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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. From RTC blog :-

    Oldgold is Jack Irvine, heid honcho at Media House, one of the mouthpieces of TCFKAR.

    oldgold says:

    25/06/2012 at 3:37 pm

    I can tell you that since the news is now mainstream about a criminal investigation RFC will be seeking an injunction to halt any external proceedings while the criminal investigation is under way.

    RFC will be contending that they may be the victims of fraud, the SFA/SPL have been informed.

    So if correct, they will try and get the Appellate Tribunal halted and presumably any investigations by HMRC / BDO ?

  2. Have we all seen this? Its a great laugh. Roddy has sensed that things might not be too braw down Ibrox way, but don't worry folks - he's got a cunning plan!

    You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh

    Key paragraph if you're a bit pushed for time:

    'According to a well-placed source, Green had budgeted for three possible outcomes; life in the SPL, life in the Third Division and also for a year spent as the footballing equivalent of the Harlem Globetrotters should the Appellate Tribunal ban them from playing in Scotland.'

    Heh, heh......Ewing Grahame = tool. His arsehole has been cocked more times than Davy Crockett's rifle when it comes to RaPeepul. This also has the hand of Jack Irvine's Skunkworks all over it. (Irvine posts on RTC as 'oldgold'.)

    The Succulents are now in full-on damage limitation (assuming there will be an entity to limit the damage to) and we can expect more of the same in the coming days.

  3. Read what I said! I know that didn't happen. Traynor, Keevins et al will try spin it as if it did, in their typical snivelling way.

    Anyway, I and many Celtic fans aren't very keen on the alliances we've made with the dark side in the past. I agree that the voting changes do need to be made, TV revenue does need to be distributed more evenly and away teams should keep the money brought in by their fans at trips to Celtic Park.

    Calm down - the smiley should have told you something !

    Seriously, the point I was making was that you made the statement re. "at Celtic's bidding" without even thinking about it, it is so ingrained into your psyche. That is where we are at regarding Scottish football and that is the mentality that HAS to be changed.

    Now is the time.

  4. Traynor has called everything wrong in a blatant attempt to help Sevco.

    One of his many little gems " It does not matter what fans say on social media. Football clubs do not listen to fans,they listen to Bank Managers and they will be telling them that they have to vote Rangers into the SPL"

    Who is this person "Traynor" you speak of ? :huh: Is he the super-android out of Bladerunner ?

  5. Hear what you're sayin mate but I honestly think that would STILL be enough to drive fans away. For good.

    Myself for example. Had a season ticket for the Hearts for 17 years, this season would be my 18th, but if SevcoFC end up anywhere higher than the 3rd, then I'm done.

    It's not good enough for us to say "och but MY team voted no, so that'll do". Naw, this is bigger than that. It's not about the SPL doin their bit then the SFL doin their bit. For me, it's about Scottish Football in its ENTIRETY doin IT'S bit.

    Anything other than 3rd division (at best) and we've all been had.

    I'd be interested to know if others feel the same, or if it's a case of "well as long as MY club voted no, that'll do me"....

    Comrade GorgieYaBass whips the Pn'B hordes into a frenzy of diddy proletarian solidarity. (Gave you a greenie, BTW. :rolleyes: )


  6. There's no real need for us to make a comment now. Besides, we did make one ages ago that made it fairly obvious what our vote would be if you read between the lines. I rather wish we would, mind you. Of course, if we did there's always going to be some media idiots like Traynor who'll try to make it look like all the rest of the clubs did it at our bidding.

    The quicker you lot realise that the days of the diddies "doing your bidding" are over, the better.

    What's wrong, not feeling so Billy Big Baws without yer pal to back you up ? :D

  7. The silence from Parkhead is telling. Lawwell desperately trying to be all things to all people. His arse might also be twitching due to the realisation that the diddy club chairmen, on pain of death from their own customers, have voted decisively to rid Scotland of one half of The Bigot Twins.

    If those self same chairmen keep their feet on the neck of the remaining twin, they could do wonders regarding the division of TV money and the voting structure.

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