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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Which comes back to the role and knowledge Mr Smith had about the club's use of EBTs - particularly in relation to the dual contracts/financial doping side.

    "I'm just a football man" doesn't wash here.

    And why the allegation that Smith received payment by EBT when he was not employed by Rangers is even more interesting. Bring back the lost RTC blog...

    I have it. It was originally posted on 24th May and was entitled 'Last Action Hero'.

    I don't know if it would be helpful to post it here in anticipation of RTC Blogger's next revelations. :whistle

  2. Can Smith be called into question as a fit and proper person if in a bid if they find him as knowledgeable of the EBT system in place?

    Campbell Ogilvie is beyond reproach, is purer than the driven slush snow and a man of unimpeachable credentials.

    He is so fit and so proper that they made him President of the Banana Republic Football Association.

    We should be so grateful to have such a safe, clean pair of hands on the tiller.


  3. Spot on and I mentioned this in an earlier post.The oldco still holds the license.

    The following from RTC Blog Comments

    SPL Articles of Association

    14. If:-

    (i) a Member shall cease to be entitled to hold a Share; or

    (ii) a trustee in sequestration, manager, receiver or administrative receiver shall be appointed in respect of a Member or any property of a Member, or an administration order shall be made in respect of a Member or any property of a Member or an order shall be made or an effective resolution passed for the winding up of a Member otherwise than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation;

    then that Member or its manager, receiver, administrative receiver, administrator or liquidator or any other person entitled to the Share shall, on receiving notice in writing from the Board following the Company in General Meeting passing a Qualified Resolution that such notice should be issued by the Board and confirming the identity of the proposed transferee, transfer its Share to such other person as the Board shall direct at the price of £1 and the Club owned and operated by such Member shall forthwith cease to be a member of the League and the Club owned and operated by the transferee shall become a member of the League in its place.


    17. Whenever a requirement to transfer a Share shall arise, if the relevant Member shall fail to transfer its Share within seven (7) days of notice having been given of the requirement to transfer, the Board may authorise any Director of the Company to execute a transfer thereof and a transfer so executed shall be valid and effective as if the same had been executed by the Member concerned and the transferee shall on payment of the sum of £1 to the Secretary to be held in trust for the transferor be entered in the register of Members as the holder of such Share.


    25 A General Meeting called for the passing of a special resolution, Qualified Resolution or Special Qualified Resolution shall be called by at least twenty-one (21) clear days’ notice. All other General Meetings (including any General Meeting at which a resolution in respect of a Reserved Matter for which a Qualified Resolution or Special Qualified Resolution is not required) shall be called by at least fourteen (14) clear days’ notice save for a meeting called by shorter notice if it is so agreed:-

    (i) in the case of an Annual General Meeting by all the Members entitled to attend and vote thereat; and

    (ii) in the case of a General Meeting other than the Annual General Meeting by a majority in number of the Members having a right to attend and vote being a majority together holding not less than 95% in nominal value of the issued Shares giving that right.

    Four things:

    1. If DeadRangers FC are suspended or expelled from the SFA (and lose their entitlement to an SPL share in that way) or BDo are appointed and the resolution for winding up is passed, it takes an SPL Qualified Resolution to agree the identity of the recipient of DeadRangers SPL share. A Qualified Resolution requires 90% of members to agree – effectively 11 out of 12 (or 10 out 11 if DRFC don’t get a vote).

    2. To call a General Meeting, where a Qualified Resolution is required, there must be a 21 day notice period.

    3. To give shorter notice, 95% of members must agree – effectively all 12 (or all 11).

    4. If the SPL wish to change any of these Articles, it too requires a Qualified Resolution – 21 days notice and 90% agreement.

    Since it is almost certain that DeadRangers FC will be suspended or expelled by the SFA before the SPL can lawfully convene a meeting to decide where their SPL share will go, would it not now be sensible to simply expel them for failing to produce audited accounts?

    SPL Rule H5 kicks in (Dumfermline are re-instated) and the NewClub can get moving on applying to the SFL for their vacant spot in the 3rd division.


    To avoid all the above taking place, Regan / Ogilvie and Co now want to srap the SPL at the drop of a hat. Stinks to fvck. :angry:

  4. OH that would be classic if Campbell Ogilvie was investigated for FRAUD and jailed :lol:as he was there as a ring leader when the EBT was in full swing.

    And funnily enough, he just happens to be in post as President of the SFA when that self same organisation decides at the 11th hour to embark upon the biggest league reconstruction in 2 decades.........a type of reconstruction (pyramid system) that the SFA have strenuously resisted for years...................oh, and it also just happens to be less than 48 hours since The Cardigan Consortium came riding over the hill to "save" ZombieH*n FC...........this is another scam damage limitation exercise on behalf of ZombieH*n FC.

    The phone line between Onkel Watty and Campbell Ogilvie must have been red hot over the last few days.

    They need to change their title from Scottish FA to Banana Republic FA. Scottish Football = Laughing Stock.

  5. From RTC today

    Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan says:

    15/06/2012 at 11:31 am

    Good Morning,

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls… can I welcome you this morning to a whole new era. A new world, a new dawn… in short a whole new existence.

    Let me say at the outset, that the words above are NOT a reference to any New Co that has been formed recently and is now the owner of assets that previously belonged to Rangers PLC, nor is it a reference to a new structure within Scottish Football– although today– 15th June 2012– is the first day since the inception of League football in Scotland that there has been no club called Rangers that can legally claim to have a place within the football league structure.

    The New Co has a stadium but no Licence, and Rangers PLC technically has a licence but with no accounts and no ground etc it does not comply with many of the conditions required to maintain that licence. Further. a straight question to Duff & Phelps will confirm that the company that they are in charge of has no intention of playing Association Football today or at any time in the future.

    No this new dawn arrived yesterday. In fact if you look back in time you may have caught a glimpse of it arriving in the trailing moments of Sportsound on BBC Radio Scotland two nights ago when Jim Traynor inexplicably ended the programme with a call to arms when he suddenly and without warning pronounced that this was a chance for Rangers to be reborn without all the sectarian baggage, a chance to clean the “club” of its past divisive policies, its debts, its tax burden, and effectively its abuse of Scottish football.

    It was a comment that struck as slightly out of context at the time but was one I welcomed. For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of fairness it is only right that I should say that JT has made similar calls in respect of Rangers past practices before, and so it was not a new mantra from him.

    However what is new– so blindingly new– is the MSM dissection of the events of yesterday. Don’t get me wrong they did not get everything right, they did not see all the moves nor have they cottoned on to all the circumstances and consequences that were revealed yesterday… but by God what they did do ( at least in parts ) shows that this blog and many other footballing blogs and internet activities have kicked what would have been the standard of sports reporting well into the past…… although whether things remain that way is as yet to be seen.

    New media has changed things although some have yet to catch up, wake up nd shape up.

    There was criticism ( rightly so in my opinion ) of Charles Green before yesterday, but Thursday morning saw the revelation that Ally McCoist was to be sacked as Green had supposedly revealed to a former Rangers Director that he was secretly planning on booting Ally out.

    Now pardon me for being cynical, but this is not much of a secret if you reveal it to a past Rangers Director who must have had some working relationship with Ally, and who is then in possession of information which is explosive and headline grabbing. Green is no dummy– a brash man, maybe an arrogant man, maybe even a brazen carpetbagger– but he is not stupid enough to release such information into the public or private domain in the midst of a takeover and season ticket renewals.

    If he did make the comment then he is more of a fool than I took him for, partly because whoever this former Director was has clearly shown to Mr Green and everyone else that he cannot be trusted with sensitive information. Within hours it was in the Daily Record, and hours later Walter Smith, Douglas Park, and Jim McColl go public with an offer to buy the goods that Green has already acquired under contract. Ally– that most media friendly of personalities appears at the requisite meetings but says absolutely nothing! We await his every utterance.

    Despite this earth shattering turn of events and the call to Green to stand aside, just ask yourself this: At what time yesterday did you first hear any of the mainstream media use the word “Choreographed”? Throughout late yesterday afternoon and on into the night the word came up time and time again, from numerous contributors. It is clear that certain sections of the media had been briefed as in days of old, provided with information, and given a nod and a wink—- yet they were at pains to not so subtly point out that there was an obvious “pincer movement”– another phrase used more than once— at play and that the McCoist sacking story or McCoist set to quit story was part of one and the same movement as Walter to the rescue story.

    Whether, the second part of the story was fully released before the press statement is open to debate, but there were hints that Smith would make an offer before the McCoist revelations.

    Perhaps, some in the media felt used yesterday as the dark arts came into play as in days of yore, though this time was met with a little more scepticism and a reluctance just to accept all that was being said.

    Last night questions were being asked why didn’t these guys offer before, where have they been and so on– so they are not getting a completely free ride in terms of press.

    However, so far the scrutiny of yesterday, what it meant and what it means has not dug nearly deep enough in terms of analysis and comment… and hasn’t scratched the surface in terms of questions asked or to be asked.

    So let’s have a look at what can be said and asked this morning as some things are clear.

    The first obvious thing is that Jim McColl, Douglas Park, Walter Smith and everyone associated with them were not prepared to save Rangers PLC or its trading history etc from obliteration and ultimate consignment to the History books. They might have wanted to, they might have liked to…. but they were simply not prepared to.

    At no time did this conglomeration of a genuinely successful international businessman with a real and accounted for multimillion pound fortune, a very successful car dealer and property man and a former Rangers, EPL and International football manager make any attempt to strike a deal with Administrators, Tax Authorities or Creditors which would salvage the entity that was Rangers PLC. Nothing that they attempted to do yesterday offered any money to the tax man who collects taxes for you and me, offered any money to any of the creditors who traded with the football company in good faith– certainly nothing to any of the other football clubs who have been left high and dry by all previous Rangers management– and perhaps most important of all– nothing whatsoever to the 26,000 sould who made an emotional but financial investment in the fabric of Rangers Football club– be that Dave King with his millions or the wee guy down the road who cashed in his premium bonds to invest in their football club.

    No– this conglomeration merely want to buy the assets– the carcass— of what once was Rangers FC.

    Now don’t get me wrong, for Park & McColl this is a straight business deal– although I am bemused at the stance of Douglas Park who has allowed his name to be associated with the blue knights consortium from day one. Perhaps he no longer fancies Paul Murray ( he may have good reason ), but for whatever reason he has been portrayed as being at the forefront of an organisation who has constantly and publicly championed the saving of the club by way of CVA.

    McColl and Park played no part in bringing about the downfall of Rangers PLC in terms of its financial Armageddon– other than perhaps by remaining among that group who could be described as not so much the quiet men but the silent knights!

    These two know accounts and balance sheets inside out. They can read accounts, can see losses as they mount, see expenditure when it is out of control and so on. They know about tax authorities, tax appeals, tax inspections and so on and so forth– yet to my knowledge throughout the entire Murray era– from start to finish– they have never uttered a word of warning or caution.

    Despite such silence the tax debt and the creditors are not theirs so why should they pay them? The point is, that with all the assets, business opportunity that Rangers FC presents– the brand, the goodwill, the name, the support and so on– they have clearly taken the business decision not to use those assets and the clubs reputation to raise money for the benefit of creditors or shareholders. Instead they sat back and allowed first Whyte and then Green to come in and scoop the goods.

    Green is an unashamed carpet bagger, a fast buck Freddie, a turnaround merchant with football experience who pounces on a situation where people make a mess of a business and where others who would be interested in buying have sat on their hands and done nothing to rescue the situation. He has been allowed by all concerned at Rangers to climb to the top of the castle and literally stare down at the dirty wee rascals below– and that in this instance includes McColl, Park, Kennedy and everyone else.

    He will sell– he announced before he bought anything that he would sell. But he is in with some heavy hitters who will sweat the purchasers– which is precisely what happened yesterday.

    However, both he and the McColl/Park partnership have still not looked out to sea and caught sight of the Tsunami on the horizon. Nor have the press– or if they have they have not sounded the storm warning as yet.

    You see there is an almighty set of investigations coming and the events of yesterday simply saw the start of the biggest one of all. Yes the SPL will look at dual contracts– and will report pretty soon. Yes the committee under Lord Carloway might well suspend or expel any old Rangers of your choosing. Yes the other clubs may block and refuse or regularly condition with penalties any further participation in the SPL, and yes the FTT may well return soon and condemn Rangers past Tax practices and say that the club is liable for £xMillion.

    However, by far the biggest wave on the horizon is the one that was announced by HMRC last week when they announced their refusal to accept the CVA and specifically gave the reasoning behind that decision… they do not want to compromise the chase and pursuit of those involved in the tax dodging practices and financial mismanagement of Rangers PLC.

    I think they will chase certain individuals who benefited from that scheme. This will include players and former players. It will include Directors and former Directors. Where necessary it will include those deemed to be shadow Directors.

    A shadow director is defined in section 741(2) of the Companies Act 1985 as a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company are accustomed to act (although a person is not deemed a shadow director by reason only that the directors act on advice given by him in a professional capacity).

    The High Court has said that this means that a governing majority of the board must be accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructions of the alleged shadow director. The purpose of the legislation is to catch a person who effectively controls the running of the company by controlling the board. Therefore, a person is unlikely to be within the definition of a shadow director if only one or two directors on a board of several directors follow his instructions.

    The directors must act on the alleged shadow director’s directions as a matter of regular practice; it must be a regular course of conduct of the directors over a period of time.

    A shadow director must declare his interest in any contract or proposed contract with the company at a board meeting.

    Any transaction by which the company will acquire from the shadow director, or his business associates or through a connected party, or by which the shadow director will acquire from the company a non-cash asset value of the requisite value (i.e. its value exceeds £100,000 or 10 per cent of the company’s net asset value) must first be approved by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders of the company. If prior shareholder approval is not obtained, the transaction could potentially be unravelled.

    And then there is what can be described a s a De Facto director.

    A de facto director is a person who performs the functions of a director but who has not been formally appointed as a director. The High Court in Ultraframe reiterated that a de facto director is a person who undertakes functions that should probably only be discharged by a director and who has an equal ability to participate in decision making.

    It is unlikely that a person will be a shadow director and a de facto director at the same time, although it will be possible for a person to be a shadow director before becoming a de facto director.

    Directors should review the decision-making process of the board on a regular basis, in particular the functions and responsibilities of senior managers, to ensure that they are not accustomed to act in accordance with the directions or instructions of non-directors, and to ensure that such senior managers are not de facto directors or shadow directors.

    And therein lies the problem for Walter Smith and anyone seeking to employ Walter Smith. The same would apply to Dick Advocaat, Alex McLeish and anyone else who occupied the managers chair at Rangers FC during the Murray Era.

    All but Walter Smith have been named as beneficiaries under the EBT scheme.

    Presumably Charles Green ( having offered Smith the Chairmanship ). Douglas Park and Jim McColl have satisfied themselves that Walter Smith was not party to, or a beneficiary under, that scheme and have had assurances to that effect.

    This is crucial because the scale of the financial claim that HMRC may have against Directors, shadow Directors may well amount to well over £100Million pounds when you include interest and add on expenses and so on.

    The manager of a football club ceased to be simply a guy who picks the players and fields the team a long time ago. Managers now get involved in transfers, salary negotiations, bonus payments and so on. I doubt very much that the Directors of a football club simply decide to go and buy this player or that– they act on the manager’s instructions or recommendations ultimately

    The manager will also have a huge say in how he allocates his salary or transfer budget. He will say yes or no to the agreed fees or salary– and then the board will implement the contract and have employees of the company see to the details. The manager plays a crucial part in the chain of command.

    Also remember that more than once, Rangers have given someone the title “Director of Football” whether they were formally adopted on to the PLC board or not. Whether there is a titled Director of football or not, someone has carried out the duties of a Director of Football. In fact without someone de facto being the Director of Football a modern football club cannot actually operate and trade.

    I don’t know what, where and how Walter Smith was paid in return for his services on behalf of Rangers PLC, but others do and some questions were asked yesterday which were….. let’s say illuminating.

    Walter Smith has, at various times, been at the very heart of the operations of Rangers Football Club. His activities, his remuneration and his conduct may well come under scrutiny from various corners in the coming months and years, and it may be that to avoid any possibility of being labelled a shadow or De Facto Director he is going to have to tell all he knows and point to who did what.

    If he knew anything about the EBT’s and played any part in massive overspending then he has actively played a part in all the minor shareholders losing their money. He did not speak out about Whyte nor express any great concern about the sale to Whyte when it happened.

    He publicly proclaimed after the massive spend on players post Kaunas that everyone could see where the money has been spent– on the park— yet raised no concerns about the fact that some of the players under his charge were being paid by way of EBT nor that perhaps it would be wise to set aside funds for a potential tax liability that had already been claimed by HMRC.

    Yet yesterday, this same man fronted a bid for the clubs assets and claimed that none of those involved wanted to make money out of the club. That is hard to stomach as the entire movement yesterday was designed to ensure that this consortium were the only people who COULD DECIDE to make money out of the “club” if Green accepted their bid. As I say no offer for the minor shareholders or the creditors and nothing for any football creditors.

    If, however, it were ever shown that Walter Smith gained personal benefit by way of payments through the EBT scheme— then can he not stand accused of misleading everyone. From the footballing authority for whom he worked, the minority shareholders whose assets he was meant to protect, the tax authorities who were deceived, down to his partners who have enough business savvy not to want to go into business with someone who is going to come under huge scrutiny and have their very business integrity questioned and examined? In short, it is entirely possible that Walter Smith might not be able to avoid being deemed a Director ( shadow or otherwise ) of Rangers PLC and therefore carrying legal responsibility for the failure of the club. In short he could be named along with several others as the Nero Knights… those who fiddled while Ibrox , the shareholders, the creditors and Rangers FC burned

    Unless of course, McColl and Park are no more than the latest incarnation of the Murray Ethos– the “we will look after ourselves and to hell with everyone else” brigade– an attitude which brought Rangers to its knees in the first place!

    If so, then they had better wake up to this new day and this new age, where the internet bampots just happen to comprise of some pretty sharp cookies like RTC, Paul 67 and others who now not only have an audience and easy access to all sorts of expertise on business matters, but who have created a sufficient impact to ensure that the MSM yesterday immediately likened the SMITH/MCCOLL/PARK/MCCOIST movement to a choreographed dance movement.

    Perhaps this latest group would be best described as the BOOGIE KNIGHTS and so far having listened to the reaction to their approach from Charles Green they must take the view “Weir Pumped!”.

    Either way… there are those among their number who should prepare themselves for Hector the BOGEY man and his dashing big Sergeant !

    Jim Traynor made a very public call on the radio— it is time for a complete change. Total, absolute, unqualified and dramatic change. From the Empire to the Republic, where openness transparency accountability, social responsibility, public awareness and inclusion are embraced adopted and actioned.

    That is the only way forward for any new Rangers

  6. Start by saying well done Jim Spence,you went right up in my estimations after tonight.

    You're spot on hellbhoy.

    You really have to laugh at how the Rangers fans are getting brainwashed,Green was the only man that actually put a proper bid on the table.He may not be what everyone wants,and have strange ways of doing things at times...but the long and the short of it is he has done everything he said he would.Proposed a cva,if that failed would buy the club and bring them back as a newco.

    Now all of a sudden after Greens only just aquired the club up comes Wonder Walter,with his merry band of big bucks backers.They seemed to be hell of coincidental in their timing that the club had officially just been liquidated,and McCoist is being rumoured to be walking before Green pushes him.

    Have to say it all smells a bit funny,Walter has a chat with coisty to get him on board anyone?...then the pressure of making sure the fans don't buy any season tickets,therefore putting more pressure on Green to sell him the club.Well Walter,if you think that Rangers should be run by Rangers minded people,where were you the last 4 months...no where..that's where.You and your consortium didn't want to have the death of Rangers hanging over your heads,so let Green do all the dirty work for you,then hound him out the door.

    You forget some things mind you,you have shown your hand to him.Green is sitting with all the aces.He said he wants back multiple what he paid for it,so you're looking at around £15-£20m for it...ok,so you put more pressure on him to sell as he has no income coming in.That is when Mr Green plays his final BIG ACE......the one where he reminds you he owns Ibrox,Murray park and the carparks.He then sells them out from under you to businesses out with football for the money he is looking for.Yes,he will do this just to spite you for all the backstabbing bullshit and pressure you are putting on him.

    I hear many say that Ibrox can't be sold for anything other than football......oh yes it can,according to the little tax lady tonight,he can sell everything to whom ever he wants,and when queried about building being listed and such she said that getting planning permission can be obtained,as situations are there to be able to turn these around.

    So there you go Rangers fans....you should remember a little saying of not biting the hand that feeds you.Green has been there for you,while Walter and co haven't.If they loved Rangers that much they would have saved your club without it going into liquidation,as some of the backers have more than enough to be able to do this quite comfortably.Sadly they didn't,but now want to be seen as the saviours.

    They basically are wanting to cheat their way back into the SPL the way they cheated you out of it.Only this time with no debt,and a 2 fingered wave to every other club in Scotland.

    It is time to wake up to them,and make sure you know what your getting yourselves back into.

    Good post, have a Hughie for that.

    The only other thing to mention about yesterday's events is how Jabba got hie Retard "exclusive" on Sally walking away, allegedly being "pushed out the door" by Green. Pathetic skullduggery. Jabba was on the radio yesterday and this topic came up, the interviewer asked him how he got the story and Traynor's reply was that you only get these type of stories" by cultivating contacts over periods of years". My arse.

    The Cardigan got Traynor to plant the story to get the knuckledraggers primed and foaming at the mouth over McCoist, then Watty comes along on his white charger to save the day.

    And if the Cardigan / McColl / Park bid wins the day, who will be the favoured Succulent to do the spinning and propaganda ?

    Yup, Jim Traynor.................again.

    Makes me boak. No wonder this country is fvcked.

  7. Seems like everyone who does not support rangers wants to:

    Punish rangers

    Then punish rangers again

    Then punish rangers again

    Then punish rangers again

    Then punish rangers again

    Then punish rangers again

    The clubs all want to take rangers money & the sky money but punish rangers again. Then the half wit bigot ex celtic director who almost took Celtic to the wall wants to take rangers money & the sky money but also to take titles off rangers. Then the half wit Thick paddy wants to demote rangers & think Scottish football would have a good sellable product for sky. No wonder the thick paddies were one of the first euro defaulters to get even more euro handouts to save paddy land going bust

    Sorry, it's been a long day and this has to be said.........

    You're an idiotic, unthinking tw@t.

  8. What was this poll shown on STV that 67% don't want a newco? I think it's more than that.

    An interesting thing I've noticed is how a number of Celtic fans I've heard have expressed disappointment at rangers dying. A celtic fan in my work actually said he was 'gutted', as he'd never wanted them to completely die. Non old firm fans are far happier with rangers demise than celtic fans.

    Would you be happy if some fecker cut off your right buttock ? :unsure:

  9. I think it was the Motherwell supporting H*n who earlier posted a wee conspiracy theory type scenario. Looked plausible, in an Inspector Rebus stylee and I think he may be half right.

    There is no doubt in my mind what will happen over the next few days.

    Chuckie Green has signalled that he has no stomach for a fight by offering Sir Cardigan a place on the footballing board. Chuckie and his "investors" will also come under increasingly heavy pressure from the knuckledraggers, the Succulents, Park, McColl and Jack Irvine's Skunkworks. Other clowns such as DJ and the Andies Goram will also be thrown trinkets and wampum to ensure they keep the ante at a high level on knuckledragger-fest phone-ins.

    The Daily Retard / Jabba will be in full-on WATP mode for the foreseeable, Jabba will be making reference to "nonentities" on fan forums and whipping up the hordes to get behind Sir Cardigan. As for Leggo, he'll probably be cooking up another batch of crystal meth and cracking open the Lanliq prior to penning another diatribe about "unreconstructed Papists" and Sir Cardigan hagiography.

    Behind the scenes, one can only guess what Campbell "Fifth Columnist" Ogilvie will be up to on behalf of his mates. The fact that this guy is still in post is an absolute disgrace and wouldn't be out of place in somewhere like Nigeria.

    Across the corridor from CO's office, Regan and Doncaster will be suffering post-traumatic stress disorder after today's events. Doncaster will be doing an excellent impersonation of a rabbit-in-the-headlights whilst simultaneously shiting in his troosers. Regan will be desperately trying to get hold of Michel in Nyon, looking for advice. (Wee tip Stewart, he's in Poland.)

    The upshot is that within a week, Wattie's consortium will have bought the assets from Chuckie and the pressure will then shift focus to the other SPL chairmen regarding the Newco vote.

    At this moment in time, I predict that a few sphincters will prolapse under the media barrage. Obviously there are many twists and turns still to come but I can't see the spineless chairmen / Cockwomble / Regan holding out.


  10. RTC busy

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Time for an enterprising journalist to do his or her job. Let me suggest a couple of questions for the returning hero… (cont)

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Questions for Walter: Can you tell us in comprehensive detail about all payments you received through the EBT scheme?

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Questions for Walter: Can you tell us when those payments were made?

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Questions for Walter: Can you tell us why those payments were made?

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Questions for Walter: And lastly- were you the Everton and/or Scotland manager at the time? i.e. long after you left RFC employment

    Rangers Tax-Case [!]8207;@rangerstaxcase

    Now mainstream media folk. Time to prove that I was wrong about you. Anyone willing to ask Walter these questions on camera?

    All very intriguing. Kind of ties in with a post made by RTC on his blog on 24th May which was entitled "Last Action Hero". It was about Sir Cardigan and EBT's but the blogger very quickly took it down. More to come on this methinks.

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