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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. You're falling into the trap of thinking that all Rangers fans are cut from the same cloth as Craig Whyte,who to the very vast majority,in fact i would say to a man,is looked upon as nothing else but a fraudster. Therein is the difference,the Rangers support or the vast majority,are looking at paying off the debts to the small creditor as and when they can.

    What a load of shite. If that statement were true, The Succulent Lambs would have been all over it like a tramp on a pizza. We'd have had double page colour spreads of Hughie Green / McMoist / Jardine / Dark Mingwall handing over billboard sized cheques a la Pools winners to Navid from the paper shop. We'd have had Jabba / Chick Faeces & LoopyLeggo writing pieces of Hvn hagiography. It would have been a Hvn PR bonanza for Jack Irvine and his Skunkworks Division.

    Instead, what have we heard from The Succulents ?

    We've heard fvck all.

    And why have we heard fvck all ?

    Because it never happened.

  2. To Whom It May Concern.

    I write to complain about members such as God of War and Enrico Annoni who are distracting other contributors to this thread by their use of action avatars of young ladies with spectacularly pneumatic breasts. This is extremely disconcerting to gentlemen of a certain age. I would urge the admins / those in authority to ask the aforementioned to change their avatars as soon as possible before my husband spunks his load all over my new DFS sofa.

    Yours sincerely,

    Senga Bigot (Mrs.)


  3. Try watching the USA national games then as it is mentioned on a regular basis.

    Fox sports have been showing SPL games for the last few months. I think the Dundee United v Rangers game was the first to be shown live.

    If it is so difficult to see these games in the states how do the various OF supporters clubs manage to show EVERY game involving their club?

    Nobody is claiming that Rangers are in the top tier of clubs in a global sense. Very much 2nd tier and falling but they are still a big enough club for their troubles to be reported worldwide.

    We have people here claiming it is not big news internationally but can then quote chapter and verse on Xamaxs financial problems

    We also have Rangers supporters spending inordinate amounts of time on here telling us of their club's worldwide hugeness. Meanwhile, the club you profess to love is being picked apart by a bunch of asset stripping b*****ds and you do absolutely fvck all except come on here to argue with us diddies and fiddle while Rome burns. Some fvcking supporters, eh ?

    Fvck ye's and good riddance.

    Edit :- Here's is LoopyLeggo's diatribe today. Apologies for posting in totality, but his insane droolings are worth it.

    Monday, 11 June 2012


    HERE is the gospel according to proven liar Charles Green. Bamboozle them with bullshit! Confuse them with crap!

    And fair play to him. Charles Green’s bullshit has got Rangers supporters well and truly bamboozled. Charles Green’s crap has got Rangers fans well and truly confused.

    Or at least his bullshit and crap has got some Rangers fans – Assembly leader Andy Kerr among them – bamboozled and confused.

    Others, however, are far from bamboozled. They are the ones who are a long way from being confused and who can see just what a snake oil salesman Charles Green really is.

    For instance, in the last three days Charles Green has told daily newspaper reporters that if his CVA is successful he will then bring in some big time money men who will invest anything between £20m and £30M in Rangers.

    Before then going on to tell Sunday newspaper reporters that if his CVA is successful he will launch a share issue and ask Rangers supporters to invest £30M.

    Actually, when it comes to how full he wants his begging bowl filled by Rangers supporters in the next six weeks, the bottom line is close to a staggering £50M.

    That’s right, nearly £50M! That is what Charles Green needs from Rangers supporters in the next six weeks to make his get-rich-quick scheme work .

    Work it out if you do not believe me. And I know there are more than a few out there who don’t.

    The season ticket money comes to £16M and the deadline for renewal is July 2nd.

    Charles Green wants a share issue to be rushed through by the end of July, according to what he has been quoted as saying and that will, he believes, coin in another £30M.

    That is a total of £46M, which isn’t a kick in the backside away from the eye watering figure of £50m and it is what Charles Green is demanding from Rangers supporters over the next six weeks.

    The trouble with Charles Green is that he is a liar. A proven liar.

    And the trouble with liars is that they cannot remember the lies they have told. Therefore they often tell subsequent lies which contradict their original lies.

    Lies such as the one Charles Green told originally when he said he had 20 investors.

    Lies such as the one Charles Green told when he said he had £20M available.

    Lies such as the one Charles Green told when he said that if Rangers got a CVA they would emerge from administration debt free.

    Of course Charles Green is not the only one telling lies in the rush for his dodgy scheme to be bulldozed through. Some Rangers supporters have joined in.

    One even went so far as claiming there was no truth in my story that self confessed unreconstructed Celtic supporter, David Low, had been involved with Charles Green.

    That lie was peddled in spite of the overwhelming evidence to back my story. Evidence in the shape of David Low admitting that it was correct and that he had acted as a go-between for Charles Green in Green’s desperate efforts to raise money.

    I know what Charles Green’s motives for lying are. He wants to rip off Rangers and make a fast buck.

    But, for the life of me, I cannot imagine what motivation lurks behind the lies being peddled by some Rangers supporters. For I refuse to believe they are working hand in glove with Charles Green on the basis of some sort of reward Green may have promised.

    That is too preposterous, too potty, to be believed.

    Isn’t it?

    But let me predict what is going to happen in the next 72 hours as the countdown begins to Thursday’s meeting when creditors will get the chance to vote on Charles Green’s CVA proposals.

    Charles Green will make even more and more outrageous and contradictory promises. Charles Green will tell bigger and bigger lies.

    And some Rangers supporters will continue to be bamboozled by his bullshit and confused by his crap.

    Others will not.


    Leggo still getting his info from BBC and Pn'B ? :o

  4. I'm a bit surprised that this theme has not previously been developed on this thread.

    ".....and it's day 115 in the Bigot Brother Hoose.  Ally McCoist and Jim Traynor are in the kitchen arguing over the last slice of pizza. Charles Green, Craig Whyte, Dave King and Paul Murray are in the lounge reinventing the Monty Python sketch about the four successful Yorkshire businessmen.  Chic Young is in the diary room revealing an exclusive that everybody already knows.  And Brian Kennedy is nude in the hot tub waiting for someone, anyone, to join him.

    Small fix for you. Otherwise your idea is certainly worth a Hughie.

  5. A fine example why never to take at face value what is on Wikipedia.

    The St. Enoch Centre was built in 1986, ten years after Billy Ocean had quit his job at Ford's Dagenham to concentrate full time on his music career after his first Top 10 hit ("Love Really Hurts WIthout You"). By 1986, he was enjoying a worldwide No.1 with "When The Going Gets Tough", not sewing buttons on suits.


    I don't think anyone would be taken in by that WikiHack (except perhaps the Big Hoose guy). 8)

  6. Just home from holi-bobs in Dallas and Las Vegas. Went to the gym in the hotel each morning, and was wearing a St Mirren training T Shirt. In Vegas, a guy who turned out to be Belgian, came up to me in the gym, pointed at the shirt, and said in broken English... 'St Mirren! You Scottish? You better than the cheating Rangers!'.

    Hand on heart - absolutely true. Made my day. Heh, heh.

    You sure it wasn't Peter van Vossen ? :ph34r:

  7. I love the way people are embarassed to admit they are in Greens consortium.

    A bit like the journos who claim they support a diddy team rather than the shame of admitting I too am a gloryhunter and because of this spout pish.

    Could it be that's because there is no-one in the Green Fantasy Consortium other than Green himself ?

    However, in true 'Off The Ball' team-of-the-week stylee, how's about the people who should be in Green's consortium ?

    May I start off with Jimmy Lloyds AreNoBank (ooh, shockin', I know ! ;) )

  8. This from Billy Ocean's biog. on Wikipaedia (I shit you not :blink: ) :-

    Early life and stardom

    "He was born in Trinidad and Tobago to Grenadian parents, and moved to Govan, Scotland with his family at the age of eight.[3] Ocean's musical influence came at an early age of his life, as his father was a musician, and realised he was in line to follow those ambitions as he was growing up. During his teenage years, he sang regularly in Glasgow clubs[3] while also working as a tailor in Glasgow's St Enoch Centre.[citation needed] He released his first single in 1972 on Spark Records as Les Charles.[citation needed] He is a supporter of Celtic, despite growing up in Govan. In spite of his support of Celtic, he is rumoured to be a member of the Sevco consortium, led by former Sheffield United Chief Executive, Charles Green, who have recently bought a controlling stake in Rangers F.C.."

    The Saviour has arrived. :cheers

  9. In all seriousness, you can imagine there are a number of people who would pay good money for the contents of the trophy room, furniture and fittings etc.

    Heartbreaking for fans, but worth a lot to the creditors.

    Glasgow City Museums would surely pony up a few mill. to get hold of the trophy room, lock, stock and barrel and reconstruct it in the Kelvingrove Gallery. :huh:

    (Mind you, they'd have to remove a few pennants and baubles, you know, the ones that they obtained through financial chicanery.)

    They could also get Madame Tussaud's to knock up a few waxworks of the main characters in this shabby scenario. David Murray, Gazza, The Andies Goram, .........you get the picture.

    Could be quite something. They could even charge for a wee shottie on the St. Etienne bike.


  10. ??? WTF man what's your problem matey ?........ If you actually read all the posts on here like I do then you would know I do a google search in the images option with different wordings in each search with the word "GIFS" at the end then you maybe could find something funny as well.I have never claimed to make them and I'm am passing on the makers works for everyone to enjoy ..... and thank f**k some people actually take the time to make these GIF's that I enjoy as much as anyone.

    GOOGLE is my source for GIF's ? so now everybody knows WHOOPEE and BIG DEAL and MEGA THANKS to those who make funny GIF's I share on here !!!!! well done guys and put your name on them 8).

    AND FYI I've never been on KDS although I did wander onto TALK CELTIC a couple of times ! although I've been on RAGERS MEDIA umpteen times through addiction to it coz of the bigotry and makes me laff like fook ha ha :lol:.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond, however it might be a good idea to give the Class A's a rest. You sound like Stewie Griffin on speed. If I have offended your sensibilities / pride / tribal allegiances in any way, please accept my deepest heartfelt apologies. No offence was intended. As you say, many of the H*n gifs presently doing the rounds are very clever and very funny.

    Any eejit can copy and paste. Myself for example. :rolleyes:

    I just happen to think it's courtesy to namecheck the creators. Hopefully this post will not cause you any blood pressure problems.

  11. Scottish Football Association investigating clubs' finances

    By Martin Conaghan & Jim Spence BBC Scotland

    The Scottish Football Association is investigating its member clubs' finances, BBC Scotland can confirm.

    In a letter dated 9 March, chief executive Stewart Regan requested all member clubs to send a self-declaration regarding their financial records.

    He asked clubs to declare written agreements with players not lodged in the previous 10 years, by 6 April 2012.

    The responses are being examined by the SFA's legal team and any issues will be referred to the compliance officer.

    BBC Scotland has seen a letter dated 9 March 2012 from Mr Regan with the subject "Article 12 - Financial Records", which reminds clubs of their obligations pursuant to Article 12 (Financial Records) and 86.1 of the SFA's Articles of Association (Communications and Inquiries).

    It draws attention to clubs that there could be a number of examples of non-compliance with the obligations of Article 12.3, which specifically requires all payments made to players in relation to their football activities to be declared to the SFA.

    Rangers are currently under investigation by the Scottish Premier League over possible 'dual contracts', and the club - currently in administration over unpaid tax debts - delivered documentation to Hampden last week relating to the inquiry, some three months after they were requested.

    The club is also awaiting the outcome of a First Tier Tax Tribunal over the use of Employee Benefit Trusts, totalling almost £48m given to players, coaches and staff during the period 2001-2010.

    BBC Scotland has seen evidence, which was submitted to a court, suggesting that 53 Rangers players and staff had side-letters giving undertakings to fund their sub-trusts with cash, which if proven, would be in breach of the SFA's rules.

    The letter sent by Regan requests all clubs to return a declaration from each chairman that they have complied "without qualification" with the terms of Article 12.3 in the last 10 years.

    It also sets a deadline of no later than Friday 6 April 2012, to notify the SFA of "any written agreement(s) falling within the scope of Article 12.3 which has/have not previously been lodged with the Scottish FA in the previous 10 years in respect of any current or former players".

    The SFA told BBC Scotland that it was not in a position to comment on the outcome of its request to member clubs, but confirmed that if any issues arise from the self-declarations, it would do so via the compliance officer references.


  12. 2 nuggets from the official Rangers website

    http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/football-news/article/2803802 - A big friendly match in July against Le Havre

    http://www.rangers.co.uk/news/football-news/article/2803655 - Some Friendly matches during the pre season training camp in Germany

    Anyone want to lay odds on any of this actually coming to fruition?

    Shouldn't that really be Le Havre-Nots ?

  13. I got as far as 'Fearful FIFA are going to put pressure on'. FIFA have reprimanded the SFA and that is the end of the matter as far as that is concerned. Regan has said himself there will be absolutely no action taken against Rangers for going to the civil court. That story is typical of the sensationalist nonsense that has been posted on the last 1560 pages

    You're a trier, and there's not many H*ns we can say that about.

    P.S. Next time you're talking to Charlie the Saviour, ask him if he's got another suit / change of clothing. The minging tyke twat has been wearing the same clobber every day. Multi-millionaire ? Not bloody likely !

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