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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. When this is allover and done with - I mean the football side, obviously, as the legal shenanigans will make Jarndyce Vs. Jarndyce look like a fast-track case - we should invite Thomo, Jim Spence, Cosgrove and Cowan, and Mark Daly to visit every ground in order that we, the REAL fans of Scottish football, can show our appreciation and pay homage. None of these men should ever have to pay for a Killie Pie ever again (although knowing MJ, he'll mibbes offer a multibuy discount :angry:)

    All shall hail that rare breed - the True Journalists. We owe these guys a massive debt.

    Hoi, you, this is a feckin' footie forum, not the Boz Appreciation Society. Get with the programme. :D

  2. FF in meltdown.


    A lot of folk saying that Wattie's Vulture Consortium have more than likely just been repelled at the first time of asking by Chuckie's asking price.

    Likely that Wattie & Co could return once Chuck realises they are the only offer in town ?


  3. Another 8-10 weeks according to D&P. If they get sold before that who gets the money?

    Does anyone on here really give a fvck ? :lol:

    Although I wouldnt mind seeing 'ol Chuck Green making off with the swag. He's starting to grow on me a wee bit.

    As far as the knuckledraggers are concerned, I would suppose Sir Walter of Cardigan is now down there with Ian Brady, Fred Goodwin and Pol Pot in the popularity stakes.

    Pleasing. :)

  4. From today's Leggo diatribe :-

    After all the lies told by David Murray, followed by the trickster, huckster, conman, Craig Whyte, there is now another proven liar inside the Blue Room in the shape of Charles Green.

    However, when men of honour, wealth, dignity and integrity, in short proper Rangers men, win this fight for the heart and soul of Rangers, supporters will at last be told the truth.

    By Jim McColl, by Douglas Park and by Walter Smith. People they will be able to trust.


    Today's Walter Smith statement:

    "Members of our consortium met with Charles Green and Zeus Capital prior to the CVA meeting and it had been agreed that we would be provided with significant information which would give us comfort as to the identity of the consortium members, their strategy and their funding capacity. This information had not been forthcoming by the date of our offer. We are therefore withdrawing completely from the process to enable Charles Green and his consortium to move forward. We wish the new Rangers Football Club good fortune."

    Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamont

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Walter's statement can basically be taken as a load of old cobblers. Reading between the lines, Chuckie Green and the Mysterons have basically given The Cardigan Consortium the bottom line.

    "£20 million guys, and it's all yours."

    Walter walks away cos' Chuckie told him to.....

  5. I had got to thinking that when all this is put to bed, The New Rangers have finally been put in their place (wherever) and the new season kicks off, there would be little else of interest. But....Hector has his shotgun out and will be aiming his sites on a few with ex-Ibrox connections, and every time there's a court case, the Ibrox faithful will be reminded (by us, of course) of the depth of their manipulation of the beautiful game. This is going to run for years and years. Will this thread carry on to record the Borgiastic machinations of the Downfall of the House of Ibrox?

    The Borgiastic Machinations

    Me likey !

  6. Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamont

    Walter Smith consortium withdrawing bid to allow Green and co to get on with itesq-god-monty-python-082509-lg-58458150.jpg

    If that is true, a couple of things spring immediately to mind

    1) McColl and park have realised how much cash it will take to resurrect this corpse.

    2) McColl and Park realise how tarnished the whole thing is and don't want this impinging on their core businesses.

    3) McColl and Park realise that Sir Cardigan is "heavily conflicted" re. EBT's.

    4) Campbell Ogilvie has tipped off the Cardigan Consortium that the game is a bogey and the SFA are going to release the hounds.

  7. Oldco (1899 Rangers Company in Liquidation) is transferring its SPL share to Newco (2012 Sevco5088 Company)

    No continuation as far as that goes.

    Newco is a new club although it's home ground, facilities and colours might be the same as the Rangers that are in liquidation.

    If its prospective supporters regard it as their rangers then fair enough, but it's a new club in business/legal and football administration terms.

    From RTC Blog Comments

    Weescotty says:

    19/06/2012 at 12:04 pm

    Even a blind man can see what the governing bodies are up to, the only question is are the members in on it.

    Oldclub are no longer a club and have no audited accounts. They therefore should have had their SPL membership terminated.

    By not doing this they are making the vote a TRANSFER of the share. 8 votes needed.

    If they remove oldclubs SPL membership it would then be a GRANTING of the share, needing 10 votes.

    Where do the members clubs come into it – plausible deniability! Much more credible to claim ‘it wasny


    (My emphasis)

  8. Can someone explain this to me? Ok so they've been found to have been guilty of cheating within Scottish football, surely that means they also had an unfair advantage in any European games too?

    Wouldn't that make UEFA or FIFA step in and the sanctions would be "nuclear"?

    Just wondered?

    27 August 2003 FC Copenhagen 1-2 Rangers-Christian Nerlinger sets up the winner to deprive FC Copenhagen of a Champions League Group place.

  9. Today's St Mirren and Motherwell BOD statements - cutting through them, one thing seems to be coming through loud and clear - the SPL... the clubs, Doncaster.... they are absolutely shiteing themselves at having to make a decision on anything to do with this. They probably kneel down and pray at night... 'Dear Lord, please let the SFA or UEFA make a decision so we don't have to. Thank you Lord. If you can't do that, could you arrange for a plague of locusts to descend upon the big house? Anything Lord, fire, flood, anything....'

    Taxi for Doncaster.

    Ineffectual, self-serving, spineless lickspittle. Good feckin' riddance. Worst chief executive in Christendom. Funny how we get all the shite admins in Banana Republic.

    Still all quiet on the Chick / Jabba / Fat Sally / Wullie Pullar / Dodds front. Feck them too.

    Sorry, ranting now. ;)

  10. I really can't get my head around the fact that Oldco are no more and are / have been liquidated. Club 12 are a brand new entity and should, by rights, be applying to join the SFL as per Spartans or Cove Rangers.

    However, Club12 still have a right to vote themselves straight into the SPL ? What. The. Fvck ?

    If, as someone mentioned earlier, the SPL / SFA have the power to impose any penalty they see fit, then surely they should be removing this right to vote from an entity that, in effect, has no rights.

    (Or am I making a James Hunt of this ?) :ph34r:

  11. For those lovers of Latin legal terminology, the RTC Blogger lobbed that grenade into Cockwomble's office on the 22nd May.

    Neil Doncaster’s intelligence-insulting interview on SSN this week places another few pieces of the jigsaw together as to how plans are shaping up to deal with Rangers’ corporate failure. Other blogs have already dissected this interview very well, so I will not dwell on the details. Instead, we will look at what is shaping up as the plan “to fix” Scottish football.

    As we have discussed for several weeks, Doncaster wants Rangers in the SPL regardless of how much they owe HMRC or other football clubs. He wants them in the SPL regardless of whether cheating on a massive scale has occurred or not. Doncaster’s attempt to bluster his way to getting acceptance for the idea that a CVA and a newco-Rangers are the same thing is just stunning in its gall.

    Doncaster is a key player in this dance. Therefore, I assume that he has been made aware of the Duff & Phelps plan. His interview this week was simply a crude attempt to blunt the impact of any accusations that might be contained within the BBC Scotland documentary to be aired on Wednesday night at 8pm. Either through an incredible degree of cynicism or playing the role of useful idiot, Doncaster’s cheer leading is key to a plan that will do more to destroy the Scottish Premier League than any loss of income from the temporary absence of a Rangers-type club could ever do.

    One must assume that Doncaster is actively delaying the report on the dual contracts. It would take less than twenty minutes for any lawyer to see that there is a prima facie case against Rangers FC. Demonstrating a prima facie does not require looking at every piece of evidence or even getting close to providing proof. It is literally a check that “on the face of it” there appears to be something behind the allegations. Doncaster denies that there is a “go slow” instruction on this investigation. In the fullness of time, it will become clear that something is amiss.

    The law firm of Harper McLeod have been hired by the SPL to investigate if a prima facie case against Rangers on the dual contract issue exists. Let me help Harper McLeod out a little.

    On 28 July 2001, Rangers played Aberdeen at Pittodrie. Rangers won the game 3-0. Making his league debut that day was a German who would later go on to become General Manager of Bayern Munich, Christian Nerlinger. He also scored one of the goals. That game against Aberdeen marked the first game where the EBT scheme that is the subject of the ‘Big Tax Case’ interfered with the Scottish Premier League.

    Harper McLeod should take a look at Nerlinger’s contract filed with the SFA. Next they should obtain Nerlinger’s contract documents and payment history from Rangers FC (IA)’s administrators. Comparing the contract to the payment history alone will expose payments of well in excess of £1 million that are not listed on his SFA-registered contract. There is your prima facie case, Mr. Doncaster. There is no need to investigate any further to demonstrate that Rangers have a case to answer and that an independent inquiry is required.

    It seems clear that Doncaster just does not care about the rules. He just wants a Rangers in the SPL next season. My thoughts on how this will most likely end are laid out below.

    Talk of a CVA is just window dressing to appease the less realistic element of the Rangers support. Whyte can pledge his shares in the club for £2 safe in the knowledge that a CVA is not going to happen. (Strictly speaking, Whyte himself can always scupper a CVA).

    We are heading for a newco of some description. The key point, Mr. Doncaster, is whether Craig Whyte’s floating charge is still meaningful. If it is (and people with more advanced legal training than me cannot find a consensus on whether it will be) Whyte will be content to let this drama unfold. His friends at Duff & Phelps will continue to potter about while reality continues to sink in with the wider Rangers support. In the end, Whyte will play his trump card and call in a receiver who will sell all of Rangers’ assets to a newco for a sum that will go entirely to Whyte- stuffing all of the other creditors. A plan to achieve this outcome would explain a lot of Duff & Phelps’ actions over the last few months.

    If Whyte’s floating charge does not support a legitimate debt (and I expect some court drama over this point), then Rangers’ assets will be sold to a newco and the proceeds divided among the creditors. They will be lucky to receive 5p/£ even in this path, but they would not get more in a CVA anyway.

    A newco of some form is inevitable. The liquidation of The Rangers Football Club plc is also inevitable. The debate is not over whether the newco will enter Scottish football, but over how. If Doncaster’s dream comes true, and newco-RFC just start playing in the SPL next season without any penalties, then Scottish football is dead.

    There are many other possible formulae for a fair outcome. Many Rangers fans want the newco to start in SFL division 3 and play their way to their place in the SPL like anyone else. It is also possible to have the newco pay an “entry fee” over a number of years that would serve as a deterrent to others. It would also serve, to a degree, as compensation for the carnage wrought on the Scottish game by Rangers during the years of Murray’s excesses. There are lots of ways to arrive at a fair outcome. However, the money-men who might own newco-Rangers will not want that and Neil Doncaster has their interests at heart. Sport? Fans? Mere irritations.


    Today's announcement surley must be the green light that RTC / Mark Daly have been waiting for to drop the next bomb.

    Strap yourself in, Walter, could be a bumpy ride. <_<

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