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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Put bread in toaster

    Stir mug then ding spoon against the top 3 times.

    Put spoon down.

    Sit down


    Get toast, butter it.

    Sit down


    Try to martial thoughts into what the realistic outcomes are of today and the permutations that might unfold.


    Tinfoil hat on, bath running, curry in microwave

    Interesting and incorrect use of 'martial'. i.e. to do with war

    Should be 'marshal' - to set out in proper order.

    Yours sincerely,

    The Grammar Nazi.

  2. Right then, I'm a wee bit puzzled here.

    What is the procedure for transferring a SPL licence and SFA membership to a NewCo following liquidation?

    There seems to be a presumption, and I appreciate it's in the Rangers-biased media, that Charles Green FC will take this up automatically. Is that the case?

    Don't know if this may go some way to answering your question. Taken from RTC blog comments.

    HirsutePursuit says:

    13/06/2012 at 10:28 pm

    The SPL Articles of Association


    14. If:-

    (i) a Member shall cease to be entitled to hold a Share; or

    (ii) a trustee in sequestration, manager, receiver or administrative receiver shall be appointed in respect of a Member or any property of a Member, or an administration order shall be made in respect of a Member or any property of a Member or an order shall be made or an effective resolution passed for the winding up of a Member otherwise than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation;

    then that Member or its manager, receiver, administrative receiver, administrator or liquidator or any other person entitled to the Share shall, on receiving notice in writing from the Board following the Company in General Meeting passing a Qualified Resolution that such notice should be issued by the Board and confirming the identity of the proposed transferee, transfer its Share to such other person as the Board shall direct at the price of £1 and the Club owned and operated by such Member shall forthwith cease to be a member of the League and the Club owned and operated by the transferee shall become a member of the League in its place.

    So, once the liquidators have been appointed, a General Meeting of the SPL is called and a Qualified Resolution must be passed agreeing the identity of the new SPL shareholder.

    A Qualified Resolution must be passed with a 90% majority.

    That means 10 out of the 12 clubs must agree.

    Qualified Resolutions (90%)

    (a) the expulsion of a Club from the League;

    (b) the passing of a resolution to wind-up the Company or to approve the presentation by the Company and/or its Directors to the Court of a Petition to wind-up the Company;

    © any alteration to the authorised or issued share capital of the Company (other than as a result of the transfer of any share in the Company made in accordance with these Articles and/or the Rules);

    (d) any alteration, variation or modification of these Articles or Section C of the Rules and/or any other part of the Rules the alteration, variation or modification of which would have the effect of altering, varying or modifying a provision or provisions in Section C of the Rules and/or of these Articles and/or or the adoption of a new, substitute or different Section C of the Rules and/or of these Articles;

    To change the Articles a 90% majority is required.

    So, to be clear. Once the administrator is appointed, the SPL share currently held by RFC(IA) will be passed to another club that must be agreed by 10 of the 12 clubs.

  3. I've always known Leggo was an idiot but now he's gone to new lengths.

    Does he actually know the meaning of the word "bigot" ?

    So, because I wish to see Rangers punished in accordance to their crimes and the only reasonable punishment is expulsion, I'm a bigot?

    You couldn't make it up.

    He's behaving like the Wehrmacht in retreat from Stalingrad - burning every bridge and scorching the earth.

    Don't forget that Leggo is in exactly the same liferaft as Chick Faeces and Jabba Traynor - No H*ns = No job.

  4. Succulent Leggo of Lamb in full-on permarage mode today. Go get 'em, Davy !!!!!!!

    Thursday, 14 June 2012


    ALLY McCOIST is set to go public and reveal just how Charles Green planned to stab him in the back.

    McCoist will face the media within the next 24 hours and confirm that he is resigning as Rangers manager.

    And he will underline that he is only taking this massive step away from the club he loves as a matter of principle and...

    Because he cannot trust Charles Green.

    Because proven liar Charles Green is not a man to be trusted.

    And Charles Green is most certainly not a man to be trusted with control of Rangers.

    Today's bombshell exclusive in the Daily Record will be confirmed by McCoist who will then lift the lid on just how Charles Green intends to run Rangers ragged.

    It will be, I believe, the most sensational press conference ever held by any Old Firm manager.

    And it could rally Rangers troops and activists in a last ditch campaign to stop Charles Green and his increasingly dodgy looking gang of backers from getting their hands on Rangers.

    McCoist has been uneasy at how Charles Green works, at who Charles Green keeps company with and at what Charles Green's asset stripping plans are for Rangers.

    But he has kept his counsel until now, all the time working in the background and becoming more and more aware of the clear and present danger Charles Green is to Rangers.

    Now he is ready to go public in what promises to be a series of revelations which could spell the beginning of the end for Charles Green.

    For McCoist may be just the first Rangers legend to take to the public stage to lend his iconic voice to the campaign to stop Green and his dodgy backers. :lol: :lol: :lol:



    THE Sky may well just be about to fall in on Scottish football.

    And crush all the hate filled bigots and fools who want to kick Rangers out of not just the Scottish Premier League, but out of the Scottish Football Association too.

    The ultimate and vindictive punishment being urged by these bile filled bigots is to see Rangers booted out of football completely.

    And the club killed off.

    The truth is that as this ground swell of bigotry begins to roll, sanity could well be crushed by it and these people may just be handed what they wish on a plate.

    With the first folk to cash in with an £80M windfall being the accountants at Sky Sports.

    For then there would be no chance of the unsigned new £80M contract, due to give Scottish football clubs a jackpot from next season, ever being inked.

    And that would see plenty of clubs being pushed towards the edge of meltdown.

    Someone, from the always dwindling ranks of the Aberdeen support, even went so far as to insist that all that was needed for Aberdeen to make up for the cash lost through the loss of Rangers and the Sky dough was for 1000 extra Aberdeen supporters to turn up for every match at Pittodrie.

    What? Even when their team is rubbish? Even when a top six place is beyond them?

    I don’t think so!

    But that is the level to which the argument has descended as hate blinds the bigots to the reality of just how this Rangers crisis can and will impact on Scottish football if vile vindictive people are allowed to influence events.

    Of course Rangers must be punished for the dirty deeds carried out in their name by Craig Whyte, despite warnings to David Murray not to sell out to the conman from such a good Rangers man as Alastair Johnston.

    But to exile them to Siberia?

    Stalin, himself, were he still around, would be proud of some of the hate filled rantings of the bigoted fools.

    On which subject. I note the usually impeccably well informed Celtic Quick News site is warning that there is danger coming to Rangers in the shape of the Appeals Tribunal, chairman Lord Carloway.

    Despite the fact that Lord Carloway’s view on how Rangers should be punished was overturned and deemed to be unlawful by Lord Glennie, sitting in judgment amidst the Majesty of the Court of Session in Edinburgh and applying the ancient precepts of one of the oldest and most respected legal systems in the world, Scots Law.

    I do hope the man behind the Celtic Quick News site, has not been tipped off by Scottish Football Association board member Peter Lawwell, a source many reporters believe is behind many of the Celtic Quick News stories.

    After all, Lord Carloway sits at the head of a Tribunal which, as SFA chief executive Stuart Regan, Lawwell’s Hampden boardroom pal, insists, is independent of the SFA.

    On top of which, the idea that a Judge such as Lord Carloway, whatever his social or soccer inclinations may be, could be influenced by such as Peter Lawwell or Stewart Regan, is utterly preposterous.

    Isn’t it?

    For if anybody believed such nonsense, then it is more than the Sky which would fall in on them.

    posted by leggoland @ 08:35

    Edit:- I am seriously surprised that Plod hasn't felt this guys collar. Some of his rants are incitement to riot. :angry:

  5. Gers fan at work is actually saying there is some sort of link between McCoist leaving and Harry Rednap quitting Spurs. Un - fucking - believable :lol: Maybe Harry's heard of the brown envelope culture of Ra Peepul :unsure:

    The only links that your H*n colleague knows about are probably the ones holding his hands behind his back.

    If anyone is seriously suggesting that McMoist has the experience and ability to manage Spurs, then you should be locked up in the same facility as Teebear.

    No doubt there will be the conspiracy theorists trying to do the Six Degrees of Separation due to the ENIC / Daniel Levy / Joe Lewis connection.

    (Is it also true that Levy used to be a director of the organisation formerly known as RFC(IL) ?)

    I like Pozbaird's theory that Sally will end up on Jeff Stelling's show spouting pish and screaming like a wee lassie every time Celtic score. :blink:

    Edit:- Chapeau to the Dons fans for telling Wiggy which way the wind blows.

  6. Wee bit of levity wouldn't go amiss. Here's a ditty concocted over a plate of parritch.

    The tune - My Favourite Things (from The Sound of Music - Apologies to Richard Rogers & Oscar Hammerstein)

    Sir David Murray was cheating for years,

    with Succulent Lambs like Young, Traynor and Spiers,

    Kissing his arsehole for a soundbite,

    They're now unemployed, for the H*ns it's "Goodnight",

    Big money signings they came by the dozen,

    Gazza and Laudrup and Hateley and Cousin,

    Oleg Kuznetzov, Tore Andre Flo,

    They're all forgotten cos' it's a Newco,

    Lambegs and sashes and crimplene suits,

    Bingo-winged wummin' and bigots wae flutes,

    Marching each year on the 12th of July,

    "We arra peepul" was your battle cry,

    Was the tax paid ? Was the VAT paid ?

    Or the NIC ?,

    You robbed and you cheated to pay all your players,

    And then gave them EBT's.......




    THE HONOUR GOES TO .......

    FLORENTINE_POGEN as my browser refreshed on page 1690 when there was only two posts on it.


    Don't worry about it HellDude. They are more to be pitied for behaving like the **** than scolded. :D

  8. Cohen said: "Once BDO is formally appointed, the joint liquidators will be seeking to protect any remaining assets, maximise recoveries for the benefit of creditors, and investigate the reasons behind the failure of the company.

    "It is right that there is a full and robust investigation into why the company failed, together with concerted efforts to recover monies for creditors and the taxpayer. This may include pursuit of possible claims against those responsible for the financial affairs of the company in previous years."



  9. Sorry to burst your bubble, sonny, but liquidation means that rangers have ceased to exist, hence the expression NEWco. Zero titles and counting, and at best trying to maintain a huge stadium on Div 3 income: 's gonna be a long time before any zombie club have anything to stick on the mantelpiece. Some of next year's squad might be shaving before they get near the SPL.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Have a Hughie for that........PMSL :D

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