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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. For the last few months, many people on here (myself included), expressed exasperation with fans of TCFKAR for not organising themselves to try and do something to save their club. Some people openly took the piss at their inertia and lack of action.

    Well, if that Cyde statement is accurate, it appears that the Chairmen of the SPL clubs we support have given Doncaster the authority to blackmail and threaten the SFL clubs to allow SevCo 5088 into either SFL1 or an abortion of an SPL2.

    The responsibility for taking action has now been laid at the feet of every fan of every SPL club outwith the Bigots. Doncaster, and by extension the other SPL Chairmen, are playing a really dangerous game. They are not only blackmailing the SFL, they are trying to blackmail the fans and I for one have no problem in calling their bluff. I have no compunction in avoiding Easter Road and I won't be going anywhere near any other SPL ground.

    The SPL has to be killed off, Doncaster, Reagen, Ogilvie et al must be emptied and we have to get back to a sustainable business model free of bigotry and sectarianism.

  2. The majority of Sevco supporters comments that I have seen, indicate that they want to be put in the 3rd Div.

    The majority of other clubs' supporters seem to think that this is, at least, the best place for them.

    Malcolm Murray, has today released a statement , apologising to all Scottish clubs and supporters for the current position that they are in, and accepting responsibility for the same.

    So why cant SFA/SPL/SFL not make the 3rd Div. happen, with the proviso that Sevco cover any shortfall in football revenue that occurs because of the Sevco situation.

    That way majority of the fans are happy, clubs have security for three years, and can plan accordingly, and Sevco are punished.

    Everybody's happy (?)

    SevCo are a new club. Why should they be in 3rd ? Why not Spartans ? Why not Cove ? Why not Gala ?

  3. Just watched the BBC news. The lone protester has to be the funniest thing i've seen in ages.

    Anyone else think we should all take in a Raith Rovers game this coming season. A tribute to the only chairman with Baws in Scottish football. The guy is a legend.

    The Orcs can win what they like today, but the fact remains they are skint. Nae money, nae proper team and Sally is AWOL!

    That is a very interesting idea. Could be a magic day out. Couple of buses organised, few pints, everyone with a Turnbull Hutton mask.


  4. Sky wouldn't pull a deal completely, there would be negotiation over a price. Scottish football is already sold short in terms of tv revenue and Sky aren't the only game in town now that BT have shown their hand in buying up english football rights. Add espn in to the mix and there are three parties surely the spl and however else can negotiate some sort of deal with.

    Not with Doncaster at the helm they can't.

  5. I hope to feck that someone in that meeting is pointing out in no uncertain terms that TCFKAR had a former status in Scottish football due to illegality and cheating. 20 years worth. That needs to be addressed.

    Doncaster appears to be giving credence to, or completely ignoring that fact, by trying to parachute them back into SPL / SFL1.

    Is he mentally defective ?

  6. Here's a wee repost from RTC :-

    For any Chairmen thinking of going back on their publicly pronounced position

    “Where there has been a fraudulent misrep, the innocent party is entitled to rescind the contract and claim damages. The damages that are awarded are not based on contractual principles but the damages available in the tort of deceit. There is thus no requirement that the damages are foreseeable:”

    Hearts , Hibs, Aberdeen, St Mirren, St Johnstone, Dundee Utd , ICT, and Motherwell have all made public statements which confirmed they would NOT vote Rangers into the SPL. The fact that they did so induced their supporters to enter into a contract with their clubs by purchasing a season ticket.

    They will leave themselves open to a legal challenge for damages, and will not be able to hide behind a “secret ballot ” if questioned in a court of law .

    I suggest all clubs supporters make this very clear to their Chairman before tomorrow. They should each and every one of them publicly confirm they will not be changing their stance, and will not accept a secret ballot

    What we may well be seeing is a softening up process. Current sentiment would see Rangers forced to start in SFL 3 . This latest “scoop” may well be an attempt to force an SFL 1 start by attempting to scare that their is a real possibility of New Club in the SPL

    Traynor and Doncaster must be thwarted . They will destroy trust for all time between clubs and fans If there is any truth in this latest propaganda

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