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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Watch 'What we do in the shadows' on a Thursday night for the answer.
  2. I feel your pain brother, my sex life's like that too!
  3. What? They're a similar height maybe? Sammon is fast, Miller isn't. Miller is good in the air, Sammon isn't. Miller can bring the ball down and protect it, Sammon can't. Sammon is good at running the channels, Miller isn't. Other than that though...
  4. I think he got caught out by the striker scuffing his shot, he was expecting something a lot more difficult to come at him. Should have gathered it easily though.
  5. He's never been a goalscorer though, in fact I think his best goals to games ratio is with us!
  6. They'll have to make additions so it won't just be the same squad. I don't think we can afford to get better than Durnan, Hall, Dixon and Connolly in so I would be happy enough to give them a deal. The defence wasn't great last season but still managed to have by far the best goals against figure so the three above should be competent enough. Ideally we'll have a new RB (which is needed) and another CD though. Midfield is OK in the main. Miller, Gomis and Todd all acceptable with Connolly added too. We need a bit of pace and creativity in there though so would be pointless keeping Telfer IMO. We'll need to bring in strikers. The rumoured Dowds being one possibly, but we'll need another, (two if we could offload Sammon) with Miller as back-up. I think we should spend to bring in quality in 2 or 3 positions if we can. Alston and Keillor-Dunn still available I think?
  7. I agree. I think we should be going for a few quality players and using the necessary amount of the budget to get them rather than wholesale changes again. The squad we had last year should have been good enough to win the league (which I think we would have gone on to do) so keeping the bulk of those players and adding the right quality in the right positions would be the way forward for me. I'm not sure about Sammon though. I know what you're saying about playing to his strengths, which we didn't do enough last term, however, even if not using him properly, I'd still expect him to be bursting a gut to get involved in the game and, for me, he didn't do that. I think Sammon's more suited to a team playing on the break , enabling him to use his pace and strength rather than a team who have the bulk of the possession and are trying to break teams down. Time will tell though. Maybe the boy Dowds will be the perfect foil for him (if that transfer even happens)!
  8. Just had a look at Cove's squad and, Fyvie and Megginson apart, I don't think I would want any of them and I'm not sure we could even use Fyvie. McAllister doesn't seem to be as prolific as he was either. Having said that though I don't really know much about the rest. They do seem to have a bit of cash behind them though so it'll probably depend on who they can bring in.
  9. With any luck he may be fighting it out with another two to see who gets the starting berths. (Not Sammon)
  10. Oh dear. He'll be too fast for Shadwell then, or too slow, or too short, or too tall, or too fat, or too skinny, or too old, or too young...
  11. If only he'd called himself Watson Street Walker!
  12. Fair enough. What would your reaction have been if we'd signed him though?
  13. Why? What would your reaction have been if we'd signed Lyons in January?
  14. Are you saying that Hartley's team would have performed better if the fans hadn't got behind them?
  15. Great. Would have shifted a lot of season tickets that!
  16. It's a real shot in the dark, for sure. The ground should be big enough to accommodate everyone, especially if we ban away fans and you're right in that not all of the STHs will attend every game but the club has got to assume that they will when working out the numbers. There will be a lot of same household members who should be able to sit together which would provide a bit more room but that in itself could be problematic. Can you imagine queuing to get in then being told 'sorry we're full'? I've not missed a full season of watching Falkirk since 1968, even when I stayed away from home, so I'd hate to have to start now! It's a long time until October and we could see a 2nd wave by then which could affect things again. To be fair to the club though, they've no idea what's going to happen either and they need to sell tickets to raise money to sign players
  17. I notice that seats are reserved for current season holders. What happens then if we end up with too many sold because of social distancing? At the moment we don't know if it's going to be one metre, two metres or whatever so who do they let in first? First come, first served on the day, those renewing or those buying/renewing earliest? I didn't have a season last year for the first time in yonks and I don't fancy paying for a ticket if I can only watch on telly (which I don't really like doing anyway). I was going to pay full whack so I could be £225 out of pocket for feck all!
  18. All of the 'most at risk groups' don't have chest problems.
  19. BPM, I'm right in saying that you caught the virus while skiing in Austria yes? Didn't think it was appropriate to ask before but, now that we seem to be getting through it and as you're now feeling better, was just wondering; did you go down hill very quickly?
  20. I wasn't at that game. Maybe my opinion would have been different if I had?
  21. I thought he was decent enough for us, better than Utd fans let on anyway. I wouldn't have been too upset to have seen him in before Durnan or Buchanan.
  22. Who knows, if he simply stooped to head the ball he would have scored and his time with us may have turned out very differently? I always thought that he was the type of guy who would suffer from a lack of confidence and I think that played a large part in his failure. That and being pish.
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