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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. According to the title deeds lodge with the Registry of Scotland, the floating charge transferred to previous owner Craig Whyte is still outstanding over the Murray Park training ground in Auchenhowie Road, Milngavie. The standard security to the Scottish Sports Council over the facility, created in 2002, is also still active according to the registry.


    So the £27m FC followed the assets and neatly takes CW out of the liquidation picture away from HMRC and in a position to trade off any rental of Ibrox and MP against the £27m Ticketus debt


    Any buyer of the club is faced with repaying Ticketus £27m unless he is prepared to give CW at least £30m for the assets


    Can anyone explain this post from RTC in workies English ? <_<

  2. I feel now the battle to give Rangers a good kicking has been won.

    It's now a question of sitting back and observing how the hell they are going to put out a team, and where, next year.

    Anything now is an anti climax I think, even them starting up again in the Third. Maybe not existing at all would top anything that has gone before. But we're half-expecting that now too.

    Is there anything that would shock us now in this saga?

    I don't think this has been about giving TCFKAR "a good kicking." It's been about exposing fraud, cheating and corruption and hopefully seeing that justice is done.

    The fact that TCFKAR have been torn apart by a succession of barrow boys, conmen and asset strippers is, largely, neither here nor there.

    Makes for a lively forum though. :unsure:

  3. I hope one thing that comes out of this whole issue is that Old Firm "fans", "journalists" and other arrogant groupings will stop referring to clubs at the lower end of the SPL, and everyone in the SFL as "diddy clubs". I have always found that description very disingenuous, we are not "diddy clubs", we are small but potentially powerful. The clubs that get tagged with this label are well run by very hard working board members and their fans, though unfortunately few, are loyal and when threatened by issues like the Rangers attempts to railroad themselves back into the SPL have shown that they can band together to form a strong and well organised opposition that as we have seen , can get results.

    I have often wondered if clowns like Chick Young or Jim Traynor were told repeatedly enough that they are "diddy journalists" working for "diddy newspapers" then they would lash out with legal action, threatening slander, but after all the Daily Record is hardly in the same league as The Telegraph or Die Welt.

    We can start by stopping referring to ourselves as "Diddy Clubs" please

    At the moment, and probably for the foreseeable, to be known as a 'diddy' is pretty much a badge of honour, a nom de guerre. But be safe in the knowledge that IF (and it's looking like a large if) Sevco5088 are invited to join SFL3, they shall be the newest and smallest 'diddy' on the block.

  4. What a glorious statement from Turnbull Hutton. I wish he'd gone a bit further and said that Servco would have to join the queue of applicants for the 3rd Division rather than suggesting that their election to the bottom tier of the SFL was likely to be a formality, but nevertheless an admirable and powerful statement that bristles with moral indignation. How refreshing after so many years of listening to club chairmen defend the indefensible on the grounds of "commercial imperative. "

    There has been something of "the Arab Spring" about this populist uprising (and kudos to all the fans who have expressed their opinions eloquently and forcibly on this and other sites) but it also reminds me of the recent and surely inexorable decline of Murdoch's press empire. Everyone knew that Murdoch's rags were toxic and corrupt but for too long too few dared speak out. The News of the World was an outdated institution run by wide boys and borderline criminals, a dinosaur that thrived on exploiting the basest human instincts, pandering to the bigoted, reactionary dregs of society, but we feared their bully boy tactics and their thuggish threats. Cowardice made us accomplices in their malign hegemony. But then something changed. People began to speak up against Murdoch and his corrupt empire, the threats lost their power as more and more people spoke out. The vile tyrant's aura of omnipotence slipped and we wondered why we were ever in the thrall of such a pathetic old man. We'd given the bogeyman his mythic status and unrivalled power by our collective inaction and passivity, we'd allowed his minions and his sycophants to do their dirty work and never held them to account. But slowly at first, and then quickly as the anti-Murdoch movement achieved critical mass, things changed and they would never be the same again.

    The world is changing and much for the better. In the age of the internet and social media vile regimes can no longer cling onto power by annexation and monopolisation of the main stream media and the corruption of politicians and beaurocrats. Those who were formerly disenfranchised now have a voice and that voice will be heard.

    On the subject of disenfranchised groups, there's no doubt that Scottish football fans have occupied that lowly position on the social hierachy for far too long. Football clubs, managers, players and the media have traditionally treated the people who pay their wages with thinly-veiled contempt at best. The nadir of this old school mentality is surely Jim Traynor's execrable "Your Call" show where fans are offered the opportunity to call in and be condescended to by an idiot. For too long Scottish football has been firmly rooted in the noxious Old Firm duopoly, a false dichotomy of pantomime villainry exploiting outdated stereotypes and prejudices that should have been consigned to the dustbin of history long ago. Scottish football has for too long been a parochial backwater where lumbering giants steeped in bigotry, discrimination and divisiveness have been accorded pre-eminent status and the rest of us consigned to the roles of also-rans, submissive servants happy to accept the scraps from our masters' table.

    Whatever happens now it's clear that we've finally stripped one of Scottish football's dinosaurs of it's mythic power. Like the News of the World, Rangers weren't too big too fail, they were simply too bigoted to survive in the modern world. The duopolistic axis of evil has finally been broken, the inequities of a system designed to benefit the elite and discriminate against the rest will be rectified. Better late than never. Let's hope the other Glasgow giant, freed from the burden of having to set up in perpetual opposition, like some pathetic WWF-style Nemesis, can divest itself of some of it's paranoia and re-integrate itself as part of the broader community of Scottish football. Suitably chastened former tyrants are welcome in this Brave New World, but their mystique and power will have been largely stripped away. Like the senile, impotent Murdoch stuttering before the Leveson Inquiry, we're left wondering why it took so long to see through the conceit that was Glasgow Rangers. The greatest trick this particular Devil pulled was in convincing us not only that he did exist, but that he had to exist. We won't make that mistake again.

    Good post, I'd have given you a Charles but I'm currently without funds. ;)

    One thing you forgot to mention - the connivance of SFA & SPL.

  5. "This is the same Rangers whose supporters threatened to torch our stadium and whose manager demanded that one of our directors was named over his involvement with an SFA judicial panel, which resulted in TV cameras camping outside his door and threats being made by various outlandish factions. We also had Sandy Jardine publicly calling for repercussions for those clubs who have not supported Rangers."Given that, how could I, as an individual, be expected to roll over and have my tummy tickled by some inducement to allow Rangers to come into the First Division. I gave my opinion to the board on Monday night and the board had a position which was not in any way different from my own.

    "That does not mean, if and when there is a meeting of the SFL clubs and a vote, that the outcome will go the way we want it to go. I imagine some clubs will see some short-term advantage to be had.

    "But if, long-term, you cheese off your season-ticket holders and supporters and backers, is it worth it? Do you sell your position for 30 pieces of silver for some short-term advantage or take the moral high ground?"

    Hats off to Mr. Turnbull and the RR board.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold, is it not ?

    Edit :- Just had a quick glimpse over at Leggo's padded cell. Utter fruitloop. As someone mentioned a couple of pages back, you can see him frothing as he types. His "Kristallnacht" style diatribes are truly vile.

  6. Yes I've got that. Are you grasping that if we get what we want and they have to apply to sfl3 their chairmen will see it the same as getting them in the cup - better even as there will be 2 games? That Spartans have already said they won't apply for the vacancy and would rather sit out and wait for a pyramid?

    Besides the previous poster's hysteria was based around them being knuckle dragging bigots spewing their bile and vile etc. My point is that their bigotry hasn't mattered previously when said chairmen rubbed their hands in glee.

    All I'm doing is trying to talk in facts and not emotive nonsense (I appreciate this is an emotional subject btw)

    I guess I'd better just jack it in then now that I've been outed as a hysterical spouter of emotive nonsense.

    Is there a 12 step programme for saddos such as myself ? Club 12 maybe ? :o

  7. I don't know the guidelines personally, but I'd imagine the thousands of fans they'll bring compared (bigotry, vermin, vile blah blah blah) to a couple of hundred at most will sway their thinking somewhat. And why shouldn't it?

    In fact, haven't some of the other eligible teams said that they won't even bother applying as they themselves recognise that Rangers could offer more to the league than them?

    'Rangers' do not exist. They are dead. That's the first point. :lol:

    Secondly, SevCo 5088 can offer more than other clubs - more pished knuckledragging bigots, more sectarian chanting and songs, more aggression and violence in the grounds, more abuse and al fresco pishing in town centres, the need for more security and policing etcetera, etcetera.

    The upside ? A few more quid via. tickets and the opportunity to take the scalp of the newest club in Scottish football.

  8. Sure it's been mentioned before that the criteria for entry are guidelines rather than unbreakable rules.

    It's crazy to suggest that SFL3 chairmen would rather have a Spartans or a Cove in the league if they could have Rangers

    So you'd take a chance on an organisation that couldn't provide any audited accounts or records of good financial housekeeping over others who could, just because they are called "Rangers" ?

    Do you not think that you might be leaving yourself wide open to more chaos further down the line ?

    Are you Jim Traynor ? 8)

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