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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Don't believe the Doublespeak on VB. Keep your mind open. Remember, the world is full of loud and arrogant people and they are a vexation to the spirit. Be calm. "I am the RTC Blogger !"
  2. Not sure if this applies to Scotland but regardless, it may stiffen Hector's resolve to ensure they don't lose out against the H*ns.
  3. Any pronouncements from "Gapeass" Johnston at Rugby Park today ? Don't be shy, Mr. Johnston................
  4. Does anyone happen to know if Gordon Smith was ever The Man of God's agent ? Jist askin' likesay...............
  5. Dear Michel, Do you remember a few years ago how I told you that I'd left Ra Peepul to go and work for some Lithuanian despot who'd bought a club in Edinburgh ? And do you also remember me telling you that one of the reasons I'd been made this offer I couldn't refuse was because I knew of some interesting ways to assist players, owners and agents to avoid paying tax ? Well, the merde is definately starting to hit the climatisation over here and I'm in a little bit of a bind regarding un conflit d'intérêt, what with The RTC Blogger and those little wanks on Pn'B gunning for me. As you've probably gathered by now, that stupid bugger Murray forgot to tell Bain to shred the papers hidden inside the lambeg in the Boardroom at Ibrox and they've fallen into the hands of some little upstart called Daly at the BBC via. the RTC guy. (Thank Christ they only think I managed to get 90K !!) The riff-raff are calling for the SFA to investigate further and that slack-jawed idiot Doncaster is in my office every 5 minutes begging for me to "help him out" because he's been labelled a "cockwomble" by the guys that pay the gatemoney. Anyhoo, maybe you could give me a call when you have a minute to discuss further. Yours avec amitie, Campbell.
  6. Yes. It means any citizen who is deemed to be "An Enemy of Rapeepul." Google the following for further info :- 1. Josef Stalin 2. Lavretiy Beria 3. GULAG 4. Breaking Wheel 5. The branks. I'm sure Leggo thinks of all these topics as he concocts his bile of an evening. He is deffo certifiable.
  7. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/rangers/2012/05/25/rangers-in-crisis-marvin-andrews-denies-any-tax-evasion-during-his-time-with-ibrox-club-86908-23872430/ “I can’t deny or hide the fact that I played for the club during the time in question but I got my salary like everybody else and I paid my taxes as normal. “I collected my wages at Rangers and have the pay slips to prove it. I could see for myself where the tax had been taken off and everything I had done." As a Man of God, Marvin's veracity is beyond reproach. However, could there be dodgy dealings between Marvin's "payslip" and the EBT allegedly set up in his name ? Possible slush fund for his agent ? Oooooh, we should be told.
  8. The Daily Retard now in full-on anti-H*n mode. Rangers in crisis: Craig Whyte said he gave us £250K but I had to use my kid's holiday money to pay players, says Banstead Athletic boss May 25 2012 Exclusive by Gary Ralston Banstead Athletic THE club Craig Whyte targeted as a breeding ground for new Rangers talent have suffered a walkout of their entire first-team squad. Mickey Mouse? Banstead Athletic boss Dave Tidy has quit in disgust and canno longer afford to take his boy to Disneyworld after dipping into his holiday fund to pay players from hisown pocket. Best pal Graeme Banyard walks down the aisle in three weeks and still hasn’t told his wife-to-be about raiding cash from their wedding pot in a vain bid to keep the squad together. So much for the club that was supposed to be responsible for developing the new Steven Naismith, Steven Whittaker and Allan McGregor. Meanwhile, the whereabouts of the £250,000 forwarded to Banstead Athletic last August, from the Rangers account at Collyer Bristow, remains as much a mystery as the minnow outfit’s starting 11 next season in the Combined Counties championship in Surrey. Record Sport has been forwarded a letter to Banstead from Taylor Wessing, lawyers to Rangers’ administrators Duff and Phelps, dated April 11, 2012. It states that £250,000 was paid on August 24 last year and asks Banstead to confirm they received the sum and on which basis it was made. Chairman Terry Molloy said: “I’ve replied to them and told them we’ve not seen the money and can be of no further use to them.” Tidy has been asked so often about the supposed tie up between a giant of the Scottish game and a humble outfit that struggles to attract 30 fans to matches that his head hurts at more than just the thought of telling his son their dream holiday is off. TRUMPETED Tidy said: “I’m a broken man. I’m fed up, hurt and angry. “All those people in Scotland have been shafted by the people involved in this, including proud Rangers fans. Unfortunately, me and my mate have been coupled on to this nasty train ride.” Former bankrupt and venturecapitalist Aidan Earley, a pal of Whyte’s and a leading sponsor of Banstead, has previously trumpeted their youth academy project as a £3million scheme that has been almost three years inthe planning. Not a single JCB has yet trundled into the club’s modest ground at Merland Rise, on the fringes of Epsom racecourse. The ground is as empty as the promises made by chairman Molloy as Tidy, a telecoms engineer, pulls specks of fluff from his pockets. Tidy said: “Matters came to a head recently when the boys halted training in the middle of a Thursday night session and declared they were boycotting our next game. “They hadn’t been paid again and we’re not talking massive sums, between £30-£50 a week. I rustled money up with the help of Graeme and, in total, we’re out of pocket by £3250. “I’m just a normal guy. That money was to be used to take my son, George, on holiday to Orlando this summer. “How can I tell a seven-year-old his dad can no longer afford to take himto America? “Graeme’s a taxi driver and is getting married on June 16. He withdrew some money from his wedding fund to pay for squad costs and hasn’t even told his missus Gemma. “The players appreciated our gesture – our money covered running costs for about five weeks but enough was enough, they realised that as well. “There was a principle at stake. Now all the players have left the cluband Banstead are currently without a first-team squad. “There has been all this talk abouta link with Rangers and £250,000investment and yet I ended up having to beg down the phone to the chairman for money. “I’ve gone through so much this season. I’m a nice guy and don’t deserve to be treated this way.” Tidy, a former youth coach at Charlton, took over from Banyard as first-team boss in October and reservations about the financial stability of the club began to surface. Still, there was a surprise at Christmas when he was called to a meeting at the club, the equivalent of a Scottish junior outfit, for discussions with chairman Molloy and shirt sponsor Earley. He added: “Terry and Aidan set out what they were looking to do and, true enough, Craig Whyte did send a letter backing the plans for the development of Banstead. “We were told our club would have new astro pitches, with the focus on youth and hopefully with Rangers riding on the back because they wanted to branch out in the south of England. “It made sense to me. I was excited about pushing Banstead forward and proud to be linked with a club of the stature of Rangers, a massive brand. EMBARRASSING “It has been downhill ever since at Banstead and as the frontman at the club I had to deal with a lot of media interest when I knew next to nothing. “I was told by the chairman and Aidan’s associates, ‘Don’t comment on this, don’t say that’. “What do I think about the Rangers thing now? It’s embarrassing.” Fears over the Banstead Athletic project appear well founded. Reigate and Banstead Council gave planning approval for eight five-a-side pitches in January, subject to successful renegotiation of the lease for the council-owned site and funding guarantees. However, the council are now forging ahead with their own plans, including new football pitches, a leisure centre and youth and community facilities at a different site. Earley said: “I am not a director or shareholder of any of the companies involved and so am not authorised to disclose confidential information.” Molloy says Banstead are “still in negotiation” about their academy and claimed not to know anything about the council’s own leisure proposals. It remains to be seen if Rangers fans will ever see their badly-needed money reinvested back into their club as it stands on the brink. Molloy also flatly denies owing money to Tidy and Banyard and said: “We finished bottom of the league and Dave Tidy was the first manager to get this club relegatedsince 1944.” Tidy is incredulous but keen to look forward. He has just taken up a post as reserve team manager and goalkeeping coach with Farnborough, who play in the Conference South, a step up from the Combined Counties. He said: “People who live in Scotland and love their club have beentrampled on – and I have as well. “If they think I’m going down with a whimper, they’ve got another think coming. “In life and football I’ve been told never to burn bridges but Banstead is one bridge I’m happy to burn.”
  9. 1. Partei Nationalsozialistische Deutschland 2. Tennents 3. BBC Radio Scotland (Chick Young/Fatty Traynor/Billy Dodds/Gordon Smith Faction) 4. murray group management ltd remuneration trust 5. Dave King Investments (Seth Efrika) Ltd 6. Peoples Front of Govan (Red Hand Faction) 7. Govan Peoples Front (Kaffliks Must Die Faction) 8. Dingwalls Pies Ltd. 9. Big Hoose Investments Ltd. 10. Media House
  10. Today's Glasgow Herald :- Caught on camera: contract issues at heart of tax case Published on 25 May 2012 Richard Wilson While the full extent of Rangers' use of Employee Benefit Trusts was laid bare by BBC Scotland's investigation, The Men Who Sold The Jerseys, the club must still wait to discover the consequences of the tax scheme that ran for a decade. The first-tier tribunal is currently deliberating over Rangers' appeal against a £24m tax assessment delivered by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, with additional interest and penalties, but the Ibrox side is also currently the subject of an investigation by the Scottish Premier League into undisclosed payments. Harper McLeod, the Glasgow-based law firm, is conducting the SPL's enquiry – despite disquiet among Rangers fans since the firm has also represented Celtic – and requests for paperwork were made to Duff & Phelps, the administrators, last March. The SPL is believed to have now set a deadline to receive all documents, or sanctions will be applied. Seventy-two Rangers players, staff and coaches benefited from the EBTs, and paperwork presented to court revealed that HMRC has evidence that 53 of these individuals also received side letters, detailing income that would be paid through the scheme. EBTs are legal as discretionary payments, involving money loaned from a trust fund that is then not liable to income tax rates. It is HMRC's contention that Rangers used EBTs as an additional means of paying wages, so were running a tax evasion scheme. "If the evidence is that the players had side contracts, this will substantially undermine Rangers' case," says Elliot Weston, tax partner with the law firm Lawrence Graham. "HMRC need only show that the Employee Benefit Trusts operated as a means of channelling additional remuneration from employer to employee as a reward for services." Rangers may argue that all payments were discretionary. The club would also then make the case that the EBTs – which were detailed in the club's accounts – did not have to be disclosed to the SPL, whose rules D9.3 and D1.13 "impose a prohibition on players receiving payments for playing football ... except where such payments are made in accordance with a form of contract approved by the SPL." The SPL's investigation is ongoing, but is likely to conclude that there is enough cause for an independent commission to be established. If any rule breaches are established, there are 18 possible sanctions available that are unlimited in scope. It may not necessarily follow that any breaches would mean that the contracts of these players would be invalidated, or results in games they played overturned. "The view that the SPL took was that there was sufficient evidence to indicate that the way that Rangers had been paying their players was via a dual method, the payroll and EBTs, so there was a case to answer for," says David Roberts, of the legal firm, Olswang, that represented Bill Miller during his bid for the Ibrox side and held discussions with the SPL. "What Duff & Phelps said to us was that there may be some reticence pushing the investigation forward because a beneficiary of the EBT payments [Campbell Ogilvie] was now on the SFA board, but we saw no evidence of that. My genuine belief was that this was an issue that gave rise to a potential breach of the rules and the SPL were discharging their governing body duties by looking at it. It may also breach the SFA rules as well. It was something being taken very seriously by the authorities."
  11. Lest we forget :- http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2012/feb/17/scotland-media-rangers "The story of Rangers' insolvency is already becoming a fireside tale told mostly by those who were not there. Trampled down in the rush of journalists claiming that "of course, I knew all along, but I just could not say anything" are all of the derisive newspaper articles and radio call-in panellists dismissing the risks Rangers were facing. I am in no doubt: Scotland's media, sports and business desks alike, are complicit in the disaster than has befallen Rangers. They killed their golden goose. The Triangle of Trade to which I have referred is essentially an arrangement where Rangers FC and their owner provide each journalist who is "inside the tent" with a sufficient supply of transfer "exclusives" and player trivia to ensure that the hack does not have to work hard. Any Scottish journalist wishing to have a long career learns quickly not to bite the hands that feed. The rule that "demographics dictate editorial" applied regardless of original footballing sympathies."
  12. Still waiting to hear from Killie lubemerchant Johnston. Gape that ass, you H*n apologist !!!
  13. Looks like Joanna got conned into handing over one pound as well. That Murray boy could charm the birds from the trees....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prqK_QW_vvU
  14. I think you are being a bit harsh on Sammy. His collection of figurines, toby jugs etc. are all sourced from Capodimonte, The Franklin Mint and a few wee trinket booths at The Barras and the promenade at Saltcoats. He is a 'weel kent face' on The Antiques Roadshow and counts Henry and John Sandon amongst his friends. Gie the puir wee berr some peace.
  15. It's a cert that Daly and BBC, via. their Deepthroat (RTC Blogger ?) know MUCH more than they revealed in last nights prog. The interesting wee snippets they snippets they dangled but left unresolved will come in due course IMO. e.g. Why no Watty and Sally on EBT list ? The importance of Banstead money. One other thing - BBC Radio Scotland & Sportsound, there must be a lot of squeaky bums in there this morning cos there is no way that Chick Faeces / Traynor / EBT Billy Dodds / Richard Gordon / Gordon Smith et al didn't know at least some of the goings on. Looking forward to the next Cowan / Cosgrove show.
  16. Lest we forget :- http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/balance-of-probabilities/ 22 May 2005- is a cherished memory for all Rangers fans. Rangers beat Hibs at Easter Road to clinch the SPL title. Neil Doncaster needs to ask: “How many members of the Rangers squad that day were, or would become, beneficiaries of the EBT scheme?” (Let me help him out- it will be a lot easier to count those who did not participate). The truth is that many of the Rangers squad would not have been anywhere near Easter Road that day without the use of the EBT scheme. If the EBT scheme is deemed to be illegal, the SFA and the SPL cannot pretend that the second contracts held by the vast majority of the Rangers’ first team players during the middle of the last decade were just a procedural transgression of no material impact. On the balance of probabilities would Rangers have been crowned Scottish Premier League champions that day without the use of the EBT scheme? The future value of winning a championship in Scottish football is in the hands of Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster. They will face intense pressure from those close to the old regime at Ibrox- and their friends in the media- to sweep these issues under the carpet. That would be a huge mistake.
  17. Any comment from Cockwomble Junior Johnston at Kilmarnock ? ...and was Andy Cameron paid via. an EBT ? We should be told..........
  18. And hopefully it will expedite the rolling of some heads. 1. Campbell Ogilvie 2. Neil Bungcaster 3. Billy Dodds .......ad infinitum....... and surely the shock waves will hit the EPL soon.
  19. This whole sorry mess, especially the financial crime, makes Scotland a laughing stock. Alex Salmond should take note. BTW, where is he ?...........................
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