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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I think you should change your username to Mr Hindsight mate, may be more appropriate.
  2. Best player on the park in the 09 cup final IIRC? Can't remember if it was his debut or not but I think his daft handball, giving away a penalty at Love St, saw his confidence dip somewhat. No doubt he didn't do very well overall for us though.
  3. On that basis then I'm sure you'll be having a go at Hughes for signing Stokes too?
  4. Yes, but do you think that Hughes (who of course didn't have the benefit of hindsight) did the wrong thing in signing Finnigan, at the time, given his scoring record?
  5. Given his scoring record for Newcastle's U21s, Finnigan was worth taking a punt on though, that's my point. Yogi couldn't have known how 'average' he was going to be. I say average because I don't think he was quite as bad as you make out. Scored something like 1 in 4 and suffered from various ailments while he was here.
  6. Nah, Lindsay Hamilton just got stick for being Lindsay Hamilton.
  7. Unusual to have your wife on a leash. It's usually the other way round!
  8. Do you not maybe think that Stokes (who we got very, very lucky with) may have been very difficult to replace with similar quality? Not too many strikers around, that we could realistically expect to sign, that could have got near Stokes' quality. As mentioned, Finnigan looked good on paper, don't think you can blame Yogi for having a punt on him.
  9. Jim Fowler chucked the game after that, and all because Miller wouldn't let him move to Dundee Utd. He had great potential IMO.
  10. John Mitchell was a left winger and a very good one too. Whitefords were two brothers and a cousin. Think it was Derek and Davie that were brothers, Jocky the cousin.
  11. If there's one thing I've learned about you HSW, it's that you like a wee bevvy!
  12. I remember there being no segregation and changing ends at half time but didn't think that was allowed for big games where there were large crowds? TBH though, I only have vague memories of specifics and don't remember very much at all about games years ago. Or more recently either in fact!
  13. From a game not too long before we left Brockville, and this it totally true; we were playing the blue cheek and, due to strict segregation, there weren't too many of the fuckers around us (or so we thought.) As the game progressed they were, as usual, getting most decisions in their favour. When the ref eventually blew for us I shouted 'Oh hello!' and around 30 or 40 of them around us started 'hello, hello, we are the...' You can guess the rest.
  14. Let's face it; they should just have a series of play-offs between them from the season start and f**k the rest of us. Would keep everyone happy.
  15. The disaster was the following day. We played on the 1st and the Old Firm game was on the 2nd. There were loads of instances in those days when multiple games for teams were played within a few days/weeks to get fixtures finished. One of the arguments against playing out the season now is that we couldn't possibly play eight games in a short space of time, would be too much for the players. Poor souls. I'm not suggesting that this should be done incidentally, can't be currently due to the virus, just acknowledging that this was an issue for some.
  16. Aye, Houstie was a hero of mine but I still blame him for Grant's demise because he played him at Ibrox when clearly struggling after being injured the previous week v Livi. He was out for a while after that. Would love to be proved wrong though.
  17. I remember standing on the terrace at that game and shouting 'awe naw, we've nae chance noo' when we brought Tommy Traynor on at 6-0 down!
  18. Might as well, we're all fucked anyway. Meanwhile, I'm off for a pint of Dettol with a nice wee Domestos chaser!
  19. Aye, it's a bit dug's dinnerish that one. Mind you if, as expected, reconstruction is a temporary 1 year deal (if it even happens) then it would be quite fun and very interesting!
  20. I attached it in such a way intending that it would catch people's interest and therefore encourage them to seek the link out for themselves, meaning that they would be far more likely to read and pay attention to it. Or; I'm getting on in years and not very computer savvy. Either way, thanks for posting it properly.
  21. Anybody seen the Herald's take on reconstruction? It's a cracker! OPINION_ SPFL restructure - Take an American approach, they have ‘route 66’ but here’s Scotland’s route 44 _ Falkirk Herald.html
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