Bit early for crystal meth and absinthe, is it not ? :cheers

  4. That is very interesting on two levels.

    1 I knew nothing about that and

    2 It looks like H&D know nothing either, or, is it a noise to buy a week or two to stop Green doing the walk away?

    IMO, this whole scenario is now completely out of control. The SPL / SFA need to stop fucking about with kid gloves, they need to stamp their authority on this coz the H*ns / Whyte / Duff + Duffer are making our national FA look like a bunch of incompetent arseholes.

    Guaranteed that Wiggy Smith and Campbell Ogilvie will be playing both sides against the middle.

  5. Potentially lost in all the witchfinder loyal muppetry from VB, cockwombles, Hearts statement and legal charge of the light brigade towards the SFA valley of Sion is:

    1) Bill Millers lawyer indicting the SPL had ample evidence of second contacts

    2) a source corroborating what Daly implied but didn't show: Side letters with regular payments and a per gme bonus

    It becomes harder and harder to evn make theoretical arguments that Rangers aren't guilty from a tax and a footballing perspective.

    Maybe the legal appeal to the transfer embargo indicates Rangers knows this and is going to employ scorched earth high risk tactics from here on out,

    Expect Sandy Jardine to be reprising his loving tribute to the end of the Pink Floyd the Wall film somewhere close soon.

    I'm trying, really trying, to convince myself that no right thinking person / organisation would adopt a "well, if I can't have the ball, naebody will" attitude.

    Then again, we are talking about RaPeepul..................... :angry:

  6. They sued their national association and UEFA over a transfer ban for fielding ineligible players. They went to CAS after losing all cases and complaining to the European Commission. FIFA went fecking mental and threatened to kick all Swiss clubs out of all competitions unless they got punted. They got deducted 36 points and relegated.

    Oh please, if there is a God..............

  7. http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/103244-rangers-take-scottish-fa-to-court-over-player-signing-ban/

    Also confirmation that their players can move on for 25% of "perceived market value" once the transfer window opens.

    UEFA/FIFA surely will not be happy campers about this. Someone mentioned earlier that this is exactly what got FC Sion crucified.

    We can only hope then. :unsure:

    Edit :- Another forum speculating that there are 2 possible reasons for H*ns appeal

    1. To piss UEFA right off and they revoke the SFA licence, no Scottish clubs in Europe next season.

    2. They think that transfer ban might be rescinded whilst the appeal runs it's course.

    They are mentalists.

  8. Anyway - i think i have met sammy the mechanic before. I was cycling through govan last year and my peddle came loose on my bike, managed to find a garage hidden away where a scary looking bloke with tattoos and xmas cracker style jewelry had the appropriate wrench to tighten it up and get my own my way. Pretty sure it was that guy, and he turned out to be a very nice man. Poor Sammy :(

    F*ck off, you !!! It wiz Ratners, man........................... :P

  9. Do folks think this latest delay by H&D (the delay in issuing a CVA proposal from Monday past to Monday coming) is significant?

    If H&D believed it could be produced by last Monday, I wonder why the timescale in preparing it seems to have almost doubled? Is this latest delay perhaps indicative that all is not well within the 20 five or six 4 strong Green camp? Was his bluster about having funds in place even more exaggerated than people suspected? Are they backpeddling from the "irrevocable" agreement? Green cerainly seemed to be peddling the offer to join his happy band of Mysterons much hander than you'd have thought he needed to if all was already sound.

    Or am I just reading too much into it and H&D are just demonstrating how unrealistic they are again?

    Still waiting for someone with more smarts than me to confirm this theory.

    Duff + Duffer's fee to come out of CVA.

    Hughie Green said his investors had 8.5m in escrow which was for CVA.

    Obviously Green didn't transfer money before BBC doc. Meanwhile Duff + Duffer left with their finger in the dyke, so to speak.

    Hughie and his pals shit their breeks once they see BBC prog. and start looking for exit strategy / hide behind sofa.

    Meanwhile, Duff + Duffer can't seem to get their finger out of dyke.

    Happy to be told this is complete Rafael, byrawaybigmanbut........... ;)

  10. How many death threats has your wee pal Thommo received from the Rangers support? Graham Speirs? Mark Guidi? Stuart Cosgrove? Tan Cowan?

    None of them have received threats from Rangers supporters..none at all and all have been quite open in their attacks on the club. Why is the Blogger so desperate to keep his identity secret if it is all above board and in the best interests of the club?

    Think of it as being analogous to winning The Lottery. Some folk tick the publicity box and some folk don't.

    RTC obviously is happy to let the facts do the talking.

    Capiche ?

  11. Thanks for that, ribzy..........I'm f*cking amazed that he wasn't punted, or at least put on gardening leave, as soon as that came out.

    The more this thing drags on, the more info. that comes out, the more I'm thinking that Ali G. should have called his Borat movie Criminal Leanings of Rangers for Make Corruption Glorious Nation of Scotland.

  12. If it's up to the SPL they'll be straight back in the Premier League. If they stop appealing every sanction and accept starting again at the bottom of the SFL, that would be fair punishment, in my opinion.

    Highly unlikely that CVA will happen, ergo Zombie H*ns (newco) would need to come into existence and they would need 3 years audited accounts. Is this correct ?

    Besides, starting in SFL3 is nowhere near punishment enough for the decades of criminality at The Deathstar.

  13. This is what I don't get about you at all. You do a gloating report based on the VB investigation and say RTC is named and "shamed". When somebody expresses concern about nutters you blow them off. Then you admit Vanguard Bears are nutters.

    Vanguard Bears are by some instance the most unpleasant thing I've discovered during this saga. They really seem to think that they are the continuation of their namesake, William Craig's Vanguard movement. The tone of their official pronouncements sounds more like a political movement clinging to the edges of legality than a fan group. All those veiled threats! All those promises of purging the support in due time! All those Stasi like twitter avatars with "enemies beware - vb is watching". They're vile entertainment. However, it's hard not to think that maybe, just maybe, theses clowns have steel toecaps under their oversized shoes and might inspire something really nasty. Yet No.8 is happy to parrot their half-assed investigation.

    The thing I don't understand about Rangers Supporters in general is why you hate Rangers Tax Case. It was correct. If you had listened to it you would be in less trouble. It's fairly objective about the situation and compared to most blogs involving the old firm it's tone is sweet reason. Hating Phil I understand, he really does hate you and let's his bias get in the way. But RTC? Should you be thanking him, not hounding him. You'd be just as fucked if he never existed, you'd just be starting from a state of utter ignorance when the blow came.

    Pleasing. :)

  14. I want anybody that has acted illegally to be caught and punished. The Blogger has just posted what he has been told..Is that illegal? I honestly don't know but leaking confidential information from the tax office has to be...Surely?

    If someone is "leaking" information regarding alleged illegal activity, then I believe it is called "whistleblowing". It is looked upon as a public service. I would have thought even the dimmest of the dim on FF / VB's / RM could comprehend that.

    Then again................. :whistle

  15. No need to watch it. These guys will have known for ages exactly what's been going on and what the final outcome will be. They will all be a number of steps ahead of public knowledge.

    One things for sure in that we will never get real justice with everything being dealt with 'in-house' by Scottish organisations. I genuinely trust nobody involved with this farce. As I've said before, it's little Scotland, little Glasgow, little Scottish football, little corridors of power. All pals together. Corrupt to the core.

    The principle of going to UEFA and BBC England is great and is certainly better than doing nothing. I would suggest though that any correspondence should start off with a copy of a map to show them where Scotland is.

    Sad to say it, but I have to agree. The first thing that should have happened after Tuesday's prog. was that Campbell Ogilvie's arse shouldn't have touched the floor. <_<

  16. Oh Dear looks like somebody is in a spot of bother...Mr RTC blogger has been named and shamed. Mr Plod will be knocking on some doors soon.

    You can only imagine the panic in the HMRC offices.

    All good things and all that ..... :D

    Don't believe the Doublespeak on VB. Keep your mind open. Remember, the world is full of loud and arrogant people and they are a vexation to the spirit.

    Be calm. :rolleyes:

    "I am the RTC Blogger !"

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