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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. To this day I’m still taken aback that we’ve had no one from Sheffield Wednesday where he was so highly respected!
  2. We are now a third of the way through the month and not a peep about any new players. Grim.
  3. “It’s a 6 pointer” ”It’s always a tough ground to come to” ”Their manager always has his teams well organised” ”Goals change games” ”We go again”
  4. Totally agree. Only thing I would add is that if we bin him later in the month, will we be doing any transfer business in January? Or do the powers that be believe more in the squad than Bullen actually does?
  5. Surely serious action would mean either: a. Make quick moves in the January transfer window to improve the team. b. Make a quick change of manager to try and get more out of the current squad. Unfortunately, it doesn't look as if we are doing either.
  6. After picking the team, the manager takes 60 mins to realise that he should have a striker up front and not Smith.
  7. He needs to go if we lose this. Enough is enough. Why is he playing Smith up front when you have at least 3 attacking players on the bench? Absolutely baffling!
  8. Nothing to see here…… it’s fine ……. It will all be fine…….
  9. After 2 years, I don’t see anything different, and don’t expect it either until he has gone. I could take the style of play - just at times - if we were challenging at the top of the league - but we are in a relegation battle and IF we were very lucky in the January transfer market, it would only paper over the Bullen cracks - again (Dipo).
  10. I’m definitely going on Saturday and will have my boos at the ready. I will also have my timid applause with me if we somehow shitfest a win.
  11. We really need to finish the season as strongly as possible to (I know it’s only one of many reasons) try and fill up the new hospitality suite. Could end up being pretty empty on the basis of Bullen-Ball
  12. He has to go - things need to change - we are watching a car crash in slow motion, over 2 years. There was no point whatsoever in finishing 2nd last season. We were 2 mins and 1 goal away from finishing 5th and the play offs are burned on everyone’s retinas. If we go down, please can we go down fighting, not a slow painful fall.
  13. I’m getting more and more angry at myself for wishing this season was over - it’s not a good sign and I’m sure there’s more than me feels that way
  14. Happy new year to you all Praying for better days on the pitch If not, construction porn will need to do - should offer a free tour around the construction site with all half season tickets
  15. Fast start to the 2nd half to pull it back to 2-2 only then to immediately go 3-2 down. Its the Ayr way!
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