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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Jesus, the telly was bad back then. When the choice was 3 channels and you have STV leading with A London Night Out featuring Tom O'conner, Jim (nick, nick) Davidson, Sheena Easton and the Krankies <shudder>

    One of my regular golfing mates is an retired ex-heid honcho at SMG (STV as was) and he was regaling with us with a tale about The Krankies back in the day when they were into a wee bit of recreational chemistry and serious swinging.

    The story goes that wee Janette was being serviced doggy-style by her man whilst simultaneously giving some other bloke a BJ, and this was in their dressing room at some theatre where they were performing.

    Anyhoo, someone inadvertantly walked in on this little menage a trois and wee Janette's response was "Och, whit am ah like ? You must think I'm a terrible flirt !"

  2. It's almost lunchtime and I have had no fix of bad news for ra Peepul. I can't go on like this.....

    Alasdair Lamont or Mr. Mackey look-a-like Chris McLaughlin usually tweet around lunchtime. If you're bored, get onto iPlayer and listen to Stuart Cosgrove's excoriation of the blazers on Saturday's Off The Ball.


  3. At the time when this was first posted and removed soon after I had a sneaky suspicion that it was a bit of a flushing out exercise (flushing out what I didn't know though). Given recent goings on and comments made by those who appear to be 'in the loop' I have an even stronger suspicion that RTC intentionally posted that piece "by mistake".

    I could be miles off right enough.

    You could well be right.

    It's all getting a bit All The President's Men / Deep Throat.


  4. It's like marrying a serious gold-digger, a really high-maintenance, designer-shopping, hair-nails-and-spray-tan-a-week WAG.

    It is never going to be a comfortable keep-me-in-the-style-to-which-I-have-become-accustomed deal. They were used to living way beyond their means, and that bought no success in Europe, and only moderate success (for them) in Scotland. In order to maintain that lifestyle, you'd need to pump in at least £15 million a year, and be prepared to write it off. Even if New Rangers do play in some form next season, the berrs will soon tire of having to put up with the shit the rest of us take as normal.

    So it's from this :-


    To this :-


  5. Am I correct in thinking that when liquidation was mentioned last week Muff & Phlaps said that Admin would last for another 8-10 weeks before the liquidators move in? Surely if that's the case then they can't newco during a season I would have thought.

    Really starting to think they will ban them for the year and gives them and the rest of Scottish football the chance to sort it's self out.

    Taken at face value, this might be the best long term solution in the minds of the blazerati.

    1) If they were to announce this in the next couple of days, it would stop the arse falling out of ST sales at other clubs and it would stop fans voting with their feet re. chucking it altogether.

    2) This would give Newcorpse time to regroup and sort out their shit for next year (2013 - 14)

    3) It would give us diddy fans a taster menu of life without the songs and the bigotry and I personally reckon it could be very, very good.

    4) It gives the Succulents / MSM / Jack Irvine's Skunkworks a whole year in which to prep us for the return of Persil white Newcorpse FC into SFL 3 in season 13-14.

    The elephant in the room is HMRC and BDO investigations. They could very well finish the organism formerly known as RFC for good.

    Which would be my personal option. 8)

  6. Looks like SELLIK fans are gonna boycott if NEWCO are allowed back in. Things just keep getting better!!! That surely makes it a no brainer for the chairmen now....and as we keep on hgearing with boring regualarity from the Orcs....be careful what you vote for!!!!


    2 things :-

    1) It is The Daily Retard.

    2) It is Hugh Keevins.

    That is all.


    "We are Rangers, Glasgow Rangers,

    And we do walking away,

    Walter let us know,

    That the deal's no go,

    Then he did walking away."

  7. Green could take this option, satisfy the majority of the footballing public and allow us all to move on with life. It would prevent the potentially catastrophic outcome for everyone if the self-interested voted them straight in to the SPL (Ironically, it would be the only wrongdoing in the past 20 years where the blame wouldn't appear to lie at Rangers' door).

    I'm well past the five stages of grief I was going through in March, and I'm sick to death of hearing "fan representatives" claim "we've been punished enough already". Let's just make some decisions and get on with it.

    Excuse me, but how does Green have that option ? Should Newcorpse, who have no audited accounts and as yet, no SFA licence, not be treated in exactly the same way as Cove Rangers or Spartans in this scenario ?

    (Happy to be corrected if wrong on any point.)

  8. Towards the end of May a post appeared on another forum re. Walter Smith. For some strange reason it was pulled shortly thereafter, although I copied it before it disappeared. Given all that has happened in the last few days, I think it will be OK to post here now. Mods can let me know if that's not the case.

    Last Action Hero

    Rangers fans will, with considerable justification, feel under attack and believe that the existence of something very dear to them is threatened. It is a basic fact of sociology that groups in crisis will blame others- those from without- for what ails them rather than looking inward. To break the vicious cycle that spirals downward towards disaster, someone of real character needs to step forward to acknowledge the real problems and help the group come to some acceptance of what has happened. Rangers need a real leader just now. When the time comes to pick up the rubble strewn around Rangers FC, the club’s supporters need look no further than Walter Smith as a man who has been tested by events and proven to have the right stuff.

    Unlike those to whom EBTs were not offered or not available, it appears that Smith was presented during his time as Everton manager with an opportunity that looks similar to that taken by Graeme Souness while manager at Blackburn Rovers. In September 2002, Smith applied to the Murray Group Management Remuneration Trust trustees for a loan for £80,000. Despite the loan request being approved in the same month, the payment does not appear to have ever been completed. Quite what he had done to merit this payment- four years after leaving the Rangers’ employment- is difficult to tell from the paper trail. However, it looks like Walter Smith thought better of receiving money from his old club through the EBT scheme.

    Temptation itself is no sin. It looks like Smith had the character to walk away from what will have appeared at the time to be easy money. That is to be admired. If I have this interpretation wrong, I will be pleased to publish an alternative explanation of events with equal prominence.

    In whatever form a new Rangers emerges (and some form of Rangers will be reborn), it will need men like Smith if it is to put the last decade behind it. Some will quibble that Smith was content to benefit from winning championships with teams liberally supplied with players who were subsidised by the EBT scheme. As a non-director and a football man, he can be absolved of responsibility for understanding the tax compliance issues surrounding the scheme. Finding the money to pay players was not his job.

    In a tale involving many villains, it was refreshing to stumble over an uplifting chapter.

    For those who have asked, Ally McCoist was not a beneficiary of this scheme. Three players, Hamed Namouchi, Ross McCormack, and Francis Jeffers had trusts opened in their name in anticipation of payments being made, but for a variety of reasons no money was ever paid to them through these accounts.

  9. Leggo normally updates his blog between 8.00 and 8.30am. My knees are knocking. :unsure:

    Here is today's Doublespeak from LoopyLeggo :-

    Wednesday, 20 June 2012


    CHARLES GREEN is trying to snaffle money from the bank accounts of rank and file Rangers supporters.

    That is how desperate Charles Green is for cash after loyal Rangers fans told him they will not be buying his season tickets.

    But I have information that a number of Rangers supporters were startled to discover that Charles Green had attempted to snatch cash from their bank accounts.

    One fan, a lawyer, moved at once to ensure the cash was put back into his account.

    The latest move by the Green Rangers should flash a red alert to all fans. I understand they are now beng told to get in touch with their banks.

    This move comes after efforts were made on behalf of the Green Rangers to deduct payments from the accounts of fans who have been season ticket holders for years and who in the past had set up direct debit or standing order arrangements.

    But these could not be activated until the supporter had signed and returned their season ticket renewal form.

    But not one of the fans who I have information about did sign and return those season ticket renewal forms to Charles Green, meaning that any move by the Green Rangers to try and prise the money from their accounts is on dubious legal ground.

    Fans have had to contact their bank branches and instruct them that they have given Charles Green no legal mandate for their money to be removed from their accounts.

    Other supporters, now alerted to the latest Charles Green scam, have been in touch with their banks to ensure they are not ripped off.

    And more will move in this next 24 hours.

    On top of that, I understand there are other and much more complex banking complications involving the Green Rangers operation which should become public within the next 24 hours.

    It will be a bombshell!

    And it will shake Charles Green’s reputation as a businessman and also raise a huge question mark about his investment bankers, Zeus Capital and their two stooges on the Rangers board, to protect the Manchester investment, Imran Ahmad and Brian Stockbridge.

    It is Zeus and their reputation for probity that’s on the line. They are the paymasters behind Charles Green’s get-rich-quick scheme to rape Rangers.

    But they will now have to balance any marginal profit their bank may make against the terrible damage which could be caused to its reputation through being associated with Charles Green.

    When the story about all of the banking complications surrounding the Green Rangers breaks, then the Walter Smith led consortium’s statements will be seen in a different light.



    THE one man Rangers supporters still stand behind is Walter Smith.

    Of course they were baffled and shell shocked when it was left to Walter Smith to announce that the consortium was withdrawing.

    And left to Dave King to meet Charles Green and then speak out with his shrewd warnings.

    The general view among Rangers fans is that Charles Green is not to be trusted. That Zeus Capital and their two stooges inside Ibrox, Imran Ahmed and Brian Stockbridge, are not to be trusted.

    My gut reaction to the announcment was that it is not yet completely over.

    And I still believe we have not heard the last of the real Rangers men who want to get rid of Green and save the heart and soul of Rangers.

    One thing which is not a hunch, one thing I do know for certain and without the shadow of a doubt is this.

    Walter Smith is hurting today. Just as much and as badly as any Rangers supporter.

    He is a wounded Bear. And they are the most dangerous kind of Bears.

    posted by leggoland @ 08:17


    I wonder if Leggo had Walter's knob in his mouth as he typed that.

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