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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Latest Barcabhoy on RTC :-

    Barcabhoy says:

    05/06/2012 at 10:30 pm


    Todays phrase of note, last week it was Quantum and before that Incubator Company.

    Lets look at proportionate in relation to Jim Traynors ludicrous statement that a one year Scottish Cup Ban is an appropriate punishment for Rangers year of serial cheating, tax dodging and conning of suppliers and opponents alike.

    Now if Rangers had merely been guilty of an amateur official missing off one of two dates on a players contract then a £100,000 fine and a years ban would have been in line with Spartans, even though the damage to Spartans was financially much more severe

    Spartans in 2010 had retained reserves of £10,546. Thats approximately 3 days wages for Steven Davis. The same Steven Davis who has played the bulk of his career for Rangers whilst illegally registered

    To put Spartans in context they are an amateur club, dependent on volunteers. As their balance sheet shows they are a tiny operation, however they are a credit in the role they play in their community. They have a Seniors section, a community football academy , a youth section and a women and girls section. Their error was just that….an error. A trivial one.

    However RULES ARE RULES as Rangers are keen to point out and Spartans broke one and paid a very hefty penalty. They were fined 38% of the entire value of their balance sheet. They were also denied a tie with Partick Thistle which would likely have drawn a crowd of 4,000 and gate receipts of £60,000, of which Spartans would have received approx 40%

    That lost £24,000 was more than double the full retained reserves .

    Thats the severity of the punishment the SFA meted out to Spartans.

    To treat Rangers proportionately would have required a fine of £27 million. Now whilst that would have been ludicrous for a trivial error, it does emphasize how severely Spartans were dealt with. Rangers of course have not committed trivial errors, they are at the opposite end of the charge sheet from Spartans

    For Traynor to suggest the same punishment for Rangers is mind boggling even by the standards he has set in the past. It won’t have escaped anyone that 2 days after Charles Green tells us that a Scottish Cup ban would be a very severe punishment, that Traynor , who is no stranger to Rangers owners setting his agenda for him, trumpets this as appropriate.

    Lets be in no doubt here. A Scottish Cup ban is a nothing punishment for a series of offences which are extremely serious in nature and deliberate in execution.


    If Regan and co. were to apply the same 'proportionate' punishment to the H*ns, I think we'd all be eating hats. :(

  2. Does anyone know who the 5 or 6 members of Charles Greens consortium are yet, there were a few named in the press and some have their suspicions as to who the others are but we must have transparency, who are these people, are they football people ?

    This week will hopefully see the end of life as we know it, we may put our affairs in order and make peace with our gods, life without ra peepul will be a catastrophic event and one from which the world will never recover...NOT !

    LET'S PARTY :lol:

    I'll have a guess at

    Mike MacDonald, Reg Brealey and Stuart Hinchcliffe. Asset stripper partners-in-crime from Hughie's days at the Blades.

    I'll also wager there are no Asian businessmen. All smoke n' mirrors.

  3. The question of dual contracts is separate for now from that of the club's immediate survival, but what do people think will come of it?

    Some of what Daly uncovered and Rangers' tarrying - see what I did - over supplying evidence, would certainly suggest that the dual contracts might indeed be proved. If so, what then?

    I'm instinctively cynical about the discrepancy between what should happen and what will, but in this case, would they not simply have to be stripped of trophies?

    Seriously, could/would any argument be constructed against taking titles from them? Views please.

    Wait until all the evidence is collated with dates. Once it is proven exactly when the illegal use of EBT's / dual contracts / unpaid VAT & PAYE & NI used as cashflow / non-payment of transfer fees / unique 'funding' arrangements with BoS - all of these aspects will be shown that RFC enjoyed a massive unfair and illegal advantage over other clubs and any trophys and titles won during these periods should be summarily struck from the record book.

    We've all laughed in the past at stories about Real Madrid being Franco's team of choice and being funded partly through secret govt. cash. Similarly Moscow Dynamo / Dynamo Berlin during the Communist era.

    How will history view Minty's RFC once all the dirty wee facts are fully aired ?

  4. What statement's this? I've had a look on the BBC website, but don't see anything? :unsure:

    According to MENSA Online Rainjurz Meeja, it was allegedly announced on BBC Scotland at 5.40 pm today (feck me, they can read and tell the time). Presumably this was a "the BBC understands" piece of pish so best ignored.

    I'd be very surprised if FIFA made any direct statement to the press.

    Edit :- Who is Jane Lewis ?

  5. Wrong. The phrase dates from an article by Jim Traynor providing massive arslikhan to SDM in 1998, in the Succulent Ranger. It's easy enough to find.

    Spiers subsequently lifted the phrase from the article and used it as a mild piss take of sycophantic pro-Rangers journalism. Given the low level spat between the two, it was a joke that hasn't gone down well at all with the fat, egomaniacal, cantankerous "Airdrie supporter", and the two have been having bitchy little snipes at one another ever since. Spiers actually has a brain though, so is winning.

    If Rangers are really going to sink with the loss of all hands then the little bottom-feeding tugboat that bobs along in the wake of the once great ship will be pulled down in the vortex, taking the careers of Traynor, Young, Dodds et al with them. No Old Firm= instant obscurity for these lazy, press-release regurgitating clowns, that's why they are writing against the idea of Rangers disappearing so bitterly. They know that if Rangers are finished, they become instantly unemployable overnight.

    Gerry McNee disappeared without a trace despite having once been one of Scotland's most objectionable football commentating buffoons in the Express and on telly. The same fate awaits these guys, hopefully very soon.

    Great post.

    For anyone who can be bothered, you can download the Off The Ball podcast from 6th May with Graham Spiers being ripped a new one by Stuart Cosgrove, however at around 15m20secs in, Britney describes the whole meeting scenario with Murray. The whole show is 30mins. but the interesting stuff is from 7 mins. in.


  6. I get very annoyed by the sub-text to so much coverage which suggests that the mature, balanced view recognises the 'value' a vibrant Rangers bring to the Scottish game, while the view that wants to see them hammered is hysterical, groundless, simplistic and easily dismissed.

    I'd contend that the view about preserving their status is the simplistic one. It envisages a game that can only be dominated by two huge clubs, when of course we know that alternatives not only exist, but for many of us are much more attractive.

    HJ talks a lot of rational stuff on here. Even No8 and TSAR make useful contributions to the debate, although they know they won't find a lot of support. What Traynor is allowed to do though is reach far more people than anyone on here can, without having to argue or justify his drivel.

    The Rangers situation is complex on so many levels - moral, sporting and legal. The childish stance is the one that says we have to do what we can to accommodate them and that no punishment should really amount to a punishment at all.

    Good morning, Lord Carloway Your Honour. :unsure:

  7. Heres the link

    Utter, utter nonsense

    Typical Traynor. Still writing pish, still about a week behind fans forums. The knuckledraggers must lap up his drivel like mother's milk.

    Edit :- And speaking of pish, our house crackhead Leggo is now considering the prospects of a Celtic Trust plot within Lloyds / HBOS at the time of their dealings with Sir Minty.


  8. I think if you rephrased that in what way IS it advisable to goad the feckers, then I have an idea for you.........

    Know that you know Richard Gordon and Billy Dodds will be there, try getting into the group that Gordon is in and spend all day trying to goad him into asking Doddsy about his recent comments in the bar afterwards. Then please set your mobile phone to : record.

    Posting the resulting audio transcript on P&B will forever see you remembered fondly. Legend status is but a swing and a put away........biggrin.gif

    I won't have any possibility to choose my group, that's all being done by organisers and it's a shotgun start. However, there's drinkies and dinner afterwards and assuming EBT Doddsy hangs around, there's bound to be opporchancities for banter.

    Edit for Lorenzo Amawellhung in Evening Times :-

    Lorenzo Amoruso fires dire warning to SFA...

    Published on 4 June 2012

    Alison McConnell

    FORMER Ibrox captain Lorenzo Amoruso says the SFA will be sounding the death knell of Scottish football if they boot Rangers out this week.

    The hierarchy are due to convene on Wednesday after Lord Glennie's Court of Session ruling that the SFA's original 12-month transfer embargo was unlawful.

    However, given that Fifa take a dim view of any club tacking an Association to court, it is believed the SFA have been told they must retain a sanction of the same – or even greater – weight.

    With Fifa threatening to kick Scottish clubs out of Europe and prevent the national team from taking part in international competitions, the SFA are under pressure to find a suitable punishment for the Ibrox club.

    Rangers could be kicked out of the Scottish Cup, or they could be suspended from the league altogether.

    However, Amoruso believes that no Rangers would mean no Scottish game effectively.

    "It is big news and I am wondering what is going to happen," he said.

    "I can't believe anyone who cares about Scottish football would say the right thing to do is to have no Rangers in the league.

    "It makes no sense. If that happens it is not just Rangers who will die, but Scottish football, too.

    "You would only have one team who could win the league and that is not a competition. The standard would keep falling.

    "You need to have a strong Rangers and Celtic – that is the lifeblood of Scottish football."

    Despite that fact that Duff & Phelps have backed Rangers into a corner by going to court, Amoruso believes the club did the right thing.

    "The transfer embargo was crazy," he said. "The club were always going to have to fight it.

    "There are clubs who have been in financial trouble in Europe but to not be allowed to even bring in loan players or out-of-contract players is a nonsense."

    Lorenzo Amoruso


    Thanks for that, Renzo. Very enlightening. Now, back to the Bailey's boatil, ya big feckin' huddy.

  9. Walking into said bars wearing a green and white (Whyte?) shirt, with a bowl of jelling and ice cream, singing "And now the end is near......" should probably be avoided.

    Just discovered it's even better than that....I'm playing in a charity golf event in which various West Coast Z-list 'celebs' are partaking.

    Amongst them are Richard Gordon (OK, he's D-list) and .......wait for it................Billy Dodds. Ya dancer !! Will I be able to resist ???

  10. Also shows up the cretin Chic Young for the rank amateur journalist that he is.

    Chick Faeces is many things - lickspittle, snake, bagman, c*cksocket, sphincter-dweller, scribbler, mouthpiece, jizz-swallower, oxygen thief, to name but a few.

    However, 'journalist', amateur or otherwise, is not one of them. Cheeky chirpy chappie Chico is to journalism as Ratko Mladic is to embroidery.

  11. alex thomson@alextomoHeading from Ibrox with 3 jeep UN convoy. Low intensity small arms, RPG, mortars and shelling all night and morning at Ibrox

    Fuxake Hamish, the H*n hordes will believe that Alex Thomson actually tweeted that. You are ensuring that he will be bombarded with hate tweets from Les Fils de Guillaume.

    You are probably right that Ibrox will become a war zone but only when someone switches off the life support and puts the lights out.

  12. Did they? Genuinely, I must have missed that. I thought they argued that they were willfully not taking the maximum punishment route (note, not draconian route) in order to give the benefit of the doubt to Rangers.

    If that's the case, what punishment is "equal to but not greater than" a season's transfer embargo on players over the age of 18, whilst taking into account Rangers going to the CoS, which is itself a punishable offence.

    I kind of feel this thread has been going round in circles for about a week now.

    We are but a mirror of the SFA / SPL. :rolleyes:

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