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Everything posted by Reina

  1. Congrats dhd, chuffed for you! That's my smallest monkey 8.5 months already. I don't know where the time has gone.
  2. I'm hoping to do Moray half in September and I'm doing Baxters 10k in October. Will probably do a few local 5/10k races in between, too. Half marathons are my aim though.
  3. Was going to run today, but weather is bowfin! Tomorrow it is...
  4. I wear a cap to keep the rain off - I can't wear contacts at the moment,so it's my only solution :-(
  5. Was a Facebook selling page. Loads of people wanted it, I don't think the lassie selling it knew what it was. It's a bit tatty in places, but perfectly workable condition. The brake on the handle needs tightened, but the tyres are in great condition. Bargainous! The hardest thing about running the buggy is not being able to swing your arms, if you know what I mean? I tend to swing one arm and push the buggy with the other and swap occasionally. On the flat path though, I can push the buggy ahead a bit and swing both arms until I catch it... It'll take a bit of getting used to, I suspect, but it can only really make me a stronger runner, right?!
  6. Well done Rowan, get out there and enjoy it(?!) I'm just back from a 5.3 km jog with the baby in her new-to-us jogging buggy. Running is much harder when pushing a baby!! Enjoyed it though. Can't believe I got that buggy for £20!!
  7. Yes, I need to do some core work, too. I don't think my core exists... I've entered Baxters 10k for next year already (early bird discount) and hoping I can put in the training to get a PB (54:39 is my current PB which I got at that race in 2011). I've managed to get my mitts on a proper jogging buggy so when the boy is at school, I'll be able to get out for a run with the baby as it's too hard for me to get out in have evenings now with it being so dark.
  8. Well done everyone! Baggio, did you have a Peroni? ;-) I did a very hilly, very hard trail 5k race today. I have no idea of time as I forgot to stop my Garmin when I finished, but I was treating that as a fun run so ran slower than I normally would in a race. I was goosed though. Legs like lead. I suppose it doesn't help when the baby had me up every hour last night and I took a codydramol due to having a headache for 48 hours...Not ideal race preparation. Hey ho though, to be racing 7 months after having had a baby by c-section can't be all bad! Next stop, Glack Attack in November before stepping up again to the Nairn 10k at the end of Feb. This is coming into my favourite time of year for running, but getting out is still proving to be a challenge. Hmm...
  9. Yup, absolutely. The feeling I had when I got under 55 mins for my 10k was fantastic. I was high as a kite for about 3 weeks! I always see running as me against me.
  10. I've been floundering a bit... But I've had a good think about where my running is going in the long term. I've a small race on 6th of October - 5k trail run. Then Glack Attack (think slightly tamer Tough Mudder) in November and then I've decided to up my training and get some half marathons under my belt. I've only done one half, but there are a few I have my eye on over the next year and a half and if I can keep up with that and get some serious mileage on the go, I'll think about stepping it up again to marathon distance once the smallest one is going to nursery.
  11. Yep, I was doing long runs too fast and other sessions too slowly. Once I'd worked that out, my times in races got better. I'm still not fast by any stretch of the imagination, but they were heading in the right direction!
  12. As for me, I'm slowly but surely getting there. Did 4.5 miles at the weekend and another 3.8 miles last night and planning some hill reps incorporated into a 3 miler tomorrow evening if I get the chance to go out. I think, considering I have a 6 month old baby, I'm not doing too badly. The most difficult thing is actually getting out there as husband works long hours. Wasn't so bad a couple of months ago, but it's getting dark earlier and I'm having to be more clever with my routes as I can't really go on country roads in the dark. Last couple of runs have meant driving to the town and running there before driving back, which sucks. Going to up it to 5 miles at the weekend and have my eye on doing a 10k in October... We'll see. I'm much slower than I was, but I'm getting faster all the time so hopefully some smarter training will help. Should take my own advice in the last two posts, really.
  13. I think I've linked to this before, but it's really useful. One of the big mistakes people make is running their long, slow runs too fast. I definitely improved as a runner when I slowed them down. Training pace calculator. It gives a breakdown of different types of training runs, too.
  14. I'd say you need to vary your training, do some intervals, tempo runs, hill reps etc. basically mix up your sessions. Leave your long runs to the weekend and keep them slow, but do speed and strength sessions during the week with shorter distances.
  15. I don't like them either. I don't understand it.
  16. Not much doing at the moment. Just plodding really. Finding it difficult to get out for a run at the moment, so trying to work on my core.
  17. Yup, me too. Can't believe my wee mannie is going to be 4 in a few days! Time flies... Mind you, if his behaviour doesn't improve in the next few days, he won't live to see his birthday...
  18. So I completed couch to 5k last week and ran my first 5k in well over a year in 29:05. Considering I have a 4.5 month old baby, I think that's not too bad at all Going to start concentrating on building up longer runs at weekends, mixing road running with trails, and doing hills, tempo, intervals etc. through the week.
  19. 25 minutes of continuous running tonight. Loved it. Stupidly chose a route that meant the last 15 minutes was uphill...oops.
  20. Your trainers, possibly? I did a 20 min continuous run on Thursday and it was quite easy... Longest distance I've done in over a year, 16 weeks after my c-section. Brilliant. Been out this morning and did run 1 of week 6 in the programme, and it was harder than the continuous run, despite the runs being shorter. Weird.
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