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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. I stand alone.......dude. Why don't you stop being a bawbag and buddying up to the diddies. They hate us! They would rather we were out n'all so let's stop palling with them. This lot rip us off with ticket prices and sing songs that the other lot sing and claim it's only "40 of them singing it" and it was for a laugh. Nah I know if they go to the wall it isn't good for anybody

    "I'll thcweam and thcweam until I'm thick....."

  2. MICKEY MOUSE CLUBS WITH MICKEY MOUSE FANS FFS If there is a decenct movie on the telly it cuts their crowds by half.

    I really take umbrage at your woeful lack of knowledge of TV scheduling.

    The majority of football matches still have kick-off at 3pm on a Saturday. You would be very hard pushed to find a terrestrial channel showing a movie at this time, although it has been known for BBC2 to air some black and white British melodrama if the showjumping from Hickstead has been cancelled due to a farriers strike. Something like 'Brief Encounter' or 'Mrs. Miniver' might be expected, although the odd Hollywood film noir such as 'Double Indemnity' might be screened. Although these films are in some quarters deemed as 'classic', IMHO they are certainly not worth staying at home for on a Saturday afternoon.

    Some football matches are shown on a Sunday but usually at inconsiderste times e.g. before the pubs open. In the past these were invariably matches which were referred to as 'Old Firm' derbies and gladly this type of match is off the menu for the forseeable future. This may give the TV companies some scope to shoehorn a repeat of 'The Railway Children' or 'Singin' In The Rain' in between say 'A Week In Westminster' and 'The Antiques Roadshow'. Again, nothing to stay at home for.

    However, should Channel 4 decide to drop their popular Saturday afternoon horse racing and show some quality arthouse movies instead, for example an Ingmar Bergman season or an appreciation of the works of Andrei Tarkovsky, then you can be sure that it would give many diddy fans a difficult choice to make.

  3. Craig burley!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    A complete fucknugget of the highest order.

    I take it that when 'Footballing Oracles' of the reputation and sagacity of a Burley or a Dodds produce a piece for a chipwrapper then it is actually all their own work isn't it ?

    I mean, they would never stoop so low as to just put their name to any old piece of ghost-written Goebbelsist propaganda in return for some coin,

    would they ?

    "There ye go Craigey / Billy, jist you sign your name or put a big cross right there at the bottom.....and leave the rest to us.........and yer envelopes waitin' at reception...."

    Would they ? :rolleyes:

  4. That's deal's with your current hypocrisy and the other clubs' silence in February how?

    Oh it doesn't so what's your point exactly?

    It July now so we are in the clear ... by that token Ranger's actions were in the past as well so why are you still getting your knickers in a twist about it?

    I would suggest you go and look up "reactionary" in a dictionary.

    You come across as a bit of an empty vessel and we all know what they make...................

    BTW, don't bother replying to this, you're on 'ignore'.


  5. If you read the thread, that has already been addressed. Celtic issued a statement from the outset that stated 'Celtic can survive financially without Rangers in the SPL' .. as far back as Feb 12th and longer before any other SPL club. As the other poster stated if the other teams had followed suit then maybe this farcical situation may have been dealt with sooner.

    Does it really need any more clarification?

    All clubs can survive financially without SecCo and for that matter without Celtic.

    Your arrogance knows no bounds.

  6. I am pretty much done with this farrago. We, as a footballing nation, are a complete laughing stock. The people who are supposed to administer the game on behalf of the clubs, and more importantly, the fans, have been found to be totally wanting and should be told to clear their desks. They have disgracefully abrogated their responsibilities, the very responsibilities they were employed to discharge in the first place. You know, the responsibilities that include the line about "without fear or favour". Don't make me laugh.

    Shambolic, incompetent, embarrassing and I very much suspect, corrupt. That is my personal opinion.

    I am pretty sure now where I shall be watching my football next season. Don't get me wrong, I am not a die hard uber-Hibby who follows his team around the country and maybe spends £3,000 a year for the privilege. Last season I attended maybe 10 games tops, which means I spent £250 - £300. I attend games when work, family and finances allow. Mr. Petrie maybe won't miss this money too much. I really hope so.

    I just don't know how many guys like myself are out there, people who basically can't bear to watch this botched post-mortem any longer.

    Sorry for the Sunday morning sermon. :unsure:


  7. And, if you're looking for a SPL club who have sucked up Newco's hole throughout this whole farrago, it certainly isn't Celtic, I think we all know which club has, though.

    Aha, but given that Celtic have made no statement, issued no declaration of any sort, how can you be so sure ? Lawwell and Charlie Green might be indulging in a homosexual relationship but you wouldn't know about it, would you ?

    Just saying, likesay...................... 8)

  8. Right folks, get your money on a Daily Record exclusive interview on monday about the heroic 'bomber' brown and his plans to save rangers. Was going for lunch today in Glasgow and who should be sitting having a very cosy chat in Cafe Gandolfi? None other than Mr James Traynor and john 'bomber' brown. Typical, while Jim spence is phoning chairman and speaking to fans, Traynor is spoon feeding the latest rangers stooge some cherry cheesecake and the party line.

    Traynor has gone from a Succulent Lambist to a Cherry Cheesecakeist ?

    I actually have an image of Brown in a high chair with one of those hard plastic bibs around his neck and cheesecakey slart* running out of the side of his mouth and dribbling down his chin.

    Traynor uses his spoon to scoop it up and put it back into Brown's facial orifice.

    "Come on John, you know it's good for you........."

    *(Slart - a quasi-medical term explained to me by a GP mate, more than a fart but something less than a shite - a hybrid rectal excrescence. Slart.)

  9. I'm not sure if it has already been stated in any of the other pages quoted,but this one says that cockwomble may be acting alone,and not have the approval of the SFA.

    If true,then he will surely be sacked.

    STV reveal Doncaster's sell-out Sevco deal

    Could it be possible he's done this because he wants the sack ? Because he's bitten off more than he can chew in a job where he's incompetent in a country where most football fans think he's a complete ersehole ?

    Even Stuart Cosgrove said he should go last Saturday.


    Just read that STV article. Definately reeks of "Suicide By Cop" by Doncaster.

  10. There is an alternative. The SFL could immediately invoke rule 20 for a relegated Rangers

    "20. EXPULSION

    The Members may in general meeting expel from the League a Member

    Club whose conduct has, in their opinion, been objectionable, but only on

    a 75% majority of the votes cast at the meeting at which such proposal is



    And which one of the spineless chairmen / blazers is going to propose this under "Any Other Business" ?

    I don't think so.

    BTW, take a bow Stewart Milne. He might be a bit wanting in the tonsorial dept. but at least his testicles seem to be working.

    "The statement that I issued on Monday was both clear and unambiguous and for the avoidance of any doubt I will restate it. Rangers NewCo should apply to the SFA for admission and apply direct to the SFL in the same way that any other new club would do. This is and remains our club's absolute position."

  11. Oh, aye. I imagine Peter Lawell fixed the chairmen of Killie, United and the rest in his hypnotic gaze then used his magical bigot-beams to control their minds.

    "Look into my eyes and repeat after me...", he'll have said. "We will save The Rangers... We will save the Rangers..."

    And then, he flew back to Parkhead on a pillar of flame shooting out of his erse.

    I knew it......I just said that to the wife at teatime....... :ph34r:

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