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Posts posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Maybe we underestimate the man,he may well feel trying to turn Rangers around is a lost cause with Smith and co trying to hound him out the door....and then says,feck it,lets Ibrox fall into complete disrepair (That way the listed building protection is fkd) gets permission to knock it down,sells it to Tesco,then rides off into the sunset a few million pounds better off :D

    Oh what happy days that would be.

    My bet would be that his media persona is somewhat deliberately crafted to give the knuckledraggers the impression that he will be a walkover for The Cardigan Consortium.

    In reality, I'm sure he's a tough nut to crack and in the backroom meetings he'll no doubt be having with Sir Watty's co-conspirators, Chuckie will have their balls in a vice.

  2. "Fourteen years ago our football administration brought forth, in this country, a new Premier League, conceived in greed and dedicated to the proposition that two clubs should reign over all others. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that League, or any League so conceived, and so dedicated, should long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.

    We have come to bury the inequality and corruption, as a final resting-place for the club who here systematically cheated and lied and bullied, that our other clubs might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot erase, we cannot eradicate this one club without examination of the people and the structures who helped maintain that hegemony. The diddy clubs, living and dead, who struggle here, deserve so much more from the incompetent and corrupt administrators and journalists, those who pretend to act in the best interests of all, without fear or favour, but so rarely do.

    The world will little note, nor long remember what happened here in this small country. It is for us, the internet bampots, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which the RTC Blogger and Mark Daly have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these bigotted songs, EBT’s, tax scams and illegally registered players, we take increased devotion to that cause which ensured their vile club ceased to exist—that we here highly resolve that RFC cheated in vain—that this nation’s Football Association shall have a new birth of freedom and that the Beautiful Game of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from Scotland."

  3. This has got to be worth a repost prior to the upcoming SPL meetings.

    Lest we forget the scale of cheating that was carried out by the organism formerly known as RFC.

    New Celtic Quick News:

    The tens of millions Rangers denied SPL clubs laid bare

    Posted on 18 May, 2012 by Paul67

    The SPL deadline for clubs to provide information on improper registration of players was six weeks ago today but the league has yet to report findings to clubs, while the chief executive rallies support to allow a Newco access to the league.

    Time has expired on this policy of non-disclosure until it’s too late.

    If the SPL chief executive ever tells us that Rangers fielded improperly registered players between 2000 and 2012, resulting in years of 3-0 defeats being awarded, there will be an enormous amount of anger, not only among supporters, but in boardrooms across the country, as they ponder money which was rightfully theirs but which went to Rangers – perhaps including Rangers prize money for finishing second this season.

    We have made an attempt to quantify this money. Some of the losses were easier to calculate than others. For example, it was easy to calculate that when Rangers won the title in 2009 with improperly registered players, earning automatic qualification to the Champions League group stage, they denied Celtic £15m European earnings, plus £340k SPL prize money. Other losses are less clear, specifically when a club was denied a place in a qualifying round for the Champions League or Uefa Cup, which they may or may not have progressed from.

    We have established three figures for each club in the SPL during the season just finished, to cover the period from 2000 to 2012:

    Minimum loss:

    The absolute minimum each club was denied from European and SPL prize money as a result of Rangers finishing above them with ineligible players.

    Weighted loss:

    The figure based on Scottish clubs gaining entry to Champions League/Europa League (Uefa Cup) group stages from 20% of their qualifying campaigns (which is slightly less than trend).

    Maximum loss:

    The maximum a club could have achieved if it qualified for the European group stage it was denied entry to.

    Out estimates take no account of the subsequent effect money has on future years. For example, If Celtic earned an additional £15m from entering the Champions League group stage in 2009-10 their league challenge for that season would have been £15m stronger, and Rangers £15m weaker, potentially resulting in consequences in future years.

    This multiplier effect would have benefited Celtic but it would be likely to have a greater effect on other clubs, some of whom would be denied the enormous percentage increase in budget automatic qualification to European group stages would have brought.

    Hearts finished immediately behind Celtic and Rangers more often than any other club over the period and suffer the greatest potential losses, even more so than Celtic. Hibernian, Aberdeen, Dundee United and Motherwell also suffered significant losses.

    Several clubs got nowhere near European football over the period, and some of the 11 spent only a few years in the SPL but each club lost over £1m.

    Figures for each club are:


    Maximum: £72.3m

    Weighted: £16.3m

    Minimum: £6.2m


    Maximum: £46.7m

    Weighted: £21.9m

    Minimum: £17.4m


    Maximum: £34.8m

    Weighted: £8.4m

    Minimum: £3.6m


    Maximum: £21.1m

    Weighted: £5.5m

    Minimum: £2.7m

    Dundee United

    Maximum: £20.8m

    Weighted: £5.2m

    Minimum: £2.4m


    Maximum: £16.7m

    Weighted: £4.4m

    Minimum: £2.1m


    Maximum: £5.1m

    Weighted: £1.9m

    Minimum: £1.3m


    Maximum: £3.4m

    Weighted: £1.8m

    Minimum: £1.5m


    Maximum: £1.3m

    Weighted: £1.3m

    Minimum: £1.3m

    St Johnstone

    Maximum: £1.1m

    Weighted: £1.1m

    Minimum: £1.1m

    St Mirren

    Maximum: £1.1m

    Weighted: £1.1m

    Minimum: £1.1m

    In the event Rangers fielded ineligible players during the period under consideration, which everyone apart from Neil Doncaster knows, and even he will be unable to deny next week, we know the following:

    Rangers received a minimum of £40.9m which should have gone to the 11 other clubs, assuming each clubs lost all their European group stage qualifying campaigns. This calculation does not include earnings from clubs now in the Scottish Football League, such as Hamilton Accies or Dundee.

    If Scottish clubs progressed to the group stages of European competition on only 20% of their qualifying campaigns the loss would be £69.0m.

    The figure for total potential losses if clubs successfully progressed to every European group stage is, as the figure for 100% failure, more illustrative than likely, but the maximum cost to the 11 SPL clubs is £224.6m.

    Results will be changed, trophies can and will, be re-awarded, but these are the harsh financial consequences clubs, their lawyers and supporters, will consider when the facts are presented to them next week. The SPL executive has had six weeks to consider if there is sufficient evidence to commence disciplinary proceedings; they have failed to do so. They have failed you and every other football supporter in the land, while shamelessly pursuing an accommodation for the errant club BEFORE REVEALING THE FACTS TO YOU.

    Time will be up soon, Mr Doncaster. You’ve had your chance but you have convinced no one. The people who really matter in this entire debacle are those who buy tickets for Celtic Park, Pittodrie, Easter Road, Tynecastle, Tannadice, Fir Park and the rest, they will hear the truth and read these figures. You have failed them.

    You can read our calculations here. European income figures were sources from Uefa data.

  4. Now that Boumsong has lifted the lid on his personal can of worms, we have confirmation that agents are also up to their oxters in EBT shenanigans.

    I look forward to hearing from Mr. William McKay (Boumsong, Whittaker, Kevin Thomson...any others ?), Mr. Wiggy Smith (Kenny Miller I think).

    McKay has been on Hector's radar for years. Hopefully now the b*st*rd will get his just desserts.

  5. It's only taken Mr. Boumsong eight, I repeat, eight f*cking years to publicly announce his private misgivings over his EBT.

    Coincidentally, it's just before the whole house of cards is about to come crashing down and Hector may be chapping his door. Funny that.

    Mr. Boumsong and Mr. Dodds both need to make appointments to see a proctologist asap. Anal leakage, if left undiagnosed, can cause serious problems.

  6. Just spotted this on the Scotsman website:



    Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 08:58 PM

    Looks like the sale of rangers is going to be challenged in court tomorrow, something to do with a floating charge still owed by Craig Whyte, this one day will make a great novel. More twists and turns than a hercule poirot movie. Any experts out there know what a floating charge is??

    Could be bullshit but any other rumours been heard?

    Floating charge

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    A floating charge is a security interest over a fund of changing assets of a company or a limited liability partnership (LLP), which 'floats' or 'hovers' until conversion into a fixed charge, at which point the charge attaches to specific assets. The conversion (called crystallisation) can be triggered by a number of events; it has become an implied term in debentures (in English law) that a cessation of the company's right to deal with the assets in the ordinary course of business will lead to automatic crystallisation. Additionally, according to express terms of a typical loan agreement, default by the chargor is a trigger for crystallisation. Such defaults typically include non-payment, invalidity of any of the lending or security documents or the launch of insolvency proceedings.

    Floating charges can only be granted by companies. If an individual person or a partnership[1] was to purport to grant a floating charge, it would be void as a general assignment in bankruptcy.[2]

    Floating charges take effect in equity only, and consequently are defeated by a bona fide purchaser for value without notice of any asset caught by them. In practice, as the chargor has power to dispose of assets under a floating charge, this is only of any consequence in relation to disposals after the charge has crystallised.

    The floating charge has been described as "one of equity's most brilliant creations."[3]


    Strictly speaking, it is not possible to enforce a floating charge at all - the charge must first crystallise into a fixed charge. In the absence of any special provisions in the relevant document, a floating charge crystallises either upon the appointment of a receiver or upon the commencement of liquidation.[9

  7. Obviously everyone doesn't know that, or care. Anyway my musical tastes were developed well before these horrible cretins came on the scene and they were not more than an annoyance in a period where real musical genius still flourished (but not for long). 8)

    BTW I have never heard anyone refer to Edinburgh (or Glasgow to be fair) as 'Bay City'.

    You musical philistine ! How can you not be moved by the sheer musicality and virtuosity of classics such as Shang A Lang, Summerlove Sensation and Bye Bye Baby ?


  8. Absofuckinglutely. Dundee played fast and loose, "chased the dream" if you will, fell short and were punished for it. They then continued to play football. At no time did they identify the club's "enemies", at no time did they blame the SFL, the SFA, or the media. At no time did they deny the scale of the problem, and at no time did they come anywhere NEAR the possible 143 MILLION pound liability that may end up being the total of rangers' fraud.

    Oh, and at no time did Dundee DIE. Unlike that mob from Glasgow, you remember, ugly crew with horrible songs, oh what was their name again.....

    Simple Minds .....?

    Edit :- Granny, BCR were Embra lads. Everyone knows that. :ass

  9. Have been reading the 'Best Horror movies' thread in 'TV+Films'' and the similaraties between the 'curran't situation and the Omen is startling.

    The SPL has a bun in the oven which is stillborn, dead. The son of the Devil has taken 3 trimesters (or Divisions as we call them in Scotland) within its mother, the SFL, to fully appear reborn, and this newcorpse is substituted into the SPL.

    There are plenty of worshipers of the Father, none for the newcorpse, yet the Fathers worshipers look out for it as it is his main representative on Earth.

    This newcorpse is evil incarnate, and the media loves it.

    I'm sure there was a dodgy geezer in a cadigan too...

    Just saying like.:)

    Nah, this is a better analogy. The Birth of Newcorpse and the SFA / SPL stand around wodering "What the fvck was that ?"


  10. In response to a load of angry Buns giving him grief, Jim Spence links them to this post...


    ...Which makes a few perceptive points, uncomfortable reading for the The Rangers fans.

    Have to say, Spence is one of the few pundits to have come through this with top marks. Good on him for reflecting the views of fans, rather than parroting the party line.

    Great to see a possible changing of the guard at Radio Scotland. Another point that has been thrown up in this H*n debacle is the absolute paucity of quality journos and quality journalism within their sports dept. Now the fans are not only voting with their feet against Club 12 but are also venting their spleens against The Succulents and the charlatans who take a decent wedge from the BBC, paid for by us. You know to whom I refer.

    Hopefully, the high heid yins at BBC Glasgow will realise which way the wind is blowing and ditch the shite, some thing that should have been done ages ago.

    Viva Spencey !!!

  11. What are you talking about ya tit?

    Brad, a wee word to aid your enjoyment :-

    1. Don't act like a c*nt.

    2. Be civil. It doesn't cost anything.

    3. Be aware that there are a lot of guys on here that know a lot more about this topic than you. Accept that fact.

    4. Relax and enjoy, you might learn something.

    5. Maintain a sense of humour and a sense of perspective.

    6. If in doubt, ASK.

  12. More bad news for Rangers today as Lee McCulloch vows to stay on.

    Christ, of course he will. I think I'm right in saying he has the right to TUPE across to NewCorpse / Club 12 and stay on his current terms. No other club will offer a 34 yr. old clogger anywhere near what he is on at present. Plus, this is bound to be his last season. He'll need a good wedge to help pay back his EBT payments when Hector comes-a-calling.

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