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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. New RTC ......... http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com/2012/05/24/thank-you-all-of-you/
  2. Did Campbell Ogilvie not join Hearts as a Director after leaving Ibroke ? (Always thought that was a bit of a retrograde move for CO) His vast knowledge of EBT's and how to subvert paying tax will surely have been of great interest to Mr. Romanov. Just a thought.
  3. If ? ........IF ??????.........I think that is no longer in any doubt. The police should have been breaking down doors this morning and making arrests. They should be starting at the top and making a wee call to 8A Easter Belmont Road, Edinburgh.(this was the address displayed on one of the letters relating to Murray's EBT on last night's prog.)
  4. Brewer let Swiss Tony off the hook on Newsnight Scotland last night. This guy was a non-exec. and one of the duties of a non-exec is to ensure financial probity. Brewer never even asked him about it and let Murray waffle on about Duff & Duffer. Really poor stuff.
  5. Leggat is madder than a box of frogs and a self-confessed bigot. Some of the vitriol he comes out with is potentially actionable.
  6. Hopefully, the information in last nights programme is only a fraction of what RTC & BBC have access to. I reckon Watty Cardigan and Alistair might be suffering from some sphincter malfunction over the next wee while in anticipation of the dreaded 4 am knock at the door. Go Hector !
  7. Billy Dodds at around 3.15 denying that he ever had or benefitted from an EBT. Surely tae Christ the BBC have to get this lying wee p***k tae feck. "I was always on a basic wage, it was paid through my wage packet." http://soundcloud.com/celticresearch/ebt-dodds/s-ItEEn
  8. Can we now expect a mass suttee by the Succulent Lambs on the burning carcass of Dignity FC ? Chick Faeces, Fatty Traynor, Leggo, Darryl King, Keef "Wee Blonde Poof" Jackson et al........Oh wait a mo........shite dusnae burn........... Edit:- BTW, did I hear Paul Murray right on Newsnight Scotland when he said that Grant Thornton signed off the accounts during his time as a non-exec in the late noughties ?
  9. Noooooooooooo.......I'm sure you are right but Daly & BBC legals just holding it back to use as final nail in Dave's coffin.......
  10. Was Boumsong on an EBT ? If so, it might explain the murkiness of his transfer to Toon just months after the **** got him for free...... "Boumsong signed a 5½-year contract with the Magpies. However, as Boumsong had played the requisite number of games for Rangers that season, he still received a Scottish Championship Winners Medal, despite having been a Newcastle player for around five months by the time Rangers won the title. The £8 million transfer fee raised eyebrows,[1] as the player, being out of contract, had joined Rangers for free just months before, at which point Newcastle showed no interest in signing him. This transfer is one of those about which the Stevens inquiry report in June 2007 expressed concerns: "There remains inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness – a former manager of the club – and Freddy Shepherd – apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official – as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations." "The inquiry is still awaiting clarification from agent Willie McKay".[2] However the Stevens enquiry later issued two clarifications. It said of Souness, "We wish to make it clear that inconsistencies did not exist within the evidence given by Graeme Souness to Quest concerning his role in transfers covered by the Inquiry during his time as manager of Newcastle United FC and neither the Premier League nor do Quest have any concerns in this regard".[3] As regards McKay it stated: "Further to the key findings from the final Quest report published on 15 June 2007 by the Premier League, Quest would like to emphasise that, in that report, it was clear that no evidence of irregular payments was found in the transfers in the inquiry period which involved the agent Willie McKay. Quest would also like to thank Mr McKay for his cooperation with the inquiry."
  11. Duff & Duffer now "considering legal action against the BBC" according to Jackie Bird (in a fetching little red number tonight )
  12. Wonder what yon Johnston c*nt, Chairman of the Squirrelhumpers will be saying now ? Let's hope he hasn't got the entire Killie squad on EBT's !
  13. RTC Blogger Wins Orwell Blog Prize Blog Prize This year’s Blog Prize judges chose Rangers Tax-Case, as the Blog Prize winner. Rangers Tax-Case says s/he are using their blog to ‘provide the details of what Rangers FC have done, why it was illegal, and what the implications are for one of the largest football clubs in Britain.’ The winning posts investigate the financial scandal surrounding Rangers Football Club. This year’s Blog Prize judges were Suzanne Moore (journalist, The Guardian and the Mail on Sunday), Hopi Sen (blogger, previously shortlisted and longlisted for the Orwell Prize) and Sean Dodson (Guardian contributor and senior lecturer of journalism at Leeds Metropolitan University). The judges said: ‘The 2012 Blog Prize showed that not only could blogs comment on current events, they could drive stories forward. Rangers Tax-Case takes what might be a dry topic – the tax affairs of a sports team – and shows how a striving for transitory success has severely distorted sporting, legal and ethical boundaries. Displaying focused contempt for those who evade difficult truths, and beating almost every Scottish football journalist to the real story – Rangers Tax-Case shows how expertise and incisive writing can expose the hypocrisies the powerful use to protect themselves from the consequences of their actions. It is a worthy winner which not only proves that independent blogging is as healthy as it ever was, but also offers a mirror in which our times are reflected.’
  14. http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/7/21/business/21867542&sec=business
  15. I just nabbed this from KDS...........F*uckin' hell....... New Celtic Quick News: The tens of millions Rangers denied SPL clubs laid bare Posted on 18 May, 2012 by Paul67 The SPL deadline for clubs to provide information on improper registration of players was six weeks ago today but the league has yet to report findings to clubs, while the chief executive rallies support to allow a Newco access to the league. Time has expired on this policy of non-disclosure until it’s too late. If the SPL chief executive ever tells us that Rangers fielded improperly registered players between 2000 and 2012, resulting in years of 3-0 defeats being awarded, there will be an enormous amount of anger, not only among supporters, but in boardrooms across the country, as they ponder money which was rightfully theirs but which went to Rangers – perhaps including Rangers prize money for finishing second this season. We have made an attempt to quantify this money. Some of the losses were easier to calculate than others. For example, it was easy to calculate that when Rangers won the title in 2009 with improperly registered players, earning automatic qualification to the Champions League group stage, they denied Celtic £15m European earnings, plus £340k SPL prize money. Other losses are less clear, specifically when a club was denied a place in a qualifying round for the Champions League or Uefa Cup, which they may or may not have progressed from. We have established three figures for each club in the SPL during the season just finished, to cover the period from 2000 to 2012: Minimum loss: The absolute minimum each club was denied from European and SPL prize money as a result of Rangers finishing above them with ineligible players. Weighted loss: The figure based on Scottish clubs gaining entry to Champions League/Europa League (Uefa Cup) group stages from 20% of their qualifying campaigns (which is slightly less than trend). Maximum loss: The maximum a club could have achieved if it qualified for the European group stage it was denied entry to. Out estimates take no account of the subsequent effect money has on future years. For example, If Celtic earned an additional £15m from entering the Champions League group stage in 2009-10 their league challenge for that season would have been £15m stronger, and Rangers £15m weaker, potentially resulting in consequences in future years. This multiplier effect would have benefited Celtic but it would be likely to have a greater effect on other clubs, some of whom would be denied the enormous percentage increase in budget automatic qualification to European group stages would have brought. Hearts finished immediately behind Celtic and Rangers more often than any other club over the period and suffer the greatest potential losses, even more so than Celtic. Hibernian, Aberdeen, Dundee United and Motherwell also suffered significant losses. Several clubs got nowhere near European football over the period, and some of the 11 spent only a few years in the SPL but each club lost over £1m. Figures for each club are: Hearts Maximum: £72.3m Weighted: £16.3m Minimum: £6.2m Celtic Maximum: £46.7m Weighted: £21.9m Minimum: £17.4m Hibernian Maximum: £34.8m Weighted: £8.4m Minimum: £3.6m Aberdeen Maximum: £21.1m Weighted: £5.5m Minimum: £2.7m Dundee United Maximum: £20.8m Weighted: £5.2m Minimum: £2.4m Motherwell Maximum: £16.7m Weighted: £4.4m Minimum: £2.1m Kilmarnock Maximum: £5.1m Weighted: £1.9m Minimum: £1.3m Dunfermline Maximum: £3.4m Weighted: £1.8m Minimum: £1.5m Inverness Maximum: £1.3m Weighted: £1.3m Minimum: £1.3m St Johnstone Maximum: £1.1m Weighted: £1.1m Minimum: £1.1m St Mirren Maximum: £1.1m Weighted: £1.1m Minimum: £1.1m In the event Rangers fielded ineligible players during the period under consideration, which everyone apart from Neil Doncaster knows, and even he will be unable to deny next week, we know the following: Rangers received a minimum of £40.9m which should have gone to the 11 other clubs, assuming each clubs lost all their European group stage qualifying campaigns. This calculation does not include earnings from clubs now in the Scottish Football League, such as Hamilton Accies or Dundee. If Scottish clubs progressed to the group stages of European competition on only 20% of their qualifying campaigns the loss would be £69.0m. The figure for total potential losses if clubs successfully progressed to every European group stage is, as the figure for 100% failure, more illustrative than likely, but the maximum cost to the 11 SPL clubs is £224.6m. Results will be changed, trophies can and will, be re-awarded, but these are the harsh financial consequences clubs, their lawyers and supporters, will consider when the facts are presented to them next week. The SPL executive has had six weeks to consider if there is sufficient evidence to commence disciplinary proceedings; they have failed to do so. They have failed you and every other football supporter in the land, while shamelessly pursuing an accommodation for the errant club BEFORE REVEALING THE FACTS TO YOU. Time will be up soon, Mr Doncaster. You’ve had your chance but you have convinced no one. The people who really matter in this entire debacle are those who buy tickets for Celtic Park, Pittodrie, Easter Road, Tynecastle, Tannadice, Fir Park and the rest, they will hear the truth and read these figures. You have failed them. You can read our calculations here. European income figures were sources from Uefa data.
  16. Thank you sir. This should be forwarded to all chairmen of non-OF clubs in Scotland.
  17. I would imagine that within 2 seasons of Deathstar Athletic's extinction, the SPL would be on a very healthy footing. More families would go along to games, we wouldn't have to put up with their ridiculous mediaeval sectarian ditties (there's another subject The Succulent Lambs daintily sidestepped), the air inside football grounds will be less polluted and the most important thing, FOOTBALL WILL BE ENJOYABLE AGAIN !!!
  18. Part of the documentary is allegedly about phone taps / surveillance on The Bunnet and Alan MacDonald in late 90's / early 00's. Murray allegedly seeking injunction to stop the broadcast.
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