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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. I'm Shocked and disappointed : ( Unless that writer is jambo rocker?
  2. I just thought,why didn't Stannis unleash the smoke monster to the battle? Surely that would have tipped the scales. Also for those book people do we get to see smoke monster vs dragon? That would be great battle
  3. For anyone who wants to re-live that scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un6ocmns-B4
  4. That episode is up there with the walking dead finale recently and makes my top 5 episodes of anything ever
  5. Looking at that trailer I am buzzing for the finale! What is the house of the undying! It doesn't sound good though "Khaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesi!"
  6. Jericho suspended for 30 days for some sort of incident in Brazil
  7. Oooooh I want to play: - Big Johnny gloating in victory, out comes big show - Johnny tells him he is re-hired but only if he does one more thing for him (something cena related) - Bryan will cut a promo about how he made cm punk tap out and his shoulders wernt on mat etc. Punk comes out and states he is a fair man etc etc and he will give him a match but this time it will be a submissions only match for the title - Some sort of 4-6 man tag most likely Sheamus/Orton/Christian vs Del Rio/Jericho/Rhodes - Brodus or Tensai squash match - Truth/Kingston vs Reks/Hawkins or maybe a Ziggler/Swagger rematch - A backstage AJ segment - A random totally pointless match like Santino vs Miz
  8. I love the blanket fort/conspiracy theory episode now as well. Season two is much better than the first I think
  9. I just watched the episode with a pen stealing monkey in an air vent, do we see more of it?
  10. Which episodes are these?
  11. Only just watched this weeks - decent epsiode I thought. Great promos from Big Johnny and Damien Sandow and good to see him in the ring (even though it was briefly)
  12. No, I think FCW will still have their show. This will just be a mix of FCW/NXT/Smackdown/RAW stars Like RB-Scotland, I think this will have great potential as a show
  13. Here are the spoilers for the debut night - they filmed 3 shows in one night apparantly This is very much HHH's little project/baby. Have to say I'm looking forward to it Match results in the spoilers That was the end of the taping. They announced they will return next month after taping a month's worth of NXT in one night.
  14. Apparently from yday NXT is different. Instead on touring with SD they have a set location in Florida with a smaller capacity JR and Regal will be the commentators and Dusty Rhodes is the GM First show filmed yday had HHH, Sheamus, Del Rio,Kingston, Truth etc Sounds like worth a watch anyway... Edit just read more about the tapings yesterday and its a mixture of the best FCW talent, some stars from main roster's and a pretty location. Will be good to have a swatch on TV of the first episode
  15. It depends what they do with the extra hour, if its used for squash matches, video packages and divas then it will be shit. However I believe if they give most of the matches longer and build better story lines for the mid card then I believe it will improve raw
  16. Non Spoiler Match listing for Smackdown Kofi Kingston/R-Truth vs Titus O'Neil/Darren Young CM Punk vs Kane Cody Rhodes vs Santino Marella Daniel Bryan vs Zack Ryder Randy Orton vs Sheamus Also in ring promos from Big Johnny, CM Punk and Damien Sandow
  17. Quentin Taranbino

    Mad Men

    Thought that was a superb episode! Roger was in top form and I loved the Betty vs Megan stuff
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